Guijon VII- 66
Riccardi XIII- 32
de Boulanger 11-713
Cheminais de Montaigu 111-645
Hazart VIl-162
Lejeune VIII-142
Letourneux VIII-201
Segneri XIII-683
Vieira XV— 415
Abraham a Sancta Clara 1-56
AgneUi 1-212
Bossuet 11-698
Bourdaloue 11-717
Fenelon V- 35
Fl^chier V-100
St. Francis de Geronimo VI-218
Gisbert Vl-571
Houdry VIl-499
Hunolt VIl-562
La Rue IX- 8
Massillon X- 34
Terrasson, Andr(5 XlV-518
Terrasson, Gaspard XIV-519
Bridaine 11-780
Tornelli XlV-781
Tschupick XV- 79
Hatton Vll-150
Beauregard 11-377
Gahan V-334
Archange de Lyon 1-690
de Bouvens 11-723
MacCarthy VI1I^85
de Frayssinous Vl-251
de Ravignan XIl-667
Werner XV-589
Lacordaire VII-733
Faber IV-741
Roh XIII-117
Veith XV-322
Hassalaoher VII-149
Burke ' Ill- 80
Rawes XIl-669
Newman X-794
Felix VI- 32
Freppel Vl-277
Didon lV-782
Monsabr6 X-508
Catechetics is the science of oral instruction in the elements of tlie Christian religion, especially by question and answer.
General Survey V- 75
History V- 76
Practical catechetics V- 82
Early Dominican wTiters XII-364
Roman Catechism XIII-120
Catechism of Bl. Peter Canisius XI-759
Modern catechisms V- 85
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine III-711
Catechumens III-430
St. Augustine 11-90
Pareja XIV-735
Coelde IV- 92
Hessels VlI-300
Hamilton Vll-123
Bl. Peter Canisius. Gagliardi .
Ill- 86
Stapleton, Theobald XIV-249
Goffine VI-627
Saint-Vallier XIII-387
Donlevy V-131
Amort 1-434
Hay VIl-157
Overberg Xl-362
Furniss Vl-324
Deharbe IV-678
Haid Vll-UO
Gaume VI-398
General Survey IX- 56
Legislative Power of the Church
Society XIV- 74
Church III-751
State and Church XIV-2.50
Pragmal ir Sanction XlI-332
Assize of Clarendon 1-802
Immunity VIl-690
Advocat us Ecclesia; 1-168
Marsihvis of Padua lX-719
Monarchia Sicula X-451
Febronianism VI- 23
Gallicanism VI-.351
Hontheim VII-463
Rdgale XII-712
As-semblies of the French Clergy 1-795
Appeal a-s from an Abu.se 1-6.50
Josephinism (Joseph 11) V1II-.598
Liberalism IX-212
Exequatur V-707
Veto. Royal XV-392
Van Espen V-541
Concordat IV-196
Concordat of 1801 rV-204
Articles, Organic 1-756
Non Expodit XI- 98
Nomination XI- 93
Investitures VIII- 84
Laicization VIII-744
Toleration XIV-763
Toleration, History of XI V-761
Infidels VIll- 2
Pri.nciples of Law
DiscipUne V- 30
Law IX- 53
Constitutions, Ecclesiastical IV-320
Sanction XlII-428
Promulgation XII-454
Words XV-704
Decree IV-670
Precept XIl-372
Derogation lV-739
Dispensation V- 41
Privilege Xll-436
Custom lV-576
Age, Canonical 1-207
Majority IX-557