Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/843

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Vassalletto, sculptor XV-487b

Vassalli, Fortanerio, cardinal VI- 2S.ta; XII-6ti6d

Vassar College IV-llOd

Vassievolodovich, Grand Duke of Novgorod VI~76d

Vassilacchj, Antonio, coroDation of Baldwin I (ill.) IV-facing 540

Vassimont, Charles de ni-476c

Vassy, battle (1562) III-443c; Vll-75b: XII~707b

Vastanensis, Catherine. See Catherine of Sweden. Saint

Vastavillano, Filippo, cardinal VII-2C

Vasteras, Sweden, church XIV-

S54a; diet (1544) XIV-349C

Vastgotalagen XIV-354d

Vasthi, wife of Assuerua V- 5-t9b

Vasto, Bonifacio del, Marquis of Susa Xin-40lia

Vasudeva of Mathura XIV-658d

Vasvar, cathedral chapter XIV- L'S5b: treaty (lfi64) VI-505b

Vaszary, Klaudius, cardinal, Archbishop of Gran VI-722d; IX -735a; XVl-lSb

Vat., abbr. I-2lib

VATABLE, FRANCOIS XV- 27i;a; portrait XV-276a

— Guidacerio, Hebraist IV^113d

Vatar, Jeanne-Renee Le Saulnier de VauheUe III-24b

Vatasso, Marco, scriptor, Vatican XV~294c; Vatican MSS., in- ventorv of XV-292a; Vatican publications XV-293d; 294a

Vatatzes, John Ducas, Byzantine Emperor. .See John III (Ducas Vatatzes)

Vatelot, Jean-Baptiste, founder X-(i'ilb

Vatelottes. See Christian Doc- trine, Sisters of

Vaterland, periodical, Austria XI-(>70a

— periodical, Bohemia XIV-712b

— periodical, Switzerland IX- 409a; XI-692a

VATICAN XV-276b; administra- tion XV-298C; 301a; .Animuc- cia I-530a: antiphonary I- 577b; XIV-47flb; Apostolic preacher III-32.')c; Arazzi, Sala degli XV-2.S0b; 29Sb; architec- ture XV-276d; 27Sb

—Archives I-69r,d; IV- 544b: 719d; XV-2Sfld; administra- tion XV-289C; 290b; admission to XV-289d; of Apostolic chamber XV-287d; of Avignon XV-2S7a; collections XV- 288b; Consistorial XV-288a; of the Dataria XV-2S7d; ec- clesiastical XV-290b ; ccclcsias- tico-political XV-290b; Her- genrothcr VII-2fi4a; history XV-289d; juridical XV-290b; Leo XIII III-.50C; IX-172b; nunciature reports XI-162d: at Paris X-696d; registers XV-2S7c; 288d; of Sant An- gelo XV-287d; secret XV- 287c; of Secretariate of State XV-28.8a; statistics XV-288d; use VIII-61b

— Art treasures XV-281a; Fra Angelico I-484b; Baroccio II- 30.3c: Bramante II-737c: Bril II-787b; candlestick, Cellini (ill.) III-24Sd; Canova III- 298d; Dante, portrait of (ill.) IV - 630; Marriage of St. Catherine. Murillo (ill.) IX- 70.3d; Raphael IX-164c: XII- 642c; 643a: Titian XIV-743b

— Arti liberali, Sala della XV- 284d; Appartamento Borgia I- 290a: XV-2S4a: Byzantine work III-96b; Carte Gcograf- iche, Galleria della XV-297c: cemeten- III-5I2a; V-412C

—ChapeU in-578a: XV-279c: Sala Matilde XV-2.S0a: Nicho- las V I-t84b; XV-2.80a; Pao- lina XV-279d; Papal XV-280a: Sistine XV-279C: of the Swiss Guards XV-280a

—Clementina, Sala XV-20Ra: and theColonna IV-25b: 12fid: concla%-e in IV- 193c; Conris- toriale. Sala XV-29.8a: Con- stantino. .Sala di XV-lSIc; 285b; CredcSaladel XV-284d;

