Sitric n. King of Dublin V-173a
Sitscb, Johann VI von. Bishop of
Breslau II-70;jb Sitten, Diocese of. See Sion Sittensperger, Matthew, mis-
aionary IV-U'Md; VI-477d Sittichenbach. Sfi- Sich.-in Sitti Maryam, Wady VI-431a;
431c; 437a. .Sec .'^in Sitti
Marj'aro , . , ttt
Sitting Bull, Indian chief IV-
7.53a- XIV-22b; 23a; portrait
XIV- 17c Situation, category 1-7140 Siu chih ch'ang. Governor general
of Manchuria IX-5S6a Siu Kwang k'i III-673a; tomb
Siun-fu, Chinese office III-666C;
IX-586a SI0NIA. See of XIV-31a Siun-king Pu, Chinese board 111-
666b , ,„ ,,..
Siuntila, Bisliop of Leon IX-l<oD Siuslaw Indians XIII-79 Id Siu-ts' ai, Chinese degree 111-
667a ,,„ ,,,
Siva, deity II-362c; 733a; III-
550a; IV-685a; VIII--10c;
XI -391b; XII -409c; XIII-
309d; (ill.) Vll-facing 722;
in Rig-Veda XV-31Sd Sivaism II-734c; and Buddhism
III-32a; in Ceylon 111-55*^ Sivaji, leader of Mahrattas Vll-
725b Sivan. See Stwin Sivas. See Sebastia, Armenian
Catholic Diocese of . Siviard, Abbot of Amsole IX-
Sivigald, and St. Gal VI-335d
Siwah (Ammon) I-430d
Siwan (Sivan) _ month 11-oioa;
Si-wan-tze IlA77d; X-482b Siward, Bishop of Rochester,
England XIII-102b Siweh, oasis, B-gypt y-33UO Six, Jean, Bishop of St. Umer
XI-43.5C —Articles, statue \ -147a, on auricular confession ->111- 654b; on transubstantiation V.^43b -Indians XIII-791d Six-immokai Indians ll-t)U.iD Six Nations. .S«- Iroquuis — Points, controversy XIU-'JIO —Principal Baptists II-2,Slc —Sixty Six (666), in Apocalypse
I-598d . , ..
Sixteen, faction, wars of the
League VU-79d SKTUS I. SAINT, Pope XIV- 31b- XII -273a; chronology I\'-'l3d; adorns Vatican con- fession X-219b -n, SAINT, Pope :^;V-31c; II-43d; VI-366C; IX-89d; 738c ;and Agapitus III-514d ;on altars I-348a; anaphora XIV- 418c; 4rea; Fra Angelicq (ill.) IX-facing 90; and Cyprian of Carthage IV-586d; and St. Dionysius of •^<^-";-?",„,y lib; XII-264b; feast Hl-Wld; 265d; feast. Gallican Rite VI- 360b; and Felicissimua III- S14d; (ill.) XIV-31d; and S . Lawrence IX-90b; and St. Peregrinus X"!^-, »°<* Pontine Marshes \ ni-21.ia _in, SAINT, Pope XI\-32c; XII-273b; Altars, silver I-34(.c; and St. Augustine XIII--03C; and Ephesus. Council of IV- 594a- X-757C ; and Latcran bap- Se,^-II-277b;Vni-f4d;IX-- 15d; Lateran canopy '-j>«-Jb. and S. Lorenzo, church Xlll- 174c; and .St. Mary- NLiJor. Church of IX-80a; XIII-169d; and Nestorius X-75.5b; and S Pietro in Vincoli, church XIII-173b: .lomh in-.515b; and Valentinian III XV-2.i6a —IV FRANCESCO DELLA ROVERE , Pope >^'^r.3-5' T.ld; Hsld; II-80C; \III- .562a; XII-274C: and ahhrevia- tora I-29b; 29d; and advocates I-168a; and All Saints I-3l.5d; and Ambrosian Sisterhood _I- 404c; and Argyropulos I-707a; anna (ill.) XIV-32d: and ae-
trologv II-22b; and Bessarion
II-528b; and Botticelli II-
709a; Bulla (ill.) III-57d; and
Blessed Angelo Carletti I-
4S4b; Byzantine policy VI-
770a; and calendar reform IX-
24Sd; Chamb6ry, Chapter of
III-566d; and Cistercians III-
783d; and Colettines IV-99c;
and Cologne Tniversity III-
521a; Copenhagen University
IV-352b; and court, ecclesias-
tical XIII-206C; and Domini-
cans XII-:!.59c; epithet V-74b;
Florence VI- 109a; and Friars
Minor VI-2S.5C; Golden Rose,
design VI-029b; and Heidel-
berg Universitv VII-196d; and
Humanism VII-540a; and Im-
maculate Conception contro-
versv XV-661b; and indul-
gences VII-787a; and Inquisi-
tion in Spain VIII-178b; XIV-
762c; 783a; and Leo X IX-
162a; Loreto, sanctuary of
Xin-146b; and Maffei IX-
522b; 522c; medal of X-113d;
and Melozzo da Forli X-170a;
at Mende X-180b; and Miiller,
Johann X-629a; and (Irsini
XI-327b; and Paniiartz XI-
444c; at Pa\ia Xl-.504b; at
Perugia XI-737c; Pius III XII-
l2Sd; and Pisa University .XII-
112b; and Platina Xll-luSd;
768b; Platina (ill.) XlV-facing
32; and Portiuncula indulgence
XII-286C; portrait XIV-33a;
and Portugal XII-302C; and
Presentation, Office of XV-
464Fd; and Presentation of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, feast
XII— 400b; and Regiomontanus
VI-450C; and Rhodes, Knights
of II-67c: and Robert of
Rimini XIII-58b; and Rome,
plan of XIII-169b; and Ros-
selli XIII-20.3C; and St. .-An-
drews, Archbishopric of \ I-
719a; XIII-330d; San An-
tonio Portaceh, College of
XIII-788d; S. Cosimato in
Trastevere, church XIII-I74b;
and S. Maria in Traspontino,
church XI II- 172a; and S.
