Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/768

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SUpius, Mount, and Aatioch I-

567b SUsUis (Gebel SUsileh) V-330d Silva, martyr X-391C — Alberto de, Archbishop of Goa

VI-604b — Amerjco Ferreira dos Santos,

Bishop of Oporto XI-261C — Antonio-Jose da, dramatist

XI 1-3 10b — Antonio Ramon, Bishop of

M^rida X-202b; XV-332d — Atenogenes, Bishop of Mexico

X-2S2d — Beatrix de, foundress IV- 190c;

VII-6Sla — Duarte Leopoldo da, Archbish- op of Sao Paulo XIII— i66a — Edwardo Duarte, Bishop of

Uberaba XV-116a — Francisco de Paula, Bishop of

Sao Luiz de Maranhao XIII-

465c — Giovanni, at Pavia, Umversity

of XI-594b — Henriaue Jose Reed da. Bishop

of Mvlapur XIII-3S7a . — Jerome Thome da. Archbishop

of Sao Salvador de Bahia de

Todos OS Santos XIII-466b —Jose Roiz XI-21a — Juan de, missionary X-3S5a — Juan de, writer III-544a — Juan Rodriguez XV-323b — Marcos da. See Mark of Lis- bon — Miguel da. Bishop of Vizen

XV-497a — Pedro de. Archbishop of (joa

VI-6Wb — Rebello da, novelist XII-311a — Britto, Luiz Ramon da. Arch- bishop of Olinda XI-242d;

XVI-36b —Candida, See of XII-290b; and

Porto XIV-324d Silvain, Indian interpreter I-



Silvan (Martyropolis) IX-742d Silvanect, Abbey of XIII-347C Silvanus, Saint, martyr. See Sila-

nus, St., martyr —Bishop of Calahorra III- 148b;

VII-34Sd —Bishop of Cirta V-122b; 122d;

124c — Saint, Bishop of Emesa V-402c ;

XIV-403a — Bishop of Gaza, martyr XI-

709c , , J

— Bishop of Himvarites 1-6 /Od —Bishop of Ombus XI-250d — Metropolitan of Philippopolis

in Greece Xll-lSa — Bishop of Tarsus, and Cyril of

Jerusalem IV-595c; and Dio-

dorus of Tarsus V-8a; at Se-

leucia. Council of I-81d; and

Semiarians XIII-694a — Constantine, See Constantine,

the .Armenian —See Silas; Sylvanus Silvarezza, in Vatican Library

XV-296C Silva San;t» Mariffi XVI-65d Silva Torres, Jose Marie de VI-

604b — y Olave, Jose de. Bishop of

Saint Thomas of Guiana XIII-

382c — y Velasauez. See Velasquez Silveira, Christovao da, .\rch-

bishop of Goa VI-604b — GONCALO DA, VENERABLE

XIII-792d; IV-441d; 610b;

X-4S9b; XIII-26a; XIV-88a;

—Luis da XIII-792d

Silvela, Francisco, Spanish min- ister XIV-187d

Silver, in altar I-346C; 352a; al- tarpieoe I-356a; altar screen I- 356c; ambo I-382b; in ante- pendium I-365d; in canopy I- 363d; in chalice III-563a; chal- ice and paten I-357b ; on cibor- ium veil I-358a; in cruet IV- 543a; liturgical use III-767b; monstrance I-35Sb; in pall I- 355d; in vestments IV-13Sb; wedding dower IX-706C

— Chapel of Our Lady, Glaston- bury Abbey X1II-760C

— Codex. See Codex Argenteus

Silver! - Piccolomini, Giacomo, Bishop of Teramo XIV-514d

SILVERIUS, SAINT, Pope XIII- 793a; VII-470a; XII-273b: XV-427b; on anathema mar- anatha I-456d; and Justinian I-103C

Silver Lake, Catholic settlement XIII-633C

Silves, Diocese of lX-283a

SILVESTER, FRANCIS XIII- 793d; XII-368Fd; and Alberti I-262d; on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-592b; and Thomism II- 248c; XIV-702C

— See Sylvester

Silvestre, Gregorio, writer XIV- 198d

— Vilez de Escalante, in Nevada X-775d

Silvestri, Abbate, and education of deaf V-317C

— Giacomo, Bishop of Orvieto XI-3:)2b


— of Aquitaine (Etheria) X-98d; VIII-254c; on Ascension, feast of I-767c; on Bethany II-532a; on ceremonies in early ages IV-5.30a; on cross in Jerusalem VI-643d; in Edessa V-89a; on Epiphany V - 5 5 b ; on Gethsemani Vl-540c; on Holy Week VII-435d; on incense VII-718d; on Kviie Eleison VIII-714d; on Lent IX-153a; XII-589a; on Nativity celebra- tion III-725b; at Nazareth X- 725d; on None XI-98a; on the Octave XI-204C; pilgrimage I-71a; II-772a; VIII-254C; 3o6d; XII-86b; 92a; See Pere- grinatio Silviae

