Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/819

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Timothy* ApoIUnarist teacher

1-6 lod — (priest), and Jamea of Edeasa

I-573<1 — Archbishop of Alexandria XVI-

28d;29d — ^Bishop of Beroea II-ol4a —Bishop of Brusa in-21a — Bishop of Doliche V-94a —Bishop of Lagania VIII-741a — Abbot of St. James XV-721C — Bishop of Termessus XIV-

517d —Bishop of Thagora XIV-553C —Bishop of Tomi XIV-775d Timothy .£lurus» as Patriarch of Alexandria I-301c; II-330b; Vl-I16a; VII-218b; XV-138c; and Basiliscus I-S2b: heresy V- 634d; VII -218b; 452d: IX- 156c; X-loSa;4,S9d; on Nature of Christ X-495b; and Peter Mongus XI-770a TIMOTHY AND TITUS, EPIS- TLES TO (PASTORAL EPIS- TLES) XIV-727C: XVI-rSc; authenlicitv XIV-727d; ex- ternal evidence XIV-733b; objections XIV-731d; style XIV-729d — Timothy, Epistle to: I-604d ; XI- 572d; and Acts and St. Paul I-121C; canon XIII-638c; crit^ icism IV - 496b : paraphrase VI-623a; purpose III-74Sc — Titus. Epistle to: XI - 572c; XIII-530a; canon XIII-635C; and Clement I IV-15c; criti- cism IV-496b: paraphrase VI- 623a: purpose III-748C Timothy Gegnesius. See Gegne-

siua. Timothy — .Scf Timotheus Timour Leng. See Timur Leng TIMHCUA INDIANS XIV-733d; VII-753a: 7o.3d; customs XIV- 734a; habitat \'II-7.54b; XIV- 734a; history XIV-734C; lan- guage XI\' - 7350; missions among X-3S5a Timuquanan Indians. See Timu-

cua Indians Timur Leng III-11.3a; IV-305a; 422a;554a;X-598d;XI-722b;in Asia I-778d; 785c; takes Bag- dad II-202b; and Bajazet I- 513a; at Cotia!um IV-122a; at Damascus IV-6I2c; captures Gangra VI-377d; Mongolia, conquest of IV-305a; X-482a; at Mossul X-598d; at Perga- mus XI-667a; Persia, conquest of XI-718b; and Phocaea XII- 41a; at Sebaatia XIII-667d; in Siberia XIII-768b; in Sm\Tna XlV-eOc; Turkish defeat III- 113a Tin, in BoliWa II-628c; in chalice II-115d; III-563a; in United States XV-157C Tinchebray, battle (1106) XI-


73.'id Tindal, Matthew IV-6S2C; XII-

37c Tindari, Sec of Xin-774c Tindaro, Mariano Rampolla del.

See Kanipolla del Tmdaro Tineh, ruins .\.I-iilla Tinel, Edgar XI-271b; Te Deum

XIV-I7IIC Tineosis, Angelus de III-342C Tinga. See Tingis Ting hai, China, Lasarists in III-

676a TINGIS, Son of XIV-736«  Ting Kwo-tung, death III-680C Timcum, Pennsylvania, settle- ment XI-639b TININ (KNIN) X I V - 736b;

museum IV-6()6c Tinion, tyrant of Syracuse XIV-

390d Tinnebroeck, Antoioe, and De Buck III-2Gd; and Vcrhoeven XlI-7.Vta Tinneh Indians. See D^n^ Tinne Indians. .Sec D^n^s Tinncvelly, missions VII-733b Tinnontoguen, missions VI-271a Tinoco, Manuel, martyr X-391b Tinodi, minstrel Vll-.'.fila TINGS AND MYKONOS, DIO- CESE OF XI V-7.36C; XIII-25a; pilgrimages XIV-736d

TINTERN ABBEY XIV-736d; I-14a; IX 31t5a; architeilurc \1 -I'.r.rn; foundation .\VI- 2.-.d; 1.11.) XI -IS; XlV-facing 730

Tintinnabula Il-ilSd

TINTORETTO XIV-737b; XIII-o7d; XV-340b; Capitoline Museum, Rome XIII-lG5d; and Carracci UI- 37od; Lucca, cathedral IX- 40oa; portrait XIV-737b; and Mcdulirf X-14ob; mosaic X- 5S9d; and Passignano XI- 521c; Redeemer. Church of the. Venice XII-677c; religious paintings XI-401a; at Treviso XV-38C

Tionontati Indians VIII- 16Sd; IX-360b

TIPASA XIV- 738b; epitaphs at I-191C

Tipaza XIV-738c

Tiphanus, Claude, on personality XI-72Gd; as theologian XIV- 594c

Tiphsah. .See Thapsa

Ti-pitaka III-29a

Tipografia Vaticana XV-301d: situation XV-278C

Tippecanoe, battle (1811) VII- 74ac

Tipsah. See Thapsa

Tipu, Sultan of India IX-589a; and Church in Mysore X-661d

Tiqqime Sopherim XIV-527a

Tiqua Indians XII-555a

TIrabeque (pseudonym) VIII- 740d

TXRABOSCm, GIROLAMO XIV-738C; VIII-251d; on Ge- rard of Cremona VI-468b: (ill.) XIV-738d; at Modena University X-415a; and Piazzi XII-72d