Girolamo dei Schiavoni, church
XIII-174C; and S. Maria della
Pace, church XIII-174d; and
S. Pietro in Vincoli, church
XIII-173b; andScotlandXIII-
617d: and Scotus XIII-612c;
at Siena XIII-7S2b; and
Shroud. Holv XIII-762C; and
Sistine Chapel XIV-30a; XV-
279c; and Sweynheim XI-
444c; XIV-357c; tiara of XIV-
715c; tomb XIII-372b; tomb
(ill.) XII-216; and Urbino XV-
222a; and Vatican chapel III-
578a; and Vatican Library
XII-7fi6b; XV-278b; 287d;
296a; and Vatican Palace X\ -
XIV -33b; Il-olOd; 6.5.3b;
XI-664d; XII -274c; and
Aldrovandi 1-28 lb; and St.
Ambrose, works of I - 386c;
and Apostolini and Ambro-
sians I -404b; on archives
I-696d; and .\rmada I-729b;
and Bellarmine Il-Jlld; and
Bible edition II-412a; XII-
222c; XIV-34C; X:\-515c; and
St. Bonaventure II-654a; XIV-
.593d; Breviary revision II-
77.5c; and Cseremoniale III-
133c; as canonist IX-64a; on
cardinals I-207b; III-335c;
337b; and Carranza case III-
377b; and Ceremonies. Con-
gregation of III-5.38C; XIII-
14.5c; and Chancery vaeabili
XIII-149d; and Chapeauville
III-.574b; and Church property
VIII-84b; and clerical cos-
tume IV^20c; and cloister
IV-63d; and Coliseum IV-
102a; and Consistory. Congre-
gation of the XIII-139b; and
Cord of St. Francis, Arclicon-
fraternitv IV-357c; and Coun-
cil, Congregation of the XIII-
141c; and Counter-Reforma-
tion IV-441b; and Domeni-
chino V-102d; and Eustachius
V-627a; and Fontana VI-
126d; and Gtoebrard VI-412a;
and glosses VI-587b; and Good
Death, Fathersof III-218a;and
Graz VI-733d; and Henry IV of
France VII-225d; and Henri de
Guise VII-78a; and heresy VII-
260c; ana Holy Office, Congre-
gation Vin-37d; XIII-137b;
"Immensa jEterni Patria" III-
622b; Index, Congregation of
the XIII-143b; indulgence
VII-7SSC; indulgences. Litany
of the Holy Name 1X-290C;
and Jesuits I-109d; and Jews
VIII-396b; and Lateran palace
IX-16b; and League II-73a;
IX-99b; and Lessius IX-192C;
and Loreto, Litany of IX-
and Maronite CoUegio del
XIII-135a; monument of (lU.)
XIV-33d; and Nestorians
III-560b; and Octavarium
Romanum XI-203d; and Office
Divine XI-220b; Palestrma,
Mass of XI-423a; and Precious
Blood Confraternities XII-
373c; and Presentation, Feast of
the XII-400b; XV 464Fd; and
Prothonotary, Apostolic XII-
503b; and Prov-incial councils
XII-516a; religion, regulations
for entering XI-144d; and Re-
ligious, Congregation of XIII-
142b; and Renaissance XII-
769b; and Rites, Congregation
of XIII-144b; 217a; and Ro-
man C^ongregations XIII-136b;
136c; "Romanus Pontifex"
II-SSSc; and Rome, plan of
XIII-169b; and Rome Um-
versitv XIII-178a; and San-
chez Xni-427b; at Santa
Agata dci Goti XIII-454c; S.
Girolamo dci Schiavoni, church
of .\ 1 1 1- 174c; and San Luca,
.Accrideniia di I-S8b; Scotism
Xlll-iUJd, nn Srripture read-
ing Ml XllMilob; Septuagint,
Sixtinr . diliMii Xni-724b; and
Sistine Choir XIV-30b; and
statistics X1V-269C; Studies,
Congregation of XIII-146a;
anil Studio del Mosaico XIII-
147a; tertiaries, direction of
XIV-642d; tomb XIII-169d;
and triennial visit of bishop
XII-269d; and Vatican Li-
brary XV-294d; 296b; and
Vatican Palace XIII-SOoc;
XV-277b; XV-284a; and Vati-
can, printing office XV-301d;
and Vatican territory XV-
276c; on Blessed Virgin, birth-
place of XV-464Fb; and visits
ad Umina XV-479b; Vulgate
edition II~412a; Xn-222c;
XIV-34C; XV-515C
— Saint, Bishop of Reims XII-
'■a-'jb , ^ . .