Ducalc, Sala XV-297d; d'Elio- doro, Stanze XV-285c; fire (1768) I-794d; flabellum VI- 89b: Fontana. work of VI- 127a; gardens XIII-370a: XV- 276d; 278d; Giovanni da Udine, Loggie di XV-286b; gradual Xni-434a: XIV-445d; XV- 396b: Guarantees, Law of VII- 48c: VIII-235C -Guards XV-299c: del Fuoco XV-3Qla; Gendarmes, Papal XV-300b; Nobile XV-300C; d'Onore XV-300c: Swiss XV-

-Hygienic Board XV-299a; (ill.) XV-2S7b; Incendio, Stanza del XV-286a; juridical board XV-299a; Lapidaria, Galleria XV-297b; legal position XV- 302b

-Library VIII-62b; XV-290C; administration XV-294b: ad- mission XV-294C; Albani I- 255c; Alexander VII I-295b: Alexander VIII I-29.5c; -Alla- tius 1-3 17d; amulet I^43c: .Arabian MSS. XV-291a; Ar- minian MSS. XV-291a; As- semani. J. S. I-794b; Assemani, S. E. I-795a: Aztec codex (ill.) X-252; Baronius II-306b: Bar- tolocci II-317d: Benedict XIV II— 434d; Biblical Commission II-557d: Bobbio volumes II- 606b: Boniface VIII II-669b; book-binding XV-294c: books, arrangement of XV -291c; books, printed XV-291b: Bor- gia MSS. II-685C; catalogues XV-291d: Chinese MSS. XV- 291a: Clement XI IV-30c; Codex Vaticanus IV-86d; col- lections XV-294d: Coptic MSS. XV-291a: Cosmas Indicop- lenstes IV-404b: De Rossi IV- 740a; Ethiopian MSS. XV- 291a; foundation XII-766a; Georgian MSS. XV-29Ia: Greek MSS. XV-291a; Hebrew MSS. XV-291a: history XV- 295c: Indian MSS. XV-291a: inventories X V-29 Id ; the Lamb (ill.) VIII-755C; Latin MSS. X V-29 la; legal status XV- 297b; Leo X IX-164b: manu- scripts IX-619c; Xy-290d; 291c: manuscript repairingXV- 292c; Nicholas V VII-540a; XI-59a; XV-3S0d; numismatic cabinet X-336a: and Observa- tory XV-311a; officials' sal- aries XV-294C; Panvinio XI- 450c; Paul V XI-5S2c; Persian MSS. X V-29 la; Prefect of XV-281a: Psalter, illumina- tions IX-1322C: publications XV-292d: Rumanian MSS. XV -291a; Samaritan MSS. XV-291a; Samaritan Penta- teuch XIII-417d;SirletoXIV- 27b; Sixtus IV XIV-33b: Six- tus V IV-441C: XIV-34b; Sla\-ic M.SS. X V-29 la; Syriac MSS. XV-291a; St. Thomas Aquinas, MSS. of XIV-670a: Turkish MSS. XV-291a: Vir- gil, illuminations IX-621a

-location XIII-164C: XV-277b; Mistcri, Sala dei XV-284d: modern paintings, gallery of XV-283d; Muaaico, Studio del XV-286C

-Museums XV-281b: .Animali, Sala degli XV-2S2b: Belvedere, Cortile del XV-282b; Belve- dere, Gabinetti del XV-282c; Braccio Nuovo XV-282c; Biga. Sala delta XV-281d; Buati. Sala dei XV-2S2b; Candelabri, Galleria dei XV-281d; Car- pegna XV-295b; Chiaramonti, Gallcrio XV-2S2c; Christian I-tOb: III-70fic; X-647b: XII- 29.5b; XV-29.ia: Croce greca. .Sala a XV-28Id; Egyptian XV-282d: Etruscan I-87c: XV-283a; Gregory XVI'sfoun- dations VII-9b: holy water pail VII-43.5a; Macchere, Gab- inetto delle XV-2S2b; Medag- liere XV-29.5a; Milhra, Sacri- fice of (ill.) .X-»l)3: Muse, Sala delle XV-282b; Pio-Clementino XV-2Sld; rotonda, .Sala XV- 282a; Statue. Galleria delle

XV-282b; Titus, head of (ill.) XIV-746d

—Nicholas V XI-58d: Nobile. Scala XV-298C; Paramenti. Sala dei XV-298a: Pia. Scala XV-298C: Pinacotheca XV- 283a: Pontefici. Sala dei XV- 284c

—Press XV-277d: 301d: 302a: Congregation of XIII-136C: XIV-34b

— Raffaello, Loggie di XV-286a: EaJfaello. Stanze di XV-284d; Regia, Sala XV-297c: Regia, Scala I-295a: XV- 298c; as residence XV-2S0b; restoration XII-139C; XV-L'7r,d: l;.i«~,.l- ino, work of \\ I 7_'d, ,-<l. Charies. Acad.■tll^ of III uVK: Santi. Sala dei .W-.'Md, Sec- retariate XV-3ll!b: Si'trliiilnra, Stanza della X\ -'"^.'d; >. r\- ants' building X\'-2Tsc; .SiMlle, Sala delle XV-2.s4d; ,stair< ;i,.^i..>s XV-29Sb; Stanza XIV-24^b; state halls XV-297c; tapestries XIV-449d: Tronetto, Sala del XV-280d; Trono, Sala del XV- 298b

Vaticana, school XIII-1G5C

— Regins. See Chieti

Vatican basilica. See St. Peter's

— Codex. See Codex Vaticanus

—COUNCIL XV-303a; IV-426a; abbots at I-20a; .\cton I-114b: ^terni Patris I-176d: Alzog I- 375b: on analogy I-150c; on angels I-476d; on beatific vision VII-173a; bishops II- 146c; IV-426d; Blanchet II- 693d: Bollig II-639b: de Buck III-27d: Burke III-80d: catechism V-86d; on certitude 111- 542b; 542d; Church and Scrip- ture X11I-605C: Ciasca 111- 766d; on cloister IV-62c: Con- nolly Vll-118b: constitutions XV-305d: 308a: Corcoran IV- 356c: on creator, freedom of IV-474d: on creation lV^74d: CuUen IV-566a: decrees II- 340b; XV-307C; on Divine Providence XII-513c: D611in- ger V-98b: Dupanloup V-203a; Eberhard V-242b; on emana- tionism V-399a

—on Faith V-142d: 755a; def- inition V-755d; necessity of IV-347a: progress of XIll- 606b; and reason Vll-274d; XIlI-608d; XIV-671C

— Franzelin VI-242d: Gallican- ism VI-355b; Ginoulhiac VI- 562a

— on God II-64d; attributes of VI-617b; Vlll-5a; knowledge of I-219d; VI-616b

— on good Vl-638a; Granderath VI-72.5a; Greith VI-25d: Hav- nald Vll-161d: on heaven VII- 172a; Hergenrother VII-263b: on Hermesianism VII-279C: history XV-303a: importance VII-369b; on infallibility I- 498d; III-754d; IV-675d: V- 677a: VII-22c; 791a; 796b; 799c: XV-.305d: 306c: on in- spiration I1-543C: VIII-4.5d: jubilee VlII-5.34b; Kenrick VIIl-619d; von Ketteler VIII- 63Ia;on knowledge, twofold V- 753a: McCloskev lX-4S7c; Mac Hale I.\-500d; Manning IX-607d; Martinov IX-734b; Melchers X-156b: members XV-304C; 30.5a: memorial (ill.) IV-facing 432: on miracles, gift of X-350d ; and Modernism X- 420d; Montault X-52.5c; on naturalism and rationalism IX-213d: officers, presiding XV-.304b: Old Catholics XIII- 535a; on Ontologism XI-258c: on Pantheism Xl-448d: on papal jurisdiction Vn-.324b; Xll-267b; parties XV-304d; Pava V Rico XIV 7.-.7c; Titrri XI'I-120a: Piu^. 1\ \II i:ir.c; on placitum rcL-hiin Xll 2i.^id; on Pope, magisterial posvor of VII-323b: preparations XV- 303d; primates at XIl-42.3d; procedure, change of XV- 30.5c; procedure, order of .\V-3(Mb; procurators I V-427a : proro- gation XV-307b: promulga-