— of Bordeaux. See Silvia of Aquitaine

Silvianus, Saint, Bishop of Terra- cina XIV-518C

Silvinus, Saint, Bishop of Brescia II-760C

— Saint, Bishop of Cremona IV- 483d

Silvio, Domenico, Doge of Venice XV-336d

Silvius, Franciscus. See Sylvius

— John, humanist IX-252C

Silvy, Antoine, missionary VII- 394c; IX-769c; XV-662c

Silwan, village VIII-346a

Sim, Sigurd, Archbishop of Trondhjcm XV-64d

Simacek, Mate), writer IV-600c

Simanko, Vaclav, writer IV-600C

Simao. See Semao

Simar, Hubert, .\rchbishop of Cologne IV-119d; XVI-40d; and Borromeo Society II-688c; at Paderborn I-514b; XI-385a

Simbole, periodical XI-683C

Simbria, Mcndo Gomez de. See Gomez de Simbria

Simenus, Saint, Bishop of Vercelli XV-349b

Simeon, Saint, venerated by Greeks X-407b

—monk V 1-3 la

SIMEON, patriarch XIII-794b: IX-206c; place in genealogy of Christ VI-410d; tribe of XIII- 214d;I-379a;XV-39c

Simeon, Bishop of Beit-Arsam I-671d; X-493b, 758c

— Tsar of Bulgaria. See Symeon, Tsar of Bulgaria

— n. Patriarch of the Chaldeans. See Denha Simeon

— n, Patriarch of the Chaldeans III-S60a

— m (XI). Patriarch of the Chal- deans III-560a; XI-723a

—IV, Patriarch of the Chaldeans III-560a

—V (XII), Patriarch of the Chal- deans III-560a; XI-72.Sa

— VI, Patriarch of the Chaldeans III-.560a

— VTI, Patriarch of the Chaldeans III-560a

— Bis.iop of Furni VI-324C

—Abbot of Gabula I-fi71d

—Metropolitan of Kieff IX-464d; Xni-255c

—Saint, Bishop of Metz XIII- 343b

— Grand Duke of Moscow IX- 145c

—Bishop of Selymbria XIII- 693a

—Abbot of Studion VII-301b;

XIV-317a — Greek Bishop of Thesaalonica

XIV-634a —Bishop of Ugento XV-119b — Canticle of. See Nunc Dimittis —Francis, martyr V-478b —HOLY XIII-794C; in Acathis-

tus I-93b; in canon I-473d;

VI-374d; XII-480d; and Christ

XV-465a; in Greek Church

III-166C; prophecy of XV-

468a — Simon XIV-694C — bar Mama, Chaldean Patri- arch Ill-559d —bar Tabbakhe, writer XIV-

411b — Denha, Chaldean Patriarch

III-559d; XI-723a; XV-225a Simeone, Bishop of Terracina,

Sezze, and Piperno XIV-518d Simeoni, Camillus, Bishop of

Nepi and Sutri X-750d — Giovanni, cardinal, and Mc-

Glvnn XI-24d; and Scalabrini


794d; IH62b; onSt. Accal-

93d; on Lindisfarne Gospels

XV-518C —of Polotsk, writer XIII-270b — of Revardshir, Metropolitan of

Persia XIV-681d; 682d —of Shanklawa, monk XIV-412d —of Suzdal, monk XIII-26Sd — of Vaunce, Saint, hermit IX-


SAINT XIII-795a; II-137d;

XIV-317d: and Arabs I-liU8a;

669a; and asceticism X-470b —STYLITES THE YOUNGER,

SAINT XIII-795d; XIV-317d;

miracles X-346a; on Porphv-

reon XII-282b — Stylites IH, pillar-hermit XIII-

796a — See Simon; Symeon Simerka, Vaclav, writer IV-600d Simier, on Holy Office, Congrega- tion of the XIII-137C; on In- quisition, Congregation of the

XIII-137b Similarity, and association of

ideas II— ib; and character III-

586a Similianus, Saint, Bishop of

Nantes X-681d Simili mode, prayer III-263d Similitude, in Hebrew poetry

XII-175b Similitudinary bigamy, VIII-

172c Simirinches. See Piro Indians SIMLA, ARCHDIOCESE OF

XIII-796a: XVI-36d Simier, Georg, and Melanchthon

X-l.'Jlb Simmel, George XII-335a; on

tmth XV-7(ia Simmonet, the.ilogian XlV-.W.'ia Simnel, Lambert, impostor VII-

700b Simokattes, Theophylaktos III-

116a; on China IlI-6S2c SIMON, SAINT AND APOSTLE

XIII-796C; II-767C; III-226d;

in apocryphal literature I-

612d; in Ass, Feast of the I-

799a; emblem I-626d; feast

III-163C; indulgence VII-789a;

in Jerusalem II-767c; ^'II-

341c; VIII-350C; 356a; XIV-

730b; and Judaizers XIII-

,'i33b; in Pella XI-609a; relics

XIV-797b; tomb of XIII-372b —in China IX-747b — Bishop of .\nglona I-512d — Saint, Count of Bar-Sur-Aube.

