Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/789

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StoU, Mazimilianf physician X- 132b; at ^'ienna University X\-422c StoUanus I-o3Sd Stolle, Franz, in Leipzig IX- 140a. and "Theban Legion" I- 205a Stolone, vestment III-639d Stolph, town XII-226d; Domini- can monastery XII-22od Stolypin, Peter Arkadevitch XI 1 1-25 10

STOLZ, ALBAN ISIDOR XIV- 302b; 4S3c: VI-269b: an.l Hirs- cher VII-3i;4b: StUd

Stolzenhageo, Benedict. See Jacob of Juterbogk

Stomach pump, invention of X- 140b

Stonar, St. Augustine in II-S2C

Stone, in altar I-346c; 360b; 362d; in altar of holocaust I- 360d; in altar-screen I-3.i6c; in chancel I-364b; in font II- 275b; VII-434d; symbolism I- 346d; in tabernacle I-364d

— town, convent II-579a; V- 153d; VII-U9a; hospital VII- U9a

—CORNER XIV-303a; miserere X-353b

— George, Protestant Archbishop of .\rmagh I-733a

—James Kent IV-149d; in Ar- gentina VIII-157

— John, Blessed. See John Stone



—Nicholas, sculptor XIII-64«b

— Rune. .Sec Runes

— WiUiam, Governor of Mary- land IX-757C

— William, Governor of Missouri on A. P. A. I-426d

— carving. See Sculpture

Stonecutters, chapel, church of S. Prassede XIII-173C

Stonehenge (ill.) V-163b

Stone Indians (Assiniboines) XIII-4S3a

Stonemasons, patron XI-5GGC

Stone River, battle (1862) VI- 3S4C

STONES, PRECIOUS XIV- 3Wd; agate XIV-30.5b: in altar piece I-35{ia; on altar fron- tale I-353C; on altars I-346c; amcth>-st XI\'-305b; beryl XIV-305d: carbuncle XIV- 30Ga; carneUan XIV-306b; carved I-51Gb; chalcedony XIV-306b; chodchod XIV- 306c; chrysolite XIV-306c; chrysoprasus XIV-306d; coral XIV-306d: cr>stal XIV-307a; diamond XIV-307b; emerald XIV-307b; hyacinth XIV- 307c; jasper XIV-305d; 307d; (ill.) I-793d; ligurua XIV-307d; onvx XIV-305d; 307d; pearl X"lV-308b; ruby XIV-30Sb; sapphire XIV- 30Sc; sard XIV -308c; ear- donvx XIV-308a; 308c; scarab I-443d; topaz XIV-SOSc; in Vatican palace XV-297b

Stonesby, Leicestershire, font (ill.) Il-facing 274

Stonestreet, family, Maryland II-229b

Stonewall Jackson Institute, Vir- ginia X\" i.">:!d

STONINGIN SCRIPTURE XIV- 20Sd; a-ii capital punishment XII-.566a: Jews and Judaism XIV-308d; St. Stephen XIV- 287b


Stonor, Cecilia, and Brinkley Prfw 11-7VSC

—John Talbot, Bishop VII-472a

STONYHURST COLLEGE XIV-3n0b; 101c; 107c; .304c; III-21.?<:; XIII-366b; 400b; astronomy II-27c; Ba>-ma II- 3fiOa; Bellasis II-414b; charac- ter XIV-309b; Crown of Thorns, relic IV-.Mlb; develop- ment XIII-.573b; St. John. Gospel of 1-51 Ic; IV-579c; St. John, Gospel of. cover (ill.) I- olOd; .St. John. Gospel of. fac- simile 1-511; (ills.) XlV-facing 308; obsen-atory VI-4.53c: XIV-310a; and St. Omer XIII- 572b; origin V-457b; Yen. Rob-

ert Sutton, relic of XIV-346c; and Weld XV-578d

Stopford, and Irish education Vlll-llOb; 110c

Stoppani, Antonio, Prefect Apos- tolic of Bar-el-Gazel XVI-68a

Stora. .See Rusicade

Storch, Nicholas, .\nabaptiat I- 3,:-d

Storck, Anton, physician X-133b; 13i;b

Storck, Wilhehn, at Milnster, I'niversit-v of X-640b

Storer, Bellamy XI-226c; and McKinley IHI27d

Storey, Edward, Bishop of Chi- chester III-6.57d

— John, Blessed. See John Story

Stork, in Bible I-524a; 526b

— Ambrose. .See Pelargus, Am- brose

— Juan Caspar, Bishop of San Jos* de Costa Rica XIII-446d

Storm, and Agnus Dei I-220d; St. Christopher, invocation of III- 729c

— Gustav, in Vatican VIII-64C

— Theodor, writer VI-527d

— and Stress, movement VI- 524b: in German literature VI- 523b; and Schiller VI-525a