— of Rome, Sisters of Samt, Dominican Reform XII-355b — of Siena, theologian IV-160d; Biblical inspiration VIII-47c; on BibUcal introduction VIII- 80b; and Politi XII-212d; oil psalms XII-537c; Scriptural work of XII-368Gb; and Thomism XIV-702d —of Tannberg, Bishop of Freismg
X-631d Sixty, svmbohsm XIV-376b . Sizars, in Cambridge University
III-213b; origin III-211d
Sizebolon (Sozopolis) XIV-166C
Sizzo in, Count of Schwarzburg
Xni-.594b . ,
—of Leutenberg, Prince of
SchwarzhurE XIII-594d S. J., al.l.r. I 2Sb Sjalland. See Zealand Skaane, Pro-innce of Ix-435b, ecclesiastical law of IX-435a Skad, deitv I-77.5b Skagit Indians XIV-357C Skagwar, mission at I-25()c Skafa of Zhor, writer IV-600a Skaldaspillir. See Finnsson, E\-\-ind
Skaids VII~fil8b
Skalholt. See of yil-616c Skallagrimsson, Egill, poet Vll-
Skalzi Indians VIII-7Ila
Skanderbeg. See Scanderbeg
Skane, province IV-722d; Xl\~ 351a; and DeunLiirk !V-7L-sd
SKARA, ANCIENT DIOCESE OF XVI-74d; .">:id; 1-4 ISd; VII-121C; XIV-34SC; 351b; XV-207d; church XIV-254a; and Varend XVI-78d
Skarbek, Frederick, historian XII-200b
SKARGA, PETER XIV-34d; 90d: XII-197a; 199b; Mercy. Archconfraternity of IV-465b; and Orthodox union movement XV-130C; at Warsaw XV- 556b
Skaric, John, Version of the Bible XV-369b
Skaro, town, Ruthenian Catho- lics in VI-750b
Skarszewski, Albert Leszczic, Archbishop of Warsaw and Litta IX-293d; at Lubin IX- 403d; XV-555d
Skazki XIII-266b
Skeat, Walter William, on anti- plum in Chaucer I-326d
Skeena Indians XV-267c
Skeleton, of Frenchman (ill.) V-668a; of man and anthro- poid contrasted V-667C; of orang-utang (ill.) V-668d
Skelton, John, poet V-462a; on pelican symbol II-577a
Skene, William Forbes, on Ab- ■ ■ I-74d; and Bickell XVI-
Skenninge, convent XVI-54b;
Dominican priory XVI-54b;
Synod (1248) XIV-348d; XV-
2b7d Skepper, Anne Benson XII-
4500 , ,
Skerning, Roger de, Bishop of
Norwich XI-122b Sketchly, Arthur II-804d Skeuophylax, in Greek church
Vl-711b; 760c Skevington, Thomas, Bishop of
Bangor II-250b Skewbacked I-688a Skibberien, cathedral (ill.) XIII-
202a Skiddy, Roger, Bishop of Cloj-ne
IV-72d; at Youghal XV-736a Skierniewice, deanery, Warsaw
XV-556a , ^„
Skin, Leeuwenhocck on I-460C;
Malpighi on I-460c; and race
XII-fi22a Skin boat, Indian VII-750C Skinner, John, exegete IV-162C — John, poet XIII-626d Skinners Guild, London IX-346d Skipetars I Albanians) I-253C Skirlaw, Walter, Bishop of Dur- ham V-211d; at Coventry and
I.uhfipld IX-233a Skitlagetan Indians, habitation
VII-7.54b Skitswish Indians lV-93a Sklabenoi XIV-4--'c Sklabinoi XIV-42C Sklaiienoi XIV-42C Sklauenoi XIV-42C Sklauinoi XIV-4'-'c Sklavajin XIV-42C Sko, town, church XIV-3D4a;
mnvent XVI-.54b Skobeleff, Mikhail, Russian gen- oral Xni-2.i0b Skoddopole, Antonin, writer IV-
SKODA, JOSEF XIV-35a; X- 137a- 139d; XIII-712b; at Vienna University II-130d
Skodborg Jorgen, Archbishop of Lund Vn-293d; IX-435b
SkSfde, Church of. and St. Helen VII-204a
Skofitz, and HIadnik Vn-3S0d
SkoUa, Otto, missionary IX- 69nb; X-193C
Skoplje (Scopia) VII-663d; XIII- fi09d
Skoptsi, sect XII-fi50a
Skotborg, George. Sec bkodborg,
Skotkonung, Olaf. See Olaf
Skcitkonung Skovgaard, Joachim, pamtcr
XVI-79C — Peter Kristian, painter IV-
Skovkloster. See Herlufsholm Ab-
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b. c, d, quarter of page.