Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/859

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520a: asceticism I-772b; on baptism II~261b; on baptism, infant I-445e: II-270a; Bo- hemia XV-5;i0a: Bohemian Brethren 11-6 17a; Cathari III- 435a: cause of Xn-240b; Christendom. Union of XV- 137d; condemnation IV-425C; Conrad of Marburg IV-259d; divisions XV-528d; doctrine XV-52SC; extreme unction V- 717b; faith, profession of IX- 707c; France XV-529b; Ger- many XV-S20a; Grenoble VII- 26d; heresy XIV-761C; heretics IX-473d; history XV-529b; Humiliati XII-250c; Innocent VIII VIII-20a; Italy XV- 529d; Lateran Council (1179) IX-17d; Lateran Council (1215) VIII-16C: legislation XV-529a; and Lucius III IX- 412d: massacre VII-529b; mis- sion to I-484C; and Moneta X- 479a; name and origin X\'- 528a; (Ecolampadius XI-214a; origin X-183c; and papacy I- 561a; 561c: persecution XIV- 762d; Piedmont XII-77b; Pomerania XII-226a; prayer XII-347d; Presbyterianism XII-393b: property, ecclesias- tical XII-466C: purgatory XII- 576a: Scripture XIII-r,36d; Sixtus IV XIV-33b; and .Socin- ianism XIV-115a; Spain XV- 529b; Switzerland XV-529d; Waliles. Peter XV-52Sb

Waldensians. See Waldenses

Waldensis. See Netter. Thomas

Walderbach Abbey, foundation XV-530C

Walderdorf, Bishop of Speyer X\-20.-.d

— John Philip von, Bishop of Tri.-r XV^4a

WalderichskapeUe, Murrhardt XV-717a

Waldes, Peter, heretic IX-47.3d; X-183c: XV-52Sa;and Humili- ati XII-25(lc; Vaudois XIV- fi37b: Waldenses XV-528b; ami witchcraft XV-076b

Waldetrude, Saint X-98d: XV- 134b

Waldeyer, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried, anatomist I-460d; hiol.jgy II-574d

Waldhere, Bishop of London IV- ySa; IX-347C

Waldkirch, monastery II-194C

—Elizabeth V-308a

Waldo, Bishop of Freising X- 031b

—Bishop of Paiia XI-593b

— .\bbot of Reichcnau VII-115d

—Peter. .See Waldes

Waldoleno, and St. Columbanus IV-l.isa

Waldrada, and Lothaire II I- 14iia; VII-88b; 357c: XI-54c

Waldramus, aa hymnodist VII- 6ll2d

Waldrast, Maria, shrine XIII- 73«d

Waldron, Bishop of Killala IX- 49Ub

— George. See Barrington

— Richard, Puritan, betrays In- dians X-787a; flogs Quaker w.,ni.n X-7S7C

WALDSASSEN, ABBEY OF XV-53l)c: foundation XII-


XV-:,31a; l-412b; 412c; IV-

liib;; XIlI~34.5d:

XV-3s7a Waldstatten, Diocese of XIV-

4 ltd Waldstein, Albrecht von. See

Wallcnstein — Emmanuel Ernst von. Bishop

of I.cilmerilz IX-141C Waldvogel, Prokop, silversmith



Iii«hnp o( Colocne XV-.531d; portr.-nt XV ■,:i2b

—PETER VON XV-531d; por- trait XV-532b

Walensis, John, canonist. See John of Wales

WALES XV-.532b: agriculture XV-5.33C; architecture in VI- 676d

— Church in: hierarchy XVI-38b; monastic foundations. See Welsh Monastic Foundations: Passionists XI-524b: patron IV-640d: Propaganda XII- 457b; vicariate IV-58C: XIII- 759c; XVI-38a; See Welsh Church

— education, women IV-89C

—Ethnography XII-626c; XV- ,532c; 533d; Irish in VIII-151b

— geography XV-532b: Bangor Il-249d; boundaries XV-532d: counties X\' - 533b ; North counties XV- 533a: .South coun- ties XV-53:3a: Llanda£f IX- 315d; map V- facing 444; medi- eval, map V-facing 456: Mene- via X-187d: physical features XV-533b: Saint Asaph XIII- 332d

— government XV-534C

— -History XV-534a: faith, loss of XV-536C; name XV-532b; Offa. King of Mercia XI-215b; Offa's dyke XI-21.5b; 215c

— illegitimac.v in VII-650b; lan- guage XV-534a: legislature, bigamy, law of n-565b: litera- ture, Catholic XV-535b; 636d; literature, Mabinogion IX- 481a; mines XV-533C; Palm Sunday custom III-507b

