perfection XI-665c; XIV-613d:
tiUic: popular devotions XII-
275b; povcrtv XII-324b: recol-
lertion Xll-676b; the Rosan,-
XIII-lS4d; Sacrament. Blessed
XV-4S3d; Sacred Heart, devo-
tion VII-163b; Schlor XIII-
545a; self-denial XIV-615d;
Spiritual Exercises XIV-224d;
Thomas 4 Kempis XIV-661b;
Thoniism XIV-602c: vocation
XV^9Sd; zeal XV-753_a
—Theology, Dogmutic XIV-5S0a;
IV-675d; V-S9b; XII-593a;
XIII-725C; Achterfcldt I-
104b: adoption, supernatural
l-148b; adopt ionism I- 150b;
adoration I-151d; Alagona
I-424c; Albertus Magnus
I-264a; Alcuin I-276b; Al-
varez I-373d; St. Ambrose I-
383c; Ambrose of Camaldoli I-
388b; Amico I-429b; Andrada
de PajTa I-469a; Angel I-47Gc;
.Annat I - 537b; Annunciation
of the Blessed Virgin Marj'
I-541d; St. Anselm I-548d;
Anthony of Sienna I - 55-8c;
Anthropomorphism I-558d;
Antichrist I - 5o9d; Apoca-
tastasis I - 599b; and Apolo-
getics I-61Sb; apostasy I-624a;
Apostles I-626d; Apostles'
Creed I-629C; Apostolicity,
Mark of the Church I-648b;
ApostoUc succession I-t>41b:
appropriation I-658c; Aranda
I-67Sb; Araujo I-680b; Archin-
to I-695d; Argentr« I-705d;
Amauld I-742b; Arthur I-
75ob; articles of Faith I-755d;
Ascension I-767a; aseity I-
774b; St. .\thanasiu3 ll-35b:
Atheism 11 - 40c; Atonement,
doctrine II-55a; attributes,
Divine II-62d; attrition II-
65a; Aubermont II-66d; St.
Augustine II-84b: 92b; 92d;
Aureoli Il-Ula; Babenstuber
II-178a; Bachiarius II-190a;
Badia II-200b; Bagot II-
203c; Baius II-209c; Ballerini.
Pictro II-223d; Banez II-
247a; baptism II-258d; Baron
ll-30.3d; St. Basil the Great
II-330c; Baston II-345d; Bea-
tific ^-ision II-364b; Becan II-
380a; Bellarmine II-411c; Ben-
kert II-»81a; Berengariua of
Tours II-487a: Bcrlage II-
492b; Bernal II-495d; Bernard
of Bologna II-498b; Bernard of
Luxemburg II-.503a; Berlhold
of Chiemsee II-520b; Berti II-
522a; Biel II-5.59a; BiUuart
II-567a; Blemmida II-596d;
Blvssen II-6(Mc; Bolgeni II-
62'6c: Bolsec II-643a; Bolzano
II-643d; St. Bonaventure II-
648d; Bossu II-698b; Bouvier
II-723d; Bromyard II-797d;
Brueys III— Ic; Bunderius III-
.59a;"Bu9«c III-S6b; Cajetan
III-145d; Cally III-lS8d; Cal-
vin lli-195b; Calrinism III-
198b; Campanella III-221b;
Cano III-251C; Capreolus III-
314b; Car\-ajal in-394c; Cath-
olicity, Mark of the Church
III-4.Wb; Cavellus (Mac
Caghwell) IX-484b; charis-
mata III-588d; Champs III-
.569b; character III - 586c;
Christian doctrine V-75d;
Christology XIV-598C; 599a;
.599c; Commandments of God
IV-153b: Commandments of
the Church IV-154b; Com-
municatio Idiomatum IV-169a;
Communion of children IV-
17()d; Communion of Saints
IV-171d; Concina IV-191c;
concupiscence IV-208a; con-
firmation IV-215b; Congrega-
tio dc Auxiliis lV-238a; Con-
gruism IV-2old; consubstan-
tiation IV-322b; contrition
IV-337d; controversy XIV-
593c: Creation XIV-470a; 584c;