Stomaiolo, Cosimo. 5ee Stom- ajolo

Storaajolo, Cosimo, on Archse- olog>-. Commission of I-690c; on Church, and art XV-281b; and De Rossi IV-741a: in Vatican Library XV-292a; 293a

Storr, Christian GottUeb, on Antichrist I-561b: at Tiibingen University XV-S3c

Storrington, town. Premonstra- tensian Abbey XII-390d

Storthing XI-117d

Story, John, Blessed. See John

— Joseph, on contract IV-334b;

<»n marriage IX-692a — William Wetmore, sculptor

XIII-i;47c Stosch, Philipp, Baron von, col-


Stos Justo y Pastor, monastery. r,,r,l.)va XIV-I7Sd

STOSS, VEIT XIV -310c; IV- 46.5b; XIII -64.5a; XV-700b; assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (ill.) XIV-310d; Casimir the Great, tomb (ill.) XII- lS3d; and Wolgemut XV-684C

Stotzingen, Fidelis von. Abbot of Maria Laach IX-658d

— Wilhelm von, and St. Fidelis VI-69C

Stoudion. .See Studion

Stoughton, Thomas II-704d; XI- 21a

Stoup, Holy Water VII^34d; Re- duction .Santa Rosa (ill.) XII- 69.5c; of S. Lorenzo (ill.) XII- 69Sc

Stourton, Mary XV-30a

— Lord WiUiam, and Chadwick II1-551C; and Lingard IX- 271a

Stow (Sidnacester) IX-266C

—John, on Garlands VI-3S.5b; on Friar Randolph XIII-653a; on Waire XV-52.5a

Stowacki, poet XII~199c

Stowarzyszenie Polakow w Amer- yce, .s.,cifty XII-204d; 208d

Stowe, toK-n. St. AInoth's tomb I -.33 lb

— Missal III-26nd; controversy III-496a; 496c; VI-3.59c; VIII- 116d; X-356a; Agnus Dei I- 221d; and Ambrosian Rite I- 400d; 402a; Ba-umer on II- 202a; baptismal service III- .502b; Utanv in IX-286d; MacCarthv's work on XVI- .57a; Mass III-498c; in Roval Irish Academy XI-203c; sick, \-iaitatIon of the III-503C

Sfowell, Hugh IX-400C

Stoy, encyclopedia V-41.5C

Strabo, geographer I-789c: on !-3S0d; on Aristotle's lihran' 1-7 18c; on Orthosias X;i-3.30d; in Pastoral Epistles XIV-729b; on Pompeiopolis XII-226d; on Sardes XIII- 472a; on Thebes XIV-563C

— See of. See Sauatra

— Gnseus Pompeius. See Pom-

pey, Gna'us Strabo — Theodoric, and Theodoric the Great XIV-576d

— Walafrid. .Sec Walafrid Strabo Stracciono, revolt of IX-405d

Strachan, J., on amra I-440d

— Maurus, .\bbot of St. James XV-721d

Strachey, William, Indian mono- theism IV-686d; on Powhatan Indians XII-115c

Strachwitz, Moriz von. Count, poet VI-527a

Strack. Hermann Leberecht, on Bibhcal introduction VIII- 80d; on Massoretic points X- 36c; on Old Testament text XIV-527d

— M. C, OrientaUst XI-305a

Stracteus, martyr, Tibur XIV- 379b

Strada, Famian, Jestiit XIV-87a; Bre\'iarv hymns, revision of IX-30a

Stradbally, town, Mercy Convent XIII-578C

Stradbroke Island, mission II- 117a; 789c

Stradella, Alessandro, composer X-60IC

Stradelman, Joseph M., and liter- ature for blind V-315a

STRADIVARI, family XIV-3nc

— Alessandro XIV-3ila

— Alessandro, OrientaUst XIV- 311c

—ANTONIO XIV-311a; birth- place IV-484a

— Cesare, physician XIV-312a

— Costanzo, naturalist XIV-311c


— GaUero, OrientaUst X1V-311C

— GiuUo Cesare XIV-311d


—PAOLO \lV-3Ud

Stradiverto, Giovaimi XI\'-311c

Stradivertus, GugUelmus, law^^er XIV-311C

Strafford, Earl of. See Went- worth, Thomas, Earl of Straf- ford

Strageath, town, Scotland, church VI-42d

Stragulum I-356b

Strahan, J., on Freemasoiu^' IX- 783b

— James Andrew, on prescription XII-39lia

STRAHOV, ABBEY OF XIV- 312a; IX-.331d: XII-39Ib; li- brary XIV-312C: Lohel, tomb of IX-332a; refectorj' (Ul.) XIV-312d; and TepI XIV- 514a