— Religions and sects: Baptists II- 279b; Pelagianism XI-608a; Presbyterianism XII -3 93c; primitive XV-534d; Reforma- tion X\'-535b

— John of. See John of Wales

Walesio, John de, canonist. See John of Wales

Walfroy, Saint, Ivois XII-729C

Waihalla. See Valhalla

Walhere, Saint X-680a

Walhonding, canal XI-225d

Walid. .S'.T rlid

Wali Khan, rebellion XV-95d

Walkelin, Bishop of Winchester VI-i66b; XIV-357d; cathedral XV-650b; 650c

Walkendorf, Eric, Archbishop of Trondhjem I-42.3a; VI-77Sc; X\-r>4d

WALKENRIED, Cistercian ab- bey XV-.537b; VII-129a

Walker, Alexander, anatomist XV-495b

— Augustine, confessor XIV-244d

— Ernest, on Robert White XV- 612d

— Francis Amasa, on English Poor Law III-601C

— Henry, and Shakespeare XIII- 749b

— H. M., at Oscott XI-336a

— Sir Hovenden, at Quebec XV- 31Ib

— Lucian Julian, writer I-243a

—Thomas, in Kentucky VIII-

WaTking Purchase, The XI-64l)d

Wall, churclivard III-507a

—JOHN, VENERABLE XV- 537c; \-477a; and Oates's Plot XI-17.-JC

— Richard, Spanish miniat^'r XIV-1S4C

—Stephen, Pittsburg XII-125d

— Thomas J., persecution II- 706b

Walla, Adelard, abbot II-61a

Wallace, Alfred Russel, author I-; biologist II-.575b: on evo- lution \'-657c: on origin of life IX-243C: on Spiritism XIV- 222a

— Charles William, Shakespear- ean researches XIII-749C

— J., translation of Sacris Solem- niis XIII-322a

— Tames VIII-687a

— ^Lew, in Mexican War VII- 741a

— Rena, poet II-120b

—Wilfred, at Erdington V-51Sa

—William, and Edward I of Eng- land Xlll-fil6d

— William Vincent, composer vni-12<)a

Wallachia, principality XIII- 225b; conouest of Vn-564d; Mohammed II in XV-98a; and Sigismund I. of Poland XII- l^c; See Rumania

— .See of VI-767a

Wallachians. See Ru

Walland, Joseph, .Archbishop of

G(,rz Vl-i'..-).-ia Walla Walla, town. Washington

XV-5()2d: .^i(13a; mission XV-

.5l)3c —Walla, Diocese of XI-293a;


53Sa Walldiirn, orphanage II-199d Walled Cities, redemption XII-

68 2b Walled-up Column, Constanti- nople IV-SD.-id Wallensis, Johannes, epithet V-

74d WALLENSTEIN, ALBRECHT VON XV-.VJSa; a.slrul„^■^ II- 2:Ja: death VI 42a; Dciiiimrk IV-72SC; Ferdinand 11 VI- 503a: grant to X-109a; (ill.) XV-538b; Maximilian of Ba- varia X-76b; murder XIV- 654d: reinstated XIV-654a; resignation XIV-653a; Thirty Years War XIV-650C; 651a; and Tilly XIV-725b; and Ur- ban VIII XV-220C; victories VI-41C Waller, King of Visigoths VII- 401c; XII-142C; XIII-179d; XV-470d — Augustus Volney, physiologist

X-138d —Edmund, poet V-46Sa — Oswald, Prefect .Apostolic of

Nigeria XVl-09a —Sir Thomas IlI-4S9b Walleser, Peter Salvator, Vicar Apostolic of the Mariana and Caroline Islands, and Palan language XVI-84C Wallet, emblem I-626d Walley, Thomas, Boston II-705c Wallia, king. See Waller WalUn, G., explorer I-663d Wallingford, treaty (1163) XIV-

.507d Wallis, Edward XII-613b — H., K.K^l.t"ll.Kist XI-30.5a —John, .ditnr XV-,)97b — John, educator V-317a —John, martyr VIII-166b — John, physicist XII-58d; on

impact Xn-61c — John Power, at L^shaw XV-

234d — Walter de, mart\T VIII-167C —Islands, Church in XI-200C WALLON, HENRI - ALEXAN- DRE XV-539C; on Synoptics XIV-392a Wallop, Sir Henry, and O'Hurley,

