Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/762

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Service Book XII-350b; Scottish

IV-45Sd Servicio Domestico, Hennanas

del, Toledo XIV-759b Servideo, martyr XIV-17Sd Servientes armorum IX-491b Servile Wars, Rome XIII-lG6d — works. See Work, Servile Servilianus, name X-674b Servilius, Priscus, and laaura VIII-184d; and Phaselis XI- 790d Servite Rite XIII-77d SERVITES, ORDER OF XIII- 730a; IX-750b; XII-752a; af- filiated associations XIII-737b; Bl. Andrea Dotti I~469d; An- nunciation feast I-543a: An- nun2iatal-543d; St. .\ugustine, Rule of XII-761C; in .Austria Hungary XIII-737a; in Bav- onne II-301a; cowl IV-463c; devotions XIII-737a; distin- guished members XIII-737b; in England IV-343C; XIII- 737a: in Italy XIII-737a; life XIII-737a; origin I-307c; St. PhiUp Benizi XII-6b; XIV- 754c: priories XII-42Sc: priors XII-42Sb: and Rites, Congr»- gation of XIII-144b: sanc- tioned XIII-512a; S. Marcello, Church of XIII-171d: S. Maria in Via, Church of XIII-172c; sandals V-28a; Sarpi XIII- 477d; scapular Xlll-SOSd; 509d; Scholasticism XIV-590d; Scotism XIII-611d: Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, feast of XIV-152b: toties quoties in- dulgence IV-774d: and Virgin Mary XV-463c; Visitation, feast of XV-4Sla — of the Immaculate Conception. See Immaculate Conception, Servites of the Servitia communia I-537d — minuta I-537d Servitude, in Roman Law IX-Slc Servius Maximus, Andreas, tra- ditional Bishop of Acqui I- 110b — TulUus XIII-I66C Servus, name X-t374b —Saint, martyr XIV-710a — SERVORUM DEI XIII-737c: XII-270a; in BuUs III-53d: 53d Sesac, King of Egypt V-341c; VIII-65oa: XI-78Sd: and Jero- boam VIII-340C: Jerusalem VIII-347b: Juda VIII-198c; in Juda (ill.) VIII-197; Mageddo IX-526b Sesach (Babylon) II-177c; VI-

445b Sesan X-711c Sesenen II-479c Seshonq. See Sesac Sesino, papal coin X-335d Sesmaisons, de, Jesuit I-742b Sesorium I^'-519a Sesostris. .s', , I'sertasen III SESSA-AURONCA, DIOCESE

OF XIll-737d Sesshu, artist VIII-3I4d Sessiacum, monastery IV-456a Session (conference) IV-213C —Presbyterian XII-392d Sessorian, Basilica. .See Santa

Croce in Gerusalemme —Palace VII-203b Sessrymner, in Scandinavian

mythology I-775b Sestace IX-UOld Sestertius, coin XI-153d SESTINI, BENEDICT XIII-

738a: Xl-figoa Sesto, Cesare de, artist XV-

442c: 44.^ia — Stefano di I-375d Sesvrin, Abbe XII-630c Set, deity IV-407C: 527c; V-332d;

334c; 344a; 345b; 347a Setabi, See of XIV-755d Setangya, Kiowa chief VIII-660d SETEBO INDIANS XIII-738C: Xl-444d: XIV-21d; Saraj'acu mi.-ision XIll-170d Seth, deity. .See Set — patriarch I-3Ua; 479a; in Adam. Testament of I-132a: and Annas I-537a: chronology I-552a; III-732c; in genealogy of Christ VI-410d; in Genesis I-130C; XI-647d; 648a; in

Gnosticism VI-596a; 598a: in liturgv- IX-309b; in Naso- rasanism X-707a

Sethians VI-596d; 59Sa; 699c

Seti I, King of Egj'pt V-340a; VII - 306c; and Chanaanites III-571b; funeral inscriptions IV-407b; (ill.) V-346d; Kar- nak, Temple XIV-5B3b; mum- my (ill.) V-341d

— n. King of Egypt V-340d

Setia. See Sezze

Setif. See Sitifis

Setim. iSee ,\belsatim

—Wood I~79a: altar of I-360c; Ark I-721b: 724c; in Bible XII-lo6c; Tabernacle XIV- 425a

Setnakht, King of Egypt V-340d

Seto, porcelain VIII-315a

Seton, Alexander, Earl of Dun- fermhne XII-171b; 709a

—Anna .XIII-740a

—Catherine XIII-739b

— Ceciha XIII-739d

—ELIZABETH ANN XIII-739a; 740d: II-3.59b; and Brut^ III- 24c: Charity, Sisters of II- 230d: III-606d; and Dubois V-178c; and Dubourg X-605b; Emmitsbiu-g convent XIII- 580b: portrait XIII-739C