Creationism IV-47.5b: defini-
tion IV-675d; XIV -580b;
Deism I V-<i79b : deity I V-683b:
demnnologi- IV-715d; Dens
IV-73.3a; Denzinger IV-736d;
DeWl IV-764a; Deza XVI-
33d; Oidymus the Blind IV-
784a; Divine Judgment VIII-
549b; Dobmayer V-70b; Doc-
tors of the Church V-75a;
DoUinger V-94a; Dulia V-
188b; Duns Scotus V-194b;
Durandus of Saint-Pour^^ain
V-208a; Eck V-271d; Erber-
mann V-516c; Eriugena V-
519d; eschatolog>- V-328c:
XIV-587d: eternity V-551C;
Eucharist V-572d: evolution,
theorv of V-654b: Es cathedra
V-677a; Extreme Vnction V-
716a; Eymeric V-735d; Faber,
Johann Augustanus V-
742a; Faber, Johann V-
741b; Faber, PhiUp V-742c;
Fabri V-743d; Faith V-7o2c;
XIII-606a; Faith, Rule of V-
766d; Fathers of the Church
XIV-588b; Faunt VI-lSc:
Feder VI-26a; Feilnioser VI-
26c; Ferre VI-49a; Fcsslcr
VI-51d; FiUoqueVI-73a: Flet-
cher Vl-lOld: Florus VI-121d;
Fonseca VI-125d; Forer VI-
134d; Franciscus a Sancto
Augustino IX-491b; Francis
of Vittoria VI-232b: Franck
VI-234d; Franzelin VI-242c;
Frassin VI-244c; Freppel VI-
277d; St. Fulgentius VI-316a;
Fulgentius Ferrandus \'I-317d;
fundamental articles VI-319a;
fundamental principles I-755d;
Galura VI-371b; Gaudentius
of Brescia VI-394a; Gaume
VI-398c: Gazzanega VI-401c;
Gennadius of Marseilles VI-
417d; Gerardua Odonis VI-
468c; Gerbet VI-470C; Gerhoh
of Reichersberg VI— J72b; Ger-
son VI-530d; Gibbons VI-
M9a; gift, supernatural VI-
5.5.3b; Gilbert de la Porrfe VI-
555a; Glorv VI-58ob; God VI-
608a; XIV-5S3d; Gonct VI-
634a; Gonzales de Santalla
VI-635C; Gottschalk of Orbais
VI-682a; Gravina VI-733b;
Gregor>' Bseticus VII-9c; Greg-
ory- of Nazianzus Vll-lOd:
Gfegory of Nvssa VII-16d;
Gregory of Rimini VII-18b;
Gregorj- of Tours VII-18d;
Gregory of Valencia VII-21C;
Gretsef VII-29b: Grnne VII-
35d; Cropper VII-36C; Guar-
dian Angel VII-49d; Guitmund
of Aversa VII-80d; Gvinther
VII-8.5b; Hauzeur VII-153b;
Hawarden VII-155C; Heaven
VII-170a; Hell VII-207a; Hen-
ry of Friemar VII-235a; Henry
of Ghent VII-235a; Henry of
Langenstein VII-236d; heresy
VII-25Ga; Hermes VII-276c;
Hessels VII-300C; Hettinger
VII-307d; He\Tilin of Stein
VII-318d: Hickey VII-321c;
history- XIV-5S.8b; Holy Ghost
VII-4"09a: XI-469b; Holy Or-
ders XI-279a; Ilomoousion
VII^49b; Honoratus a Sancta
Maria VII-451b; Hongstraten
VII -464c; hope VII -46.5c;
Hugh of Strasburc VII-.523d;
Hunter VII-563C: Hurtado
Vn-.583h; Hurter VII-.58)a:
H%TX)stai'c Union VII-610d;
idolatry VII-0.36a; Immaculate
Conception VII-674d; imma-
nence VII-fi82a; 683c; immor-
tality VII-687a; Incarnation
VH-706b; indulgences VII-
783a: indulgences. Apostolic
VII-7&Sb; infallibility VII-
790b; infinity VIII-4b; inter-
cession VIII-7na: St. Irenseua
VIII-130C: James of Brescia
VIII-277a; Janner VIII-283d;
Jansenius and Jansenism VIII-
285c: St. Jerome VIII-341a;
.lesus Christ Vni-374b: St.