tion, reception of XV-303c: on reason VI-69a: religious gen- erals at Xn-165c: results XV- 308a; on Revelation V-754a: Xlll-la; 2c; in St. Peter's XIII-372b: Schiizler XIII- 524d: Scherr X-632d; Schwarz- enberg XIlI-597b: on Scrip- ture III-273d; V-699d; XIII- 639d; secretary Vl-51d; ses- sions XV-3CMd: Spalding XIV- 208d; texts, definition of V- 699d; on theological mysteries X-662C; on theology XIV- 596b; Thomas Aquinas XIV- 672c: Weathers XV-573a: Zaf- fron Xlll-669a

—Hill I-611d: 641c; XV-276C

— Nights, Academy of. See Notti Vatican!, Academy of

—OBSERVATORY XV-309d; XIII-165c; XV-297b; Denza IV-736d; equipment XV-310a; erection XV-277b; foundation XV-309d; Gilii XV-310a; Mafli XV-310d; publications XV-310d; revival XV-310b

— Seminary XlII-373b; founded XV-220b: In pra'cipino XVI- 71b

Vaticanus, name XV-276c

— deity IV-084d

— Codei. See Codex Vaticanus

Vaticum, Etruscan town XV- 276c

Vatier, Leonard, martyr X-391c

Vatinius, philosopher X-735d; 74.5c

Vatopedi, monaster>^ foundation II-48b: manuscripts IX-617b: Psalter, illuminations IX-622C

Vatzdffila, saga VII-618d

Vauban, Sebastien le Prestre VII-.534C; at Freiburg VI- 264d; in Metz X-247d

Vaucanson, Jacques de, mechani- cian Vll-2«d

Vaucelles, Treaty (1551) XIII- 500a: Treaty (1556) XII-3a; VII-74d

Vauchamp, battle (1814) X-698C

Vauchretien, abbey XIV-132a

Vau Claire, Notre Dame de. .Sec Notre Dame de Vau C laire

Vaucluse, department, France, map Vl-faring ISS

Vaucouleurs, town XV-3ri2a: pil- griniaiie \\-Zo2e.

Vaude Moise, castle \lll-363c

Vaudemont, Eric de Lorraine, Bishop of Verdun XV-351C

— Louise de X1-342C

Vauderie, witchcraft XV-576b

Vaudeville Xl-IOOb: " VIl-397d

VaudoisXlV-637b:i 170c


—LOUIS PHILIPPE DE RI- GAUD, COMTE DE XV-311d; in SeiK-t-al Xni-715c



Vaugelas, Claude Favre de, gram- marian V1-19.3C

Vaughan, family XV-311d

— Diana VI1-703C

— Dominic XIIl-632d

— Edward, Bishop of St. David's X-188C

—HERBERT, cardinal XV- 311d: V-4.56b; XV-315a; and Alexians I-307b: and An- gUcan Order XV-314C: on "Apostolica- Curse" I-498b; at Balrimore II-233d: XIV-208d: Catholic Truth Society IV- 249c: V-4.58a; XV-77d; ehan- tr\', Westminster Cathedral iri-574a; XV-fiOIa: and Char- ity of .Icsus and Mary, Sisters <.f 111 i;09c: Dublin Review W V.i7b; St. Edmund, relics of 111 s.-.d; and education XV- 311c; Hammersmith seminary XV-.572d: and Mill Hill Vlll- 52'2a: XII-231b: XV-3I2d:and missions, foreign Vlll-521d: Slivart X-408b: nominated XV-314b: at Old Hall XI- 239c: Rescue and Protection

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.