at Troves XV-68C —Abbot of Ely VI-466b — French chancellor in China III-

671b; IX-747b —Bishop of Grenoble VIII-327a — Vicar Apostolic of Kiangnan

VIII-634d — (Recollect) missionary IX-

570c; X-.386a; Xlll-S.Wa -Abbot of St. Albans XI-34.'ia —Bishop of Sassari XIII-485b — .\rchbishop of Sweden. See

Gautbcrt —Abbot of the Park XI-504a — Count of Tecklenburg XI-


— Bishop of Transylvania XV-

22d —Bishop of Vladimir XIII-268C — Bishop of Worcester XV-704a —I, high-priest V-267a; VIII-

325a; 3S7a; XI-254a — n, high-priest V-264b; 266d; VIII-3S7b; 390c; IX-llOb; coinage XI-lo3c; 254a; and Spartans XIV-209d; 502c — n. Patriarch of Jerusalem

Vni-366b — V, Count of Lippe IX-276b —VI, Count of Lippe IX-276b — Vn, Count of Lippe XIII-

524a — Jeromino, Venerable X— 141c — Joannes, Armenian monk X-

102d — Jules Francois VI-lSlc; on Bonald II-647C; on MacMahon IX-505C; and Thiers .\IV-636a — Placide le, Maurist X-71d — Richard,exegete 1\- lljfld ; 1 6 Id ; 492c; VIII-SOc; XI-274d; on St. Augustine II-9Sd; 103a; and Barat II-2S4c; on Biblical inspiration VIII-47c; and Bos- auet II-701d; XII-770a; and Calmet III- 189b; and Dupin V-204d; on Jonas, Book of VIII-49Sa; Martuinay on IX- 722d; on Preadamism XII- 371a; on Torah XIV-7S0C — Thomas, medallist XI-158d — Ximeno, Bishop of Plasencia

XII-157d — Acosta, Blessed, martyr XIV-


— Anglus. See Simon Stock, Saint

-Bar Giora III-319b; VI-469b;

VIII-SoOc; Hebron VII-185a;

as pseudo-Messiah VII-699a

— Bar-Jona. See Peter, Saint,

Apostle —See Simeon; Symeon Simoncelli, Carvajal, Bishop of

Sovana XIV-165C Simond, Jesuit VIII-273b —Henry VII-109d Simon de Jesus, missionary X-

391b Simone, Gennaro de II-478a —DA ORSENIGO XIII-796d Simonet, Francisco Javier, his- torian X-613b Simonetta, Ludovico, cardinal, and Baius 1 1-2 He; at Lodi IX-323a; at Pesaro XI-739b: at Trent, Council of XV-34b Simonetti, architect, Vatican

Museum XV-2Sld Simon Fitz Robert of Wells. See

Wells, Simon Fitz Robert of Simoni, Geimaro Antony de.

Bishop of Pesaro XI-739b SIMONIANS XIII-797a Simonis, and Bible V-288a; X-

749d Simon Jempo, Blessed, mart\T

XlV-Uda — Lopes, Blessed, martyr XIV-

lOOd — Machabeus II-169b; VIII- 34Sc; 3S7d; IX-493d; 494b: 4fi.")a —MAGUS Xni-797c; \ I-599b; VII-699a; XI-199C; 567c: and Antichrist I-56Ib; at Brindisi II-788a; in Clementines IV- 40a; in Didascalia IV-7Sld; Ebionites on V-243d; and Felix V-166a: in Gnostic sys- tem VI-594d; Nereus and Achilles, Acts of X-751c; on Passion V-71a: and St. Peter XI-747b; St. Peter. .\cts ol 1-61 la; Sts. Peter and Paul. .\cts of I-611d; and simony Xin-797d: XlV-la; and ton- .™re II1-494C: XlV-779b; and Simonians Xlll-7!l7a —Niger, prophet lll-.iSOc —OF CASCIA, BLESSED Xlll- 79Sd: and Anpilo .hi ri:irino VI-245d; writinirs \ lll-21^b — of Constantinople, .\rflilii^ht>p

of Thebes Xll-l.iiJd —OF CRAMAUD XIlI-799a —OF CREMONA Xlll-799b —of Crepy, Saint Xlll-341d —of Cyrene IX-676c; XIII- 222d; and Christ VIII-3S2b in Gnosticism II-327b; V-71d in Way of the Cross XV-569b 570c

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrations.