Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/776

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XV-79c; Tusculum, excava- tions at VI-243C: tyrannicide XIV-108d; Tyrie XV-112d

Society, Urnted Stales XIV-95b; lOld; Germans VI-4S2b; Ital- ians VIII-205b; and seminaries XIII-B9Sd

—Urban College XIII-134d; Urr^buru XV-225b; Uruguay XV-231d; Vaillant de Gueslis XV-249C; Van der Sandt XV- 269d; Van de Velde III-654b; Vavasseur XV-317a: Venezuela XV-329b; Venice, expulsion XI-582b; Venice, restoration I-29oa; Verbiest XV-346b; Vermont XV-356C; Vetter XV- 394c; Vico XV-406d; Vieira XV-416a; Vienna University XV-422a; Villalpandus XV- 429a; Virgin Mary, devotion to XV-^64b; Virgin Mary, Sodali- ty of XIV-428a; Visconti XIV- 86c; Visdelou XV-476b; Vi- teUeschi XIV-85b; XV-486d; Viva XV-491b; vows VII- 642d: XII-4o2a; XIV-83a; 84a; Wadding XV-524d; Wal- pole XV- 540c; Washington XV-53d; wealth XIV-107d; Weislinger XV-577b; Weiten- auer XV-578b; Weld XV-579a; Weninger XV-587d; Weston XV-60Ia; Westphalia XV- 603d; Whitbread XV-609b: White, Andrew XV -610b; White, Stephen XV - 612d; Whitty XV-615C; Wilme--s XV-646b; Worslev XV-713b; WorthingtonXV-713c; Wright, Peter XV-715b; Wright, Wil- liam XV-715C; Wulfen XV- 715d; Zaccaria XV-740C; Zal- Unger zum Thurn XV-74,5c; Zambesi XV-746C

— of NaturaUsts XIII-242a

—of Oriental Studies XIII-242a

— of Picpus. See Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Congrega- tion of the

— of Russian History and Anti- quities XIII-272C; 274d

— of St. Gall against the Abuse of Spirituous Liquors, Switzer- land XIV-4SSa

—of Saint Joseph XII-629c

—OF THE BLESSED SACRA- MENT XlV-lUa; 1-l.Mc; V-735C; in Canada III-239b, church, Rome XIII-171a; V- 735c

— of the Friends of Ancient Literature, St. Petersburg XIII 242a

—OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS XlV-lllc; II-283d; Austria XlV-n2c; Belgium XIV-112C; Canada XIV-112C; constitutions XIV-112a; Du- chesne, Philippine-Rose V- 182c; educational methods XIV-113a; Egypt XIV-112c; England IV-343c; XIV-112C; foundation II-283C; XIII- 306d; Galitzin, Elizabeth VI- 346b; Goetz, Marie Josephine VI-626d; Guadalajara VII- 43b; Hardey, Mary Aloy- sia VII-134b; Ireland XIV- 112c; Japan VIII-308d; XIV- 112c; 755b; Kansas VIII- 601b; Lataste, Marie IX-12d; Bl. Madeleine-Sophie Barat II- 283b; New York XI-26d; New Zealand XIV-112C; novitiate XIV-112d; among Pottawa- tomies IX-102d; South Amer- ica XI V-112c; Spain XI V-1 12c; 176a; Tabernacle Society XIV- 426d; United States V-182c; vows XII^52c; XIV-112d; in West Indies XIV-n2c

— of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Paccanarists) . See Sacred Heart of Jesus, Society of

— of the Sisters of the Blessed

Virgin. See Ursula of the

Bles.scd Virgin, Society of the

Sisters of .«t.

— of United Irishmen. See

United Irishmen — People, Covenanters IV-461d Socii, collegiate. See Fellows — <j1 Sorhonne XIV-149C Socint, Bartolommeo, juriacon- sulist XII-112b

— Mariano, jurisconsulist XII- 112b

SOCINIANISM XIV-113C; XII- 709b; on Atonement II-58C; baptism II-264b; 26oc; Christ- ology XIV-114b; 600c; and Church XIV-141d; doctrines XIV-114C; on hell VII-20Sd; and Holy Ghost Vn-409b; on judgment, particular VIII- 551b; Moravia XI-248a; Po- land XII-191b; 708a; on Re- demption and sacraments XIV- 114d; Sabbatarian, in Tran- sylvania XIII -287b; and Trinity, Holy VII-409b

Socinios, Emperor I-76c

Socinus, Faustus, heretic XII- 70!)b; XIII-7S1C; XIV-113c; on Biblical inspiration VIII- 48d; on Redemption XII- 679a: XIII-316a