John Cbr>-sostom VIII-452d;
John of Monteaono VIII-
474d; John of Paris VIII-47Sb;
John of Rupella VIII-477b;
John of Segovia VIII-479b;
.lohn of St. Thomas Vni^79d:
John ParvTis VIII-482a: Jung-
mann VIII-.5fir,b; juslification
VIII-.57.3d: Justiniani VIII-
.tSOc ; Kenosia \' 1 11 r, 1 7a : Keys,
power of the Vni-t>31d; Klee
VIII-(i66a: KIculgon VIII-
6f.7a; Knoll VIII-672d: know-
ledge of Jesus Christ VIII-
675c; Kuhn VIII-703a; La-
for«t VIII-740b; Lainez VIII-
747b: Latria IX-36b; Lemos
IX-148b; Lezana IX-209a;
Liberatore IX-215a; Limbo
IX-256a: love IX-397c; the
Logos IX-32Sd: Lugo. Fran-
cisco de IX-418a; Lugo, John
de IX-418b; MacCaghwell IX-
484b; Macedo, Francisco IX-
491b; Maldonado IX-567a;
marriage IX~707b: Mass. sac-
rifice of the X-6b; Massouli€
X-37b: Mazzella X-94d; medi-
ator X-llsc: Medina. Juan
de X-Ulb: Mr.lma, Miguel
de X-Hlc: .Mmsmg X-195a;
more\-, vurporal and spiritual
works of X-19Sd; merit X-
202c; St. Methodius of Olym-
pus X-24.3a; methods XIV-
oSlc; Mezger, Paul X-270c;
Michelis X-279c; Middle Ages
XIV-590a: Millennium and
Millenarianism X-307d; Mil-
ner X-315a; miracle X-338a;
miracles, gift of X-3nOd; Mod-
ernism X-415b; Mohler X-
430a; Molina X-4;)r,b; Molin-
ism X-437c: Mollov, Francis
X-»42c; Mollov. Gerald X-
442d: Moni.^m X -4s3c; Mon-
otheism X-49!ld; Monotheli-
tism and Monothclites X-502d;
Montesinoa, Luis de X-534c;
and moral theolog>' XIV-601C;
Mouchy X-e02d; Murray,
Patrick' X-646c; mystical body
of the Church X-663c; Nac-
chiante X-667a: nature X-
716b: Netter X-764c; Newman
X-794d; Nicolal XI - 66c;
Nicole XI-68c: Niger XI-
73b; omnipotence. DiWne XI-
251c; Orders. Holy XI-279a;
original sin XI-312a; ortho-
doxy XI-330a: Palmieri, Do-
menico XI— t30d; Pantheism
XI-447d; paradise XIV-520a:
St. Paschasiua Radhertus XI-
518a; Pas.saglia XI-51Sd: Pas-
sion of Jesus Christ XI-.530b;
and pastoral theology- XI\ -
end; Pellissier XI-ti09d; pen-
ance XI-61Sb; Pereira XI-
664c: perseverance, final XI-
711b; person XI-726b: per-
sonality XI-727C: Petau XI-
743c: Bl. Peter Caniaiua XI-
7.56d; Peter Cantor XI-762a:
Peter Lombard XI-768d; Peter
of Aquila XI-772b: and philos-
ophy XIV-583b: Pighius, Al-
bert XII-S2b: Pinna da En-
carnacao XII-102d; Ponce
XII-227C; Porrecta XII-282d;
Porter XII-2S.5d; Possevinus
XII-317T>; predestination XII-
378d; presence of God XII-
396d; Providence, Divine XII-
olOd; Purgator\' XII-575C;
Rationali.-^m Xil-652a: Ra-
tramnus XII-659d: de Ravig-
nan XII~(i67d; Raymond Mar-
tini XII-671b; Raj-naud XII-
672c: Redemption XII-677d;
XIV-585a: Reding XII-687d:
regeneration XII-714b: Regi-
nald XII-719b: Reginald of
Pipemo Xn-719b; relics, ven-
eration of XII-734b; re-ordina-
tions XII-774b; Resurrection
XII-7.S9d; revelation Xlll-la
XIV-6fi7c; Riccardi XIII-
32d; Ricri XIII-33a: Richard
of St. Victor XIII-4.5C; Ripalda
XIII-62a: Robert of Alelum
XIII-98C: Robert Pullus XIII-
98b; Roscelin XIII-189d; Rob-
koviinyi Xni-194b: Rossi
XIII-2n.3d; Rufinus T>TanniU3
XIII-222a: Ruiz de Montoya,
Diego XIH-224b: sacraments
XIII-295a; XIV-586b; Sacred
Heart of Jesus VII-163b:
Sacrifice, Christian XIII-315d;
Sacrifice, theory of XIII-317c;
Salmanticenses and Complu-
tenaea XIII-401d; Salmer6n