Dermod XI-228b Wall tomb. Sr,- 'IV.nih Wallula. .S.r \V:ii:a Walla WALMESLEY, CHARLES XV- 53'.td; II-22yd; 4o:Ja; III-383a: V-149d: Xll-172a: (ill.) XV- 540a: tomb (ill.) XV-540b — John, father of Charles Wal-

mesley XV-539d Walnut. See Nut Waloway, Saint. ,5ee Winwallus Walpi, pueblo (ill.) VII-468d:

statistics XII-555b Walpole, Christopher XV-540C —HENRY, VENERABLE XV-

,540c: conversion V-294C — Horace, prime minister, and

Montesquieu X-.537b —Ralph, Bishop of Ely V-396d — Ralph de, Bishop of Norwich

XI-122b — Island, Indians in XII-321b;

mission X-381C Walprandus, Bishop of Lucca

IX-406a Walpurgis, Saint. See Walburga Walpurgiskapelle, Nuremberg

Xl-171a Walraf of Mors, Bishopof Utrecht

XV-246C Walram, Duke of Limburg XIII-

219a — of Jiilich, Archbishop of

Cologne IV-lI.8b Walrus, in CJrccnland I-120b Wals, Gottfried, artist IX-361d Walsh, Daniel, Buffalo III-39d — David, Bishop of Cloyne and

Ross IV-72d —EDWARD XV-540d; VIII-

127c — Francis, in France V-140a — James, of Covington IV-463a


— James, in Richmond Xlll-SOd

—James, in Vermont III-81d

— J. C, and Catholic Register XI-073a

—Sir John X-509d

—John, Baltimore II-231C

—John, Brooklyn XI-24a

— John, confessor, Dublin VIII- 166d

— John, journalist, Ireland XI- 682b

— John, Bishop of London, Can- ada IX-353C

— John, in Long Island Il-SOOb

■ — John, Summer school XIV- 33.5a

—John, Archbishop of Toronto Xn-7,s2b

—John Baptist, in Paris VIII- 159d; 163b

— Joseph, Lazarist X-366a

— Louis Sebastian, Bishop of Portland XII-288C

—Martin XV-523d; at Rome XII-227d

— Michael. See Breathnach

— Nicholas, of Covington IV- 463a

—Nicholas, in Ohio in-776a

— Nicholas, Bishop of Ossory, Gaelic Bible XV-373C

—Olivia X-.509d

—P., at Cincinnati Ill-773d

—Patrick, j. ninalist XVI-8.5b

—Patrick, n is.sionarv XV-240b. at Salt Lake City XIII-40.'ia

— Patrick, vicar general, New- Orleans XI-9d

—PETER, Franciscan miter XV- 541a: I-731b: and Allegiance, Irish XIV-433b; Allegiance, Oath of XI-179b; intrigues V- 175c: and Marchant IX-643b: Remonstriince III-373c; XI- I79b; at Rome VIII-158a

— Reginald, on St. Dominic and the Ro.sary XIII-186d

— ROBERT, diplomat XV-S41c; II-230d; XI-696b

— Robert, missionary XIII- 438b

— T., Church historian VII-379a

— T., in Scuthwnrk Vin-152a

— Thomas, .\rclilii,shop of Cashel IX-4.S4C; XV-.500a

— Thomas, at Notre Dame du Lac X1-132C

—THOMAS, Vicar ApostoUc of the Midland Di.itrict, England XV-541d: IX-349b: XV-575b; 672b: buildings II-579a: and Milner, John X-316d; at Os- cott XI-335d: XV-671d: and Passionists XI-524a

— W., and "The Cross" XI-673b

— William, Archbishop of HaUfax VII-I18a; XIII-355C

— William, of Kerry, martyr VIII-166a

—WILLIAM, Bishop of Meath XV-542b; martyr VIII-165d; X-97b

— William J., Archbishop of Dub- Hn I-116d; V-176d; on cate- chism V-86a; Irish Ecclesias- tical Record XI-6S2C; and O'Hanlon, John XI-224d

Walshe, James. See O'Drohan, Daniel

— John, at Hollidaysburg, Penn- sylvania I-368d

— Patrick, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore XV-566a

—Robert, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore XV-566C

Walsingbam, Alan of. See Alan of Walsingham

— Sir Francis, and Mary Queen of Scots IX-76.5d; and O'Hur- lev, Dermod XI-228C

—THOMAS, historian XV-542c; 633c

-Our Lady of III-292d; S79a; IX-33.3c; XI-107d; 122c: XII- 96b; XllI-7B0d; XV-4G3d; 464a; .543a

—PRIORY XV-543a; legend of XlII-45i.a

Walsort, monastery, foundation Xlll-.58f)d

Walsperger, Andreas, map VI-


Walstan, Saint, English dedica- tions to XI-563C

Walter, hermit, at Sussy XIV- 567b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.