—Harriet XIII-TlOa

—Rebecca Xni-7.39b

—Richard XIII-740b

— Robert, Archbishop of San Francisco XIII-740b; at Amer- ican College. Rome I^24b; Baalbek II-177b

—WILLIAM XIII-740d; 740b

— WiUiam Magee Xni-739b

— HaU CoUege, New Jersey X- 780b; 794c: XIII-698C; Scam- mon Xni-506d

— HiU, convent XIV-28d

• — Hospital, Colorado Springs XIV-29b

Setric XI-104C

Settainte, Iviowa chief VIII-660d

Sette fratte, basilica. See Seven Brothers

Settegast, Joseph Anton Nicolaus XV-322b

Settepozzi, battle VI-419d

Sette Sale XV-282b

Setti, conventual VII-r>93b

SETTIGNANO, DESIDERIO DA XIII-741a; 645c; bust by (ill.) XIII-741b

Settim. See .\helsatim

Settimane ReUgiose, periodical, Italy XI-6S4d

Settimo, Abbey of I-212b

Settlement, .Act of. .See Act of Settlement

Seubert, dictionary V-418a

Se ijd bar Daniel. .See Sulaka

Seurin, Saint, Bishop of Bordeaux II-fiS2c

Sense, Heinrich. See Henry Suso

Seuthes III, King of the Odrv- siansXII-17d

Seux, Camillo, .\rchbishop of Santa Fe Xin-457b

Sevart, Claudius Clausson. See Clavus, Claudius

Seve. See Sua

Seven, number I-762c; II-51Sb; 656d; in Jubilees, Bookof VIII- 535d; mystic meaning XI- 4(>4b; Pythagoras on XII-588a; symbolism XIV-376b

— Acts of Mercy (.\udran) II-72a

— Apostolic Men, of Spain XIV- 177a

— Bishops, tri:il V-4.'>2b

— Blood-Sheddings, devotion XI- 529d; XII-27C.a

SEVEN -BRANCH CANDLE- STICK Xin-711b: on Arch of Titus (ill.l VIII-397: in cata- comlts III-41SC: on gravestones III-41SC: in Temple IX-243d; XIV-.50.3b

Seven Brothers, basilica XIV- 379c

— Churches, in Apocah*pse I- 596b; angels I-480a: III-749c

— Churches, Aran I-677d

— Churches, Glendalough IH- 576b: IV-92d

— Churches, Rome XII-9.5a

— DEACONS XIII-741c;I-llSc; III-,594c; IV-647d; 64Sa; VII- 32Sc

— Disciples, banquet V-591C

— Dolours, deaf-mute congrega- tion X\'-070a

— Dolours, Confraternity of the Xlll-737b

— Dolours, Congregation of the. .See Holy Cross. Sisters of the

— Dolours, Daughters of the XI- lS9a

— Dolours of Our Lady. See Sor- rows of the Blessed Virgin

— Dolours of Our Lady, scapular XlII-512a

— Dolours of Our Lady, Confra- ternity of XIII-ol2a: XIV- 124a

— Dolours of St. Joseph, indul- gences XII-276b

—Falls of Christ, devotion XI- .529d; Xll-270a: in art, Krafft Vlll-696a: XV-570a: 570c

—Gifts of the Holy Ghost. See Holy Ghost

— Heads, of beast in .\pocalj*pse I-.596d

— Hills Magazine, Ireland XI- 6S2b

— Holy Foimders, of Servites XIII-737a

—Islands, Quebec Vll-Slb; X- 512b

— Joys of Our Lady. See Joys

— Joys of St. Joseph, indulgences XII-270b

—Martyrs, of Tibur XIV-379b

— Ministers, in Druze theology V-167a

Seveno, missionary XIII-715C

Seven Oaks, battle IX-603b; X- 38 la

— Parts. .See Siete Partidas

— Penitential Psalms. See Peni- tential Psalms

—Pines, cemetery, Virginia XV- 4.54c


— Sacraments. .See Sacraments

— Saints of Brittany, pilgrimage XII-773a

— Sleepers. See Ephesus. Seven .Sleepers of

— Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin. .See Sorrows of the Blessed \'irgin

Seventy, government of Siena XIII-780C

—version of the Bible. See Sep- tuagint

Seventy-four Books, canonical collection II1-2S6C

Seventy Weeks, of Daniel IV- U22c: G25b: TertuUinn on XIV- .522d

Seventh day. Mass of Requiem Xn-7S0a

—Day Adventists I-166d; XIII- 287c; in Japan VIII-309C

—Day Baptists II-281c; XIII- 2S7c: in Congo IV-236c: found- ed X\-90d: in Rhode Island X1I1-22C

