. Scholastic Period
Scholasticism XIII-54S
.Mcuin 1-276
Fredegis of Tours VI-252
Candidas ni-245
Rabanus Mauriis XII-617
Sedulius Scotus Xni-680
Eriugena V-519
Sylvester II (Gerbert) XIV-371
Remigius of Auxerre XI 1-764
Roscelin XIII-189
St. Anselm 1-546
William of Champeaux XV-632
Adelard of Bath XVI- 1
Walter of Mortagne XV-544
Abelard 1-36
Theodoric of Chartrcs XIV-575
Svlvester of Chartres XIV-372
William of Conches XV-632
Gilbert de la Porrde VI-555
John of Salisbmy VIII-478
Alain de I'Isle 1-244
Hugh of St. Victor VII-521
Amalricians 1-379
David of Dinant IV-645
PseUus XII-545
.Arabian School 1-674
Avicenna 11-157
Avempace 11-1.50
Averroes 11-1.50
Avicebron 11-156
Maimonides IX-.540
Gerard of Cremona ^ VI-468
Simon of Tournai XIII-799
Michael Scotus X-275
Alexander of N'eckam X-734
William of Auvergne XV- 63
Alexander of Hales 1-298
St. Bona venture 11-648
Roger Bacon XIII-lll
Albertus Magnus 1-264
St . Thoma.<i Aquinas XlV-663
WiUiam of Mocrbeke XV-634
Thomism XIV-698
Godfrey of Fontaines VI-626
jEgidius Romanus (Colonna) IV-626
Peter of Auvergne XI-772
Aureoli II-IU
Kilwardby VIIl-644
Richard of Middletown XIII- 45
Pockham XI-599
Olivi XI-245
Henry of Ghent VII-235
William of Ware XV-640
Duns Scotus V-194
Scotism XIIl-610
Francis of Mayron X- 91
Burleigh Ill- 81
Nicolas d'Orbellis Xl-275
Capreolus 111-314
Siger of Brabant XIll-784
Ravmond LuUv XII-670
Durandus of St. Pour<,'ain V-208
WiUiam of Ockham XV-636
Gregor>' of Rimini VII- 18
Buridan Ill- 78
D'.\illy 1-235
Biel 11-559
Hevnlin of Stein VlI-318
Thomas of Strasburg XIV-695
Raymund of Sabunde XII-672
Nicholas of Autrecourl VI- 68
Eckhart V-274
Tauler XIV^65
Suso Vll-238
c. Modern Period
Cajetan III-145
John of St. Thomas VIlI-479
Conimbricenses lV-2o2
Salraanticenses Xlll-401
Francis of Vittoria VI-232
Porrecta XII-282
Suarez XIV-319
Fonseca VI-125
Soto XIV-152
Plethon Xll-166
Mirandola X-352
Ficino VI- 67
Theodore of Gaza XIV-573
Valla XV-257
Bessarion 11-527
Charron 111-633
Pomponazzi Xll-227
Ramus XIl-638
Telesio XIV-477
Bruno Ill- 16
Campanellea III-221
Baconian System 11-192
Machiavelli IX-591
Bl. Thomas More XIV-689
Bodin 11-609
Descartes IV-744
Regis XII-721
Gassendi Vl-391
Pascal Xl-511
Malebranche XI-.568
Spinoza XlV-217
Maurus X- 72
Duhamel V-187
Frassen Vl-244
Deists