— LaUus, heretic III-198C; XII- 709b; XIV-llSc; in Olmutz XI -248a

Sociological Week, Holland IV- 249b

SOCIOLOGY XIV-115b; agra- rianism I-226d; aims XIV- 116b; anarchy I-4.52b; asso- ciation, voluntary Il-ld; Baa- der II-174d; Carbonari III- 330b; Catholic Congresses IV- 242a; charity and charities III-592d; and Christianity XIV-117b; collectivism IV-106a; communism IV-179b; compen- sation IV-185b; conciliation IV-190d; Contract, Social IV- 335c ; Democracy, Christian IV- 708d; development XIV-118b; ethics V-656d; 563d: XIV- 117d; and eugenics XVI-39d; 40a; formal object X-226d; foundling asylums VI-159b; homes VII-440d; hospitals VII-480C; insaneasylumsVIII- 3Sd; labour and labour legisla- tion VIII-719b; Labour Unions VIII-724b; La Rochefoucauld- Liancourt IX-5a; Masonry IX-771b; metaphysics XIV- 116d; methods XIV-116c: mo- nopoly X^97b; Montcs Pie- tatis X-534d; Nihihsm XI- 74c; Parabolani XI-467d; Play XII-162b; poor, care of XII- 236b; Poor Law XII-254d; population XII-276c: poverty and pauperism XII-327c; pris- ons XII-430C; protectories XII - 492b; Schorlemer-Alst XIII-588d; slavery XIV-39d; Socialism XIV-62c: Socialistic Communities XIV-69a; Socie- ties, Catholic XIV-70a; Socie- ties, Cathohc American Federa- tion of XIV-71C; Societies, Secret XIV-71d; Summa The- ologica XIV-674a; SvndicaUsm XIV-385C; Taparelli XIV- 449a; temperance movements XIV-4S2b; Wolowski XV- 684d

Socius, Catharist III-436C

— martyr VIII-295a

Soclan, Indian \'illage X-371d

Socorro, convent, Minorca X- 332d

—mission. New Mexico XI-3b

—DIOCESE OF, Colombia XIV- 118c

Socoth, See Soccoth

Socotra, Island of I-141c; Albu- querque seizes I-270C: flora V- 670b; government I-663b; Marco Polo, Book of XII-218C; Nestorian Church XIV-414a; St. Thomas Christians at XIV- 679d

Socotri, Arabian dialect XIII- 709a

SOCRATES, historian XIV- 118d; VII-37.3b; 42,5c; on St. Athanasius II-36a: atheism II- 40c; 41d; on celibacy III^84b; on councils IV-427d; on St. Ignatius I-575d; on Lent IX- 152b; and Novatians XI-141a; on patriarchs XI-.549b; on Pneumatomachi XII-174b: on St. Proclus XII-449b; on Sev- erian XIII-742b; and Sozomen XIV-166a; in Theodorefs writ- ings XIV-575C; and Theodorus XIV-577b; on Theodosius I

XIV-578a; and Valois XV- 264a

SOCRATES, Greek philosopher XIV-119C; on beautiful I- 176b: cosmological teaching X- 486a: on courage VI-147c; "Dsemon" IV-711a; dialectic IV-770b: ecstasies V-277c; on education I-761a: ethics V- 558a; on final cause III-460b; on freedom VI-259d; on good, highest VI-640C: 641c; on happiness VII-131C; (ill.) XIV-119d: on immanence VII- 682b; 684c: on immortaUty VII-687d; intellectual method V-297c; logic IX-325c; meta- physics X-230b; method V- 76a; philosophic theories XII- 31b: and Protagoras XIV-765c; on Providence XII -511b; scepticism XIII - 516d; on scientific research XIII-!)99a; and theophilanthropism XIV- 624d: on virtue XV-473b; Wachter's painting XV-521d; on will V-792a

Socratic School XII-160a

Sodalicia, in ancient Rome IV- 107b

SodaUst, periodical VI-301b

Sodalitas litteraria Angilostad- ensis Vlll-Sa; XlV-713b

— litterarum Danuhiana IIl-492d

— litterarum Hungarorum III- 492d

— litterarum Rhenana III-492d

— litterarum Vistulana III-492d

Sodalitium Divini Amoris VI- 5.50a

SODALITY XIV-120d; angels XIV-124C: association, volun- tary Il-ld; Blessed Sacrament XIV-121d; children XIV- 126d; for Christian instruction XIV-125C; Council, Congrega- tion of the XIII-141d; for First Communion XIV-127c; Holy Ghost XIV-121C; in Jesuit institutions, Belgium XIV- 91b; missionary XIV-125d; of mothers XIV-126d; name XIV-120d; Passion XIV-123C; for priests XIV-127b ; Propaga- tion of the Faith XIV-127d; purgatorial societies XIV- 124d: Sacred Heart XIV-122d; saints XIV-124C: Trinity XIV- 12Ic; of Virgin Mary XIV- 123d; 128a; XV-464b

Soddy, F., on age of worid XV- 706c

Sodelbia, Saint V-369b

Soden, Friedrich Hermann von, exegete IV-162b: 163a: V- 293a; 489a; VIII-80d: IX- 631a: XIII-162b; XlV-532c; 533b: 534b

Sodercoping, Synod of (1441) XV-20Sb

Soderini, Francois, cardinal. Bishop of Saintes IX-6c: con- spiracy XIII-150d: and Leo X IX-165d; and Lippi IX- 277d

— Jules, Bishop of Saintes IX-6C

- — Piero, monument, Florence XIII-212d: and Vespucci XV- 3S5a

Sodermalm, and Stregniis XVI- 77a

Sodermaimalagen XVI-77C

Sodertelie, patronage XVI-76d

Sodh, Rabbmic compilation XII- 618d: 619a

Sodi XV-739d

Sodium, Joly on XV-706b; solar constituent II-28d

— Sulphate, in glass making XI- 6 10b

SODOMA (GIOVANNI AN- TONIO BAZZI) XIV-129b; XIII-779b; 779d; 780a: XV- .50.4c; head of Christ XV^42c; and Julius II XII-642d; por- trait XlV-129d

SODOM AND GOMORRHA XlV-130a; I-51b: lV-659b: XI-Ml^b: Abraham and I-Slc; nerescr on IV-739b; Gabriel VL330b: Lot IX-366a

Sodomites, in Gnosticism VI- i>98b

Sodomitish Sea IV-658c

Sodomy I-163c; IX-138c; and di- vorce V-63b

SODOR AND MAN, ANCIENT DIOCESE OF XIV-130b: Man I-706C Sodowski Jacob XII-204C Sodr6, Vicente VI-374b Scepta Julia, Rome Xin-174d Soest, town, cathedral XIII- 499a: Evangelical Confession XV-603b: feud XV-603a; Gropper at VII-36C: Lutheran- ism XV-603C; Minorite monas- tery XV-602d Soester Programm XVI-20d Soeurs Agricoles. See Field Sis-

— de la Charite de PHopital General. See Grey Nuns

— de la Providence. See Provi- dence, Sisters of

— de St. Jacques. See Charity of St. Paul, Sisters of

. — du Refuge. See EUzabeth of Hungary, Saint, Sisters of

— Crises. See Grey Nuns

— Sabotiers. See Charity of St. Paul, Sisters of

Sofala, town. East Africa X- 610b; XII -311c; Vasco da Gama at VI-374C

S. Off., abbr. I-26a

Soffar XI-718a

Sotfarides, dynasty XI-718b

Soffioni, Larderello XV-505a

Soffit, of arch I-6SSa

Sofira, John (XD) of. See John I XII) of .Soffra

Sofia, town, Byzantine Liturgy VI-775d; Godfrey of Bouillon at VI-624d; Holy Synod XV- 101b; siege IX-174d, See Sar- dica

Sofomo of Ryayan. See Sofronio of Ryayan

Sofonisba (Alfieri) I-30Sd

— (Trissino) XIV-561a; XV-61b

Sofronio of Ryayan, writer XIII- 208d

Softa XV-lOOd

Sogamoso, battle (1819) IV-123a

Soga-no-Iname, Emperor of Ja- pan VIII-3U5a

Sogdiana, in Iranian cosmogony IV-lOsb

Sogdianus, King of Persia XI- 713b

Soglia, Joannes, cardinal IX-65d ; on tithes XIV-742a

Sognino, Transmondo, Bishop of Ferentino VI-12d

Segno, mission IV-234d

Sohier, missionarj- VII-776d

Sohm, Rudolf, cenoni?t IX-66c: ■■Kirchenrecht" VII-343b: at Leipzig IX~141a

Sohn, Georgius VI-549b

Soho, mission, London X^'-593c

Soif (Fromentin) VI-309d

Soignies, Abbey of III-210c; X- 9,sd

Soilli, Henry de. Bishop of Wor- cester .\V-704a

Soimonetti, Jacop, Bishop of Perugia Xl-737a

Soirees Canadiennes, periodical IX- 200b: XI-C72C

Soiron, Catherine. See Catherine Soiron

— Teresa. .See Teresa Soiron

Sois. See Si

Soissons, town II-79a: architec- ture Vl-670b: Clovis lV-70b: Prankish Court \l-239a; 239b; Hotel lll-444b: vase IV-7l)c

—DIOCESE OF XI V~ 130c; bal- sam ll~226c: cathedral (ill.) XIV-130C: chant school I-578c

■—councils: (744) II-65Sa; (853) V-241C; 779d: Vll-3,56d: IX- 436c: (861) XI-."i4b; (.863) V- 779a: (866) VII-356d; (1093) XIII-189d; (1121) I-37c; (1140) IX-257b: (1141) II- 489a; (1849) XII-730C

— double monastery X— 452c ; C5erva.sius and Protasius, relics VI-537b; Gregon,- the Great, relics Vl-7S6b; Lazarist semin- ary X-361c; map Vl-facing 18'8; Pr^montri .\bbev (ill.) XlI-391; and Reims XII-727a

Soiun, artist VIII-314d

Sokar, deity V-344C: 347b: 34.Sd

Sokhanska', author XIII-273C

SSkkvabekk, in Scandinavian mvthologs- I-775b

Sokol II-6^1c

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illuatrationa.