Seven Towers, castle IV-301d

-Words of Christ VIII-3S2b; Havdn's oratorio VIl-159b; in .St. Luke's Gospel XI-531a

— Years of Plenty (Veit) XV- 322b

— Years War IX-664c; Bamberg II-244d: Berlin II-493d; Bres- lau University II-7G6a: Croats IV-512C: Dresden V-157d; Fiirstenberg VI-325d; Prtissia XII-523C: results VI-507b; Spain XIV-185d

Sever, William, Bishop of Dur- ham V-211d

Severa, m in.icription III-421d

Severia, Duchy of, and Cracow IV-164d

Severian, Saint, Bishop of the Gebali X-180a

—martyr, Albano I-256b

— martyr. Sebastia VI-I63c; XI- C68c; XIII-B67d

— Pelagian bishop XI-424b

—imperial prefect VI-315c; VIII- 186b: IX-K)2a

SEVERIAN, Bishop of Gabala XIll-742a: VI-32Sa; VII- 444a: XVI; on earth's shape VH49b: and St. John Chrysostom VIII-4.54d

— Saint, Bishop of the Gabali X- ISOa

—Bishop of Osma XI-339b

— Bishop of StauropoUs XIV- 283c

Severiani, race XIII-243b Severians, Gnostic VI-598a; See

Encratites — Monophysite X-491d; See The-

Severianus. See Severian

Severin, Saint, .\bbot of Agaune XI-489a

— Saint, Bishop of Sens XIII- 716d: 717b: 719a

Severina, Roman matron III- 515d

Severino, Marc Aurelio, surgeon X-132d

SEVERINUS, Pope XIII-742d: XII-273b; and Ecthesis VII- 453c; X-505b

— Saint, Bishop of Bordeaux. See Seurin, Saint

— Saint, Bishop of Cologne IV- 117d

—Bishop of Jesi VIII-372C Saint, Apostle of Norica II- 121d; VII-280C: XI-486a; XIII-411C: GaUic mission III- 493d; relics translated VIII- 491c

— Saint, Abbot of St. Maurice X-77Sb

—Bishop of Tyndaris XI-567a

Severitanus, John Polycarpus, writer Xn-3i;7b

SeveroU, Antonio Gabriele, car- dinal V-677C: IX-168a: and Pius VIII XII-134b: Viterbo and ToscaneUa episcopate XV- 489b

Severus, Palestinian composer XI-324d

— father of St. Genevieve VI— 413d

— heresiarch V-413a

- — Patriarch of Alexandria VI- 385a

■ — Patriarch of Antioch I-569a: V - loc: 233d: 385c; VII - 452d; IX-180C; X^90b; 758a; XIV-403b; XV-112a: XVI- 28d; 29d; and .\cephah I-lOla; on Agios O Theos I-211d; on Alexandrian episcopate V- 3.52c; Anaphora I-573d; and Barada-us n-282a; Clementine Epistle IV-17a; and Elpidius III-547b: and Ephraim of An- rioch V-500b: flight V-504b; Hail Man- Vll-llla; John of Ephesus on X-494d; on knowledge of Christ X-505b; and Lampetius X-212b; and Leonitus Byzantinus IX-181b; orthodoxy X-496a; and Philo- ponus X-492b: and Sergius the Grammarian X-495b: teach- ing V-635a; and Theodora XIII-793b; works V-3o8d; Zacharias of Gaza on X-493a; Zacharias Rhetor's hfe of VII- 373d

— Saint, Bishop of Avranches IV-i56b; at Rouen XIII-2Ha

— Saint, Bishop of Barcelona IJ- 289b; XIV-177b

— Bishop of Busiris III-87d

— Bishop of Cordova I\'-359b

— Bishop of Dionysias V-9c

— Bishop of Grado, schism XI- 604a

• — Jacobite Bishop of Jerusalem VIII-359d

— Bishop of MaximianopoUs III- 244b: X-78C

^Bishop of Milevum X-304C: at Thagaste XIV-553b

— Bishop of Minorca X-332a

—Bishop of Naples X-686d

— Saint, Apostle of Norica. See Severinus

—Bishop of Paltus XI-»34d

— titular Bishop of Pompeiopolis XII-227a

—Bishop of Prague XII-339a

— Saint, Bishop of Ravenna XII- 665d

— Saint, Bishop of Rouen XIII- 209b

— Saint, Abbot ol St. Andr6 X- 54 6c

—Bishop of Sitifis XIV-30d

—Bishop of S\Tinada XIV-387d

— Svriac Bishop. See Moses Bar Cephas

—Bishop of Tab» XIV-423a

— Saint, Bishop of Treves VI- 473b; XV-585b

—Bishop of Vence Xl-lSd

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^illustrations.