Straight Edge Industrial Settle- ment, mnimiinitv XlV-69d


Straits Settlements, .wminarics in XIII-7ll(lb

Strakhofl, writpr Xni-272c; 275a

Straki (Ostrakinel VII-9Sa

Stralsund, town. Franciscan mon- astery XII-225d; Dominican monastery XII-22.5d; Luther- anism in XII-226b; Marien- kron convent XII-226a; siege (1628) XIV-652a; treaty (1370) IV-727d; Wallensteinm XV-538d

Strambi, Bishop of Macerata. and St. Paul of the Cross XI-590C; 524d

— Vincenzo, Bishop of Marith- ima. and Leo XII IX-16Sd

Strambotto VII-139d

Stramonius, Saint. .See Austrc-

Strand Magazine XIII-231b Strange, Xaviera X\'-670c Strangnas. Srr Strcngnas Strannik, porioilical XlII-264a Straimiki, sen XII-649d STRANSHAM, EDWARD, VENERABLE XIV-313b; VI-



Strasburg, town, a'

28d; chronicle VI-.520C; French in VI-.500d; .505d: and French Revolution IV-116a; Human- ism VII-.540C; and Louis XIV IX -372b; siege (1870) VI- 512c; in Smalkaldic League XIV-.58b

—DIOCESE OF XIV- 3 13b; X- 248a; Albertus Magnus I-264b;


Anabaptism I-446a; archidiac- onates I -693d; Canonesses, house of II-464d; Casinos I- 345c — eaMedran-344c; III-438d; V- 479b; XI-73a; architecture VI-677a; Erwin's work V- 526c; (ill.) XIV-314d; rose window XV-653C; sculpture XIII -644a; 644c; Steinle's work XIV-285C

— Di\'ine Providence, Sisters of V-52b; 53a; episcopal resi- dence VII-88C; gymnasium I- 343d; Hensel controversy XV- 661a; Hermit monasterj- VII- 281d; and Mainz IX-5S0d; map Vl-facing 514; Pistorius, Ubrary of Xn-118c; RassXII- 650d; Reformation III-26a: Seminary II-353b; statistics I-342a; XIV-314d; stipends I-342b; 342c; 342d; 343a; S.v-nod of (1549), on Passion Plays XI-533d; university I- 343c; Waldenses XV-6"29d; witchcraft XV-676b

— Gottfried von. See Gottfried von Strasburg

— Hugh of. See Hugh of Stras- burg

—Nicholas of. See Nicholas of Strasburg

-University of I-343d; XV- 198a; Baltus II-241b; CathoUc societies I-345c; Schiifer XIII- 501d; Syncretistic strife XIV- 3S4a

Strassburger, Eduaxd, biologist I-575d

Strasser, Hieronymus, Francia- can XV-523a

Strassmaier, Jobann, Assj-riolo- gist V-olOb

Strassoldo, Raymund Anton, Count of, Prince-Bishop of Ei(hs.tiitt V-36,5c

Straszewski, Moritz, writer XII- 200d

Straszynski, Bishop of Seiny Xni-6S8b

Strata, Angelo I-,543b

— Diocletiana. .See Sergiopolis

StratEes, Bishop of Smv-ma XIV- 60c

Stratagems, moraUty of VI- 249d

Stratalates, Theodore. See Stra- telates

Strategis, See of VI-738d

Strategius, Bishop of Polybotus XII-219a

Strategopulus, Alexius, general IV-551d

Strategos, official V-3.54d

Stratelates, Theodore, Coptic MS. XVI-2Hb; on Diocletian persecution XI-710b

Straten, Jacques van, Jesuit II- 63 Ic

Stratford, John, Archbishop of Canterbun- III-300a; VIII- 191c; and Acton I-113d; Win- chester episcopate I - 487b; XV-650C

— Ralph de. Bishop of London IX -.34 7c

Strathclyde, Church in II-220a

Stratheam, li.use of XI-317a

Stratigraphy XII-53a

Stratjoticus, Michael VT, Byzan- tine Enipertjr. See Michael VI Stralioticus

Stratius, Theodor, CarroeUte XIV-63.Sa

Straton (Strato), deacon IX- 63Sb: and Miltiades X-3I8b

Stratonice, wife of Antiochus Soter MV-315b

STRATONICEA, See of XIV- 31.5b

Stratonicus, Bishop of Soli XIV- l.i4d

Strato of Lampsacus, philosopher 1-7 17c; VII .594a

Stratophilus, Bishop of Pityus XII-I26b

Strator V-119a

Stratz, C, anthropologist XII- 620d; racial classihcation XII- 62.5a

Strauch, ^gidius, Lutheran theo- logian XIV-384C ^M., President of the Inter- national Association IV-230b

Straus, John III-38d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.