Tiranni. Fehce, Bishop of Urbino XV-222b

TIRASPOL, DIOCESE OF XIV- 739a; X^29c; XIII-259d; map Xlll-facing 264

Ti-ra-wa, deity IV-687b

Tirdaglas. See Terr>'glass

Tirechan, Saint, on St. Ailbe I 234d; as Bishop of Ardbraccan I-700a; on St. .\ttracta II-62c; catalogue III— 494d; on St. Patrick I-733d

Tiree Island, St. Baithen at II- 209b; Church III-250b; mon- astcr\' XIII-631C

Tirhakah. Sec Taharka

Tiridates I, King of Armenia I- 736d; VII-23d; X-752d; and Grego^^' the Illuminator VII- 24a; relics V-572a

— n. King of Armenia IX-651a; and Agathangelus I-204b

— King of Parthia. and Phraatea XI-714d

Tirmidhi, on Mohammed X^24c

Timovo, See of III-46b; V-676d; VI-755a

Tiro, Saint (Theodore) XIV-573b

— Prosper. See Prosper of Aqui- taine

— TuUius, Tironian notes XI- 406d

Tiron, mon,astcr\- II-44fib; III- fi3.5c; X-71b; XIII Olla

Tironian Notes XI -KlOd; 409b; in bulls III-.>lb: in Merovin- gian M.SS. XI-t07a

Tirry, Bishop of Cloyno IV-72d

Tirry, WilUam, martyrdom VIII- 168a

Tiishatha. See Athersatha

Tirso de Molina. See Tellez, Gabriel

Tinimailapur XIII-38.3b

Tinirays, tribe Xll-lOd

Tirzah. See Holm

Tisbury, monastery, and St. Ine VII-70na

Tischendorf, Lobegott Friedrich Konstantin von V-291b; XIII- 724a: on .Vgonv of Christ I- 224a; Biblical criticism XIV- 532c; Codex Enhrmmi Rcscrip- tus IV-8.5a: Codex Sinaiticus IV-S.5d: IX-616b: XIV-12c: at I-eipzig IX-141a: New Tes- tament IV-503b; XIV-.534b; St. John. apocr\-phol work of XV-471b

Tischnowitz, Austria, abbey III- 12b; church III-12C

Tischreden. See Table Talk

Tishlini. .See San Luis Obispo de Tolosa

Tishri, Jewish month II-54c; 536c; III-158C; 167c; XI-19d; XIII-289c; Feast of the Taber- nacles XIV-425d

Tishtrya, deitv II-15.3a

Tishabii, deitv VII-3llod

TISIO DA GAROFALO, BEN- VENUTO XIV-7:«)d; ing. Vatican .XV-2,s3b: religious paintings XI-401a: Virgin and Child (ill.) XIV-740b

Tiso, Bishop of Treviso XV-39a

Tisserand, Franjois-Felix, as- tronomer XIV-481a

—Jean VI-293a; hymn XI-221d

Tisserant, Eugene, Vatican pub- lication XV-294a

Tissot, FeUx, in Minnesota XIII- 36,Sa

—JAMES (JOSEPH JACQUES) XIV-740a; religious paintings XI-402b

— John M., Bishop of Vizagapa- tam X-368c; XV-196b

Tissues, Fortunato VI-14Sd; Schwann I-460d

Tiswin Vn-750b

Tisza, Koloman, premier of Hun- gary Vn-5.58a

Tit., abbr. I-26a

Titan ia,stron.) II-26b

Titania (astron.) II-26C

Titelmann, Francis III-325b; XV- 7.53c

Titga. .See Tingis

TITHES XIV-741b; and Abra- ham I-51b; abuses XIV-742a; ancient custom XIV-741C; in Anglo Saxon Church I-509c; Austria XIV-741a: and bishops XIV-322C; in Canada III- 238d; XIV-742a; Charlemagne III-617C; clergy, maintenance of XII^70a; Council. Congre- gation of the XIII- 141d; definition XIV-741b; England XIV-741d; exemptions from law XIV- 742a; fiefs XIV- 512d; Germanv XIV-742a; in- stituted III-595b; 596c; in Ireland III-763d; V-174b; Jewish, dill I-530c; kinds XIV- 741d; Lateran Council (1139) IX-17b; law. civil Xiy-741d; law, ecclesiastical XIV-741d: law. Mosaic XIV-741b; Mel- chisedech I-441b: in Middle Ages XII-469a; Mormon X- 574a; and oblations XI-216C; obligation XIV-742a: in Que- bec III-763d; redemption of XII-682a; Reductions of Para- guay XII-696b; Saladin XIV- 742a; Saxons I-169a; III-613c; and stipends XIV-296c; in Temple of Jerusalem XIV- 498d; in Thuringia XIV-712d; Triennial XIV-741C

