Ewald V-C.72
Saxony XIII-197
Westphalia XV-601
WiUehad XV-628
Ludger IX-415
Cologne IV-116
Miinster X-634
Trier XV- 42
Paderbom XI-383
Mnnich-Freising X-631
Augsburg II- 73
Hatisbon XII-657
Passau XI-519
Bamberg 11-242
Eichstatt V-364
Wiirzburg XV-71S
Spever XIV-214
Freiburg VI-264
Baden 11-194
Fulda VI-313
Limburg lX-260
iMainz IX-550
Rottenburg XlII-2n7
Gnesen-Poscn VI-590
Culm IV-566
Breslau 11-761
Brandenburg 11-738
Ermland V-522
Hildesheim VII-353
Osnabruck XI-341
Metz X-247
Strasburg XIV-313
Anschar 1-544
Hakon the Good VIl-116
Norway XI-117
Olaf XI-234
Sweden XIV-347
Denmark IV-722
Iceland VII-61.5
Greenland Vl-777
Croatia IV-510
Serv-ia XIlI-732
Bulgaria 111-46
Moravia X-561
Cyril and Methodius IV-592
J6hn VllI VlIl-423
Bohemia 11-613
Poland Xll-lSl
Lithuania lX-292
Russia XlIl-253
Hungary VlI-547
The Papacy and the Empire:
States of the Church XlV-257
Coronation lV-381
Capitularies III-310
Charles Martel 111-629
John VI VlIl-423
John VII VIll-123
Constantine (Pope) IV-294
Gregory II VI-787
Gregory III VI-789
Aistulph 1-337
Pepin the Short XI-662
Zacharv XV-743
Stcphei II XIV-288
Paul I XI-577
Stephen III XIV-289
Adrian 1 1-155
Charlemagne III-610
Leo III IX-157
Stephen IV XIV-289
Paschal I XI-514
Eugene II V-598
Gregory IV VI-789
Scrgius" II XIII-728
XM.— 56
Loo IV IX-159
Joan, Popess VIII-407
Benedict III 11-427
Nicholas I XI- 54
Adrian II 1-156
John VIII VIII-423
Formosus Vl-139
John IX Vlll-425
Benedict IV 11-428
JohnX VlII-425
John XII VlIl-426
Ottol XI-354
Benedict V 11-428
John XllI VllI-427
OttoU XI-355
Adelaide 1-140
Luitprand IX-313
Benedict VI 11-428
Crescentius lV-484
Boniface VII 11-661
Benedict VII 11-428
John XIV Vlll-427
John XV VlII-127
Hugh Capet VlI-515
Gregorv V VI-790
Otto'm XI-356
Heribert VlI-264
John XVI Vlll-428
Sylvester II XlV-371
John XVIII Vlll-429
Benedict VllI 11-428
Henry II VlI-227
Odilo XI-207
Truce of God XV- 68
John XIX VlIl-429
Heribert VIl-264
Benedict IX 11^29
Gregorj' VI VI-791
Henry HI VII-228
Clement II IV- 17
Adalbert 1-126
Damasus II lV-614
Leo IX lX-160
Victor II XV-409
Stephen IX XlV-290
Nicholas 11 XI- 55
Alexander II 1-286
Anno 1-541
Iconoclasra VIl-620
Gregory II Vl-787
Gregory 111 VI-789
Germanus VI-484
John Damascene VII1^59
Nicjea, Second Council of XI- 45
Adrian 1 1-155
Tarasius XIV-451
Paschal I XI-514
Nicephorus XI- 50
Methodius I X-242
Theodore of Studium XIV-574
Caroline Books III-371
Eugene II V-598
Adopt ionism 1-150
Prcdostinarianism XII-376
Gottschalk of Orbais VI-682
Rabanus XII-619
Hincmar VIl-356
Eriugena V-519
Eucharistic Controversy:
Paschasius Radbertus XI-518
Ratramnus XII-659
Berengarius of Tours 11-487
Durandus of Troarn V-208
Guitmund Vll- 80
Lanfranc VllI-784