Hagiography is the branch of learning that has for its object the history of the saints
and their worship
General view VII-106
Beatification and canonization 11-364
The Blessed 11-597
Confessors IV-215
Martyrs IX-736
Confession IV-214
Martyrology IX-741
Ado of Vienne 1-145
St. Aengus the Culdee 1-173
Usuard XV-235
Persecutions XI-703
Coptic persecutions XI-707
Acts of the Martyrs IX-742
Legends of the Saints IX-128
Barlaam and Josaphat 11-297
Acta Sanctorum HiberniiE I-lll
Acta Triadis Thaumaturga; I-lll
Twelve Apostles of Erin 1-632
Irish MartjTS and Confessors VIII-163
X- 24
Seven Robbers XIII-742
EngUsh Martyrs and Confessors.
Japanese Martyrs
Chinese MartjTs
Martyrs of the Paris Commune .
Martyrs of Gorkuni
Four Crowned Martyrs
The Forty MartjTs."
The Ten Thousand Martyrs. . . Massa Candida.
The BoUandists 11-630
Mabillon 1X^79
Jonas of Bobbio VIII-198
Florus VI-121
Smaragdus XIV- 58
Symeon Metaphrastes X-225
Osbern XI-335
Lippomano IX-279
Surius XIV-343
Bridgewater 11-783
Ribadeneira XIII- 29
Messingham X-217
Colgan IV- 99
Baert 11-201
Henschen VII-240
Gamans VI-375
BaiUet 11-206
Bouillart 11-711
Butler Ill- 90
de Ram XII-636
Stadler XIV-240
de Buck Ill- 26
O'Hanlon X-217
Lives of the Saints. A complete list of the saints, beati, and venerable servants of God, treated in separate articles in the Encyclopedia is to be found in the Index under the word Hagiography.
History VII-365
Criticism, Historical IV-503
A. Sources
Gospels VI-655
Acts of the Apostles 1-117
Apostles' Creed 1-629
Athanasian Creed II- 33
Nicene Creed XI- 49
Patrolog>' XI-560
Fathers of the Church VI- 1
Migne X-290
Apostolic Fathers 1-637
ApostoUc Constitutions 1-636
Apostolic Churcli Ordinances 1-635
Apocrypha 1-601
Councils IV-423
Hardouin VII-135
Labbe VIII-718
Mansi IX-609
Maessen 1X^79
BuUarium Ill- 48
Constant IV-454
Regcsta XII-715
Concordat IV-196
Corpus Juris Canonici IV-391
Law, Roman IX- 79
Capitularies III-310
Martyrs, Acts of the IX-742
Ruinart XIII-223
LeBlant IX-105
Surius XIV-343
BoUandists n-630
Liber Pontificalis IX-224
Liturgies (See Courses of Reading: Liturgy)
Assemani 1-794
Renaudot XII-769
Muratori X-641
Bona 11-645
Durandus V-207
Martene IX-721
Inscriptions VIII- 42
Kraus VIII-699
B. AtJxiLiARy Sciences Languages:
Du Cange V-181
Latin Literature (Christian) IX- 23
Latin Literature (Classical) IX- 32
Pateography XI^03
Montfaucon X-539
Documents: Diplomatics V- 21
MabiUon IX-479
Toustain XV- 4
Tiissin XIV-463
Archa;ology III-705
Mamachi IX-578
Martigny LX-723
Rio XIII- 61
Reusens XII-799
Numismatics XI-152
Heraldry VII-243
Geography VI-447
Gams ^'I-376
Statistics, Ecclesiastical XIV-269
Chronologj' (General) III-738
C. General Works on Church History
Papias XI^57
Hcgesippus VlI-194
Eusebius V-617
Socrates XIV-118