XIII-402d: aalvation XIII-
407a; Sanctity, mark of the
Church XIII-»28c; Satolli
XIII-486a: .Schazler XIII-
524d; Scheehen XIII-52Sc:
schism XIII-529a; Schradcr XIII-590b; Schram XIII- 590c; as a science XlV-SSla; Semipelagian controversies XIII-703a; Sfondrati XIII- 748c; Siger of Brabant XIII- 784a; sin XIV-4b; Skarga XIV-.34d; Slotanus XIV-57c; Smith XIV-59C; Sonnius XIV- 142b; aoul XIV-lo3a; soteri- ology, St. Paul XI-574a: Soto XIV-152C; Staphysus XIV- 248c; Stapleton XIV-249b; Stattler XIV-282a; Stauden- maier XIV-282c; Stephens XIV-291d; Suirez XIV-319b; Sulpicians XIII-3S0a; super- natural order XIV-336d: sylla- bus XIV-368b: Sylvester II XIV-372a; Sylvius XIV-373b; Szentivdnyi XIV— 421a; Tanner XIV -444b: Temptation of Christ XIV-504d; Terrien XIV-520b; theodicy XIV- 569a; Theodore of Antioch XIV-572d; Theophilus of An- tioch XIV-625a; St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-663c: Thomas of Bradwardine XIV-693c; Thomism XIV-701a; Toledo XIV-760c; toleration, religious XIV-763b; Tolomei XIV- 773b: Tournfly XlV-SOOa; Traducianism XV-14d: Tri- casain XV-40b; the Trinity XV-47a: Vbaghs XV-114a; Unity, mark of the Church XV-179C; Vdsquez XV-27.5a; Vega XV-319d: \'ictorinus XV-414b; Virgin Birth of Christ XV-448b; Virgin Mary XV— 464d; Virgin Mary, de- votion to XV-459d; Virgin Alarj', impeccability XV-467a; Walenburch, Adrian von XV- 53 Id; Walenburch, Peter von XV-531d; Walter of Mortagne XV-544b; Watemorth XV- 567d; Wessel Goesport XV- 590a; William of Auvergne XV-631C: William of Auxerre XV-631d; William of Ockham XV-636a; William of St- Thierrv- X\-638a; William of Ware XV-640a; Wilmers XV- 646b; Wirt XV-681a: Witzel XV-680b: Wyclif XV-722a; Ysambert XV-737a; Zaccaria XV-740C: Zigliara X\'-759a; Zimmcr XV-7S9d. See Dog- matic Facts — Moral XIV-601b; 616d: V- 556c; Aberle I-42c: abor- tion I-46d; absolution I-61b; abstinence I-67b; accession I- 96d: accomplice I-lOOa; acts, indifferent I-116c: adjuration I-142b: adulterj- I-163b; affirm- ation I-179C; Eequiprobabiliam Xn'-610c; aggressor, unjust I-2ind: Alagona I-244c; Alex- ander of Hales I-298b: alma and almsgiving I-32Sd; St. Alphonsua Ligouri I-334c: 339b; XIV-610b; Altruiam I- 369b; ambition 1-38 Ic; Amort I-»34d; Bl. Angelo Carletti di Chivasso I-4S4b: anger I- 489a: d'Annibaldi I-540c: An- saldi I-544a: antiprobabilism XIV-60flc: Antoine I-58.3b; St. Antoninus I-58.5d; 586b; appetite I-656a; Araujo I- 680b: and ascclicism XIV- 616d: Aspilcueta I-793a; attri- tion II-(i.">a; authentic II-1.37b: avarice ll-14.sb: Azor II-167d; Bagot n-2(Bc; Ballerini, Pie- tro II-223d; Bancel H-246b; bankruptcy II-254b; banns of marriage II-2.5.5C: Baron II- 304a; Bartholomew of San Con- cordio II-317a: Bauny II- 352b; Bellarini IHllb; bet- ting 1 1 -.539b; Biderman II- 5.58d; bigamy II-56Ia: blas- phemy II-.59.5a: Bonal II- 646d;" Bonville XIV -517c; Bouquillon II-715C: Bouvier II -724a; bribery II-778d; bull-fight III-51b; Busem- baum III-Sr,c; Caba-ssut III- 126a: St. Ca-.wrius of Aries III-13.5b; Calata>nid III-HGc; calumny III-190b; and canon law IX-58C; Cardenas Ill-
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page: a, b, c, d, quarter of page.