— Lay. .See Lay Tithes

Titi, Santi di. painter XV-279d

TITIAN XIV-742b; XV-340b; Adorno, Genoa VI-420d; Ari- osto, portrait VIII-249d; The Assumption (ill.) XlV-facing 744; and Bonvicino II-678C; and Bordone II-684b; and Campagnola ni-220c; Cap- itoline Museum XIII-165d; Charles V (ill.) Ill-facing 626; Christ. Head of (ill.) VIM-fao ing 384 ; Christ and the tribute money (ill.) XIV-facing744; on Corrcggio I-318d; St. Dominic (ill.) V-facing 108; and El Greco XIV-62Sb; Fondaco dci Te- deichi VI-564a; and Garofnlo XIV-740d; and Giorgione VI- .564c; Herodias (ill.) VII- facing 292: St. Ignatius Loyola (ill.) Vll-facing 638; John the Baptist (ill.) Vlll-facing 488; and Kalcker VIII-. 59.3b; Knight of Malta (ill.) XIV- facing 744: mosaic work X- .589d; Nepi. Cathedral of X- 750b: Paul III XI-.579d; Paul III (ill.) Xl-facing .578: Philip II (ill.) Xll-facing 4; and Por- dcnone XII-2Slb: self-portrait XIV-74.5a; Prado. Madrid (ill.) XIV-743d; Presentation of the Virgin (ill.) XIV-744d; religious paintings XI-401a;


Soria, Church of XI-340a; and Tintoretto XIV-737b; Treviso cathedral XV-38b; in Urbino XV-221C; and Veronese III- U;9d; "Visitation" (ill.) V- 3SS; Vatican XV-28.3b

Titiana, epitaph Ill-513d

Titians. .SV, Sabincs

Titiami,, bi • "|. -r lX-322d

Titu i.,u,.' lV-350d


11,; I'll I iMh, 111 tjuichua

lliylllMli.Ky .\ll-WJ.Oa TitiopoUs. .See TitopoUs Titius, governor of Judea, date

lll-73«h — of Wittenberg, astronomical

ilis.'ov.Tv 11- 2l)d Title lot 111, nor), in early Church

Vll :i43d; priests III-575c; of

\ir)rin Mary XV^64d. See

Titulus — {law ), and prescription of goods

XII-39.5d; and right XIII-

55d : slander of, and hbel IX-

210d • — of Ordination I-312d —of Poverty. .SeePoverty.Titleof Titonwan. Ste Teton TITOPOLIS XlV-745b Tits, Arnold X\'-l 14a; biography-

VlII-74(lb Titskan-watich. See Tonkana



\ 111 ILd 1\ Mile: fisca- li- \l\ Til pir-1 vterales .\l\ 7i:.d, ,111,1 Muiits, pat- ronacc oi M-.M.-'c

— Bizantis, C-liurch of SS. John and Paul XI-436d

— Major in-41c

—Minor I-e97d; III-41C

— Panunachli, Church of SS. John and Paul XI-436d

— Praxedis, church, Rome XII- 34,5a

— Priscae XII-428d

— Pudentis, church, Rome XII- 345a

Titurel VI-720b; MS. discovered XV-573C

Titus, Saint, in apocryfla I- 613b; in Areopagitica V-14a; authority VII-337a; ceUbacy II-5lilb; Corinthians, Epistle to IV- 306a; as Archbishop of Crete XlV-727d; in Dalmatia IV-f.07b; Gortvna basilica VI- 654b; as Bishop of Gort>-na VI-6.54a; 73Sd; office I-691a; and St. Paul Vn-335a; 663c; in New Testament XIV-727C

— in Apocrypha I-607c

TITUS, Roman Emperor XIV- 746c; as Antichrist I-560C; the Antonia XII— J04c; in Apoca- lypse I-598b; arch II-342d; XIII-l"6a; -41c; XIV-746d; arch (ill.) VIII-395; 397; atBe- rvtoa II 392c; at Cedes III- 4"7.-.h: rhroniil.igv IV-13d; coin (ill.) \"lll-:i'.ii)c; coliseum IV- llilb: Il.rod. palace of XII- 4U4c; (ill.) XlV-746d; Jerusa- lem III-319b; VII-425b; VIII- 350c; 389a ; Jerusalem. Temple of XIII-315a; XIV-502b; Jo- sephus VI-720d; VIII-522d; Seven-branch candlestick XIII- 741c; and Vespasian XV-380a

TITUS, Bishop of Bostra XIV- 746b; II-708b; Manichasism IX-59.5a

— B'ishop'ofPara-tonium XI-470a

—Abbot of W hitby XV-609C

Titus Flavins Petionius XI-781C

—Justus, and St. Paul IV-364d; X 1-57 lb

■ — Livius. .Sec Livy

-Gates Plot. ,See Gates. Titus

Titus-Symeon. .See Symeon-Titua

Tiu, deity IV-685d

Tiumen Khans, dv-nasty of X- 4S2a


Tivercy, tribe xni-233c

Tivoli, town. Italy XIV-379a; mint X- 335a: Roman Temple XIV 4»,sb:SibvlsofXIII-770a; sitrVllI-219b;\illad'Este(Ul.) VI 11-227

—DIOCESE OF XI V-747a; Bish- op XIV-324d; as Cardinalitial

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.