Clare of Assisi IV- 4
Poor Clares XII-25I
Spirituals XIV-230
Angelo Clareno 1^84
Ubertino of Casale XV-116
Olivi XI-245
Fraticelli VI-244
Dominic V-106
Preachers, Order of XII-354
Carmelite Order III-354
Simon Stock XIII-800
Augustiniana (Hermits of St. Au- gustine) VII-281
Servitea XIII-736
Trinitarians XV- 45
FeUx of Valois VI- 33
Mercedarians X-197
Peter Nolasco XI-770
Beguines; Beghards 11-389
Third Orders XIV-637
Mendicant Friars X-183
Military Orders X-304
Templars XIV-493
Clement V IV- 21
Philip IV XII- 4
Nogaret XI- 89
Molai X-433
Vienne, Council of XV-423
Christ, Order of III-698
Montessa, Order of X-534
Aviz 11-161
Calatrava III-149
Alcantara 1-271
Hospitallers of St. John VI 1-4 77
Aubusson II- 67
La Valette IX- 47
Malta IX-574
Teutonic Order XIV-541
Herman of Salza VII-267
St. James of Compostela XIII-3.53
St. Lazarus IX- 96
Holy Ghost VII-415
St. Michael X-272
Holy Sepulchre VII-427
Knights of the Cross Vni-671
St. Hubert VII-548
Bethlehemites 11-534
Scientific Movement:
Scholasticism XIII-548
Universities XV-188
(See also Courses of Reading in Phi- losophy and Education.)
The Popes at Avignon:
Clement V IV- 20
Avignon 11-158
Council of Vienne XV-423
John XXII VIII-431
Spirituals XIV-230
Marcilius of Padua IX-719
John of Janduno VIII-473
Benedict XII 11-430
Clement VI Ill- 23
Innocent VI VIII- 18
Gil de Albomoz VI-558
Rienzi XIII- 52
Bulla Aurea Ill- 48
Urban V XV-214
Gregory XI VI-799
Catherine of Siena III-447
Schism, Western XIII-539
Urban VI XV-216
Robert of Geneva XIII- 96
Catherine of Sweden 111^48
Boniface IX 11-670
D'Ailly 1-235
Vincent Ferrer XV-437
Gerson VI-530
John Parvus VIII-482
Benedict XIII 11-431
Innocent VII VIII- 19
Gregory XII VII- 1
Pi.sa, Council of XII-112
Alexander V 1-288
Clemanges IV- 11
Sigismund XIII-784
Constance, Council of IV-2S8
Martin V IX-725
Cesarini III-546
Attempts at Reunion:
Greek Church VI-765
Union XV-146
Council of Lyons (1274) LX-477
Gregory X. ." VI-798
Council of Florence ■ VI- 3
Fihoque VI- 74
Eugene IV V-601
Bessarion 11-527
Albergati 1-258
Isidore of Thessalonica VIII-188
John of Raguaa VIII-476
Basle, Coimcil of 11-334
Ferrara, Covmcil of VI- 47
Florence, Council of VI-111
Felix V VI- 31
Pragmatic Sanction (II) XII-333
The Renaissance XII-765
Nicholas V XI- 58
Nicholas of Cusa XI- 60
CallistusIII III-188
Hunyady VII-564
John Capistran VIII-452
Joan of Arc VIII-409
Pius II XII-126
Bessarion 11-527
Matthias Corvinus X- 66
Gregory of Heimburg VII- 10
Paul II XI-578
Sixtus IV XIV- 32
Innocent VIII VIII- 19
Alexander VI 1-289
Julius II VIII-562
Fifth Lateran Council IX- 18
LeoX IX-162
Heretical and Reform Movements:
WycUf XV-722
LoUards IX-333
Hus and Hussites VII-584
Utraquism XV-244
Flagellants VI- 89
Inqui.sition in Spain VIII- 36
Torquemada XIV-783
Thomas a Kempis XIV-661
Ximenes de Cisneros XV-729
Gerson VI-530
Vincent Ferrer XV-437
Savonarola XIII-490
Medieval Life
Middle Ages X-285
Annals 1-531
Chartulary III-637
Itineraries VIII-254
Legends IX-121
Gest a Romanorum VI-539
Religion :
Versions of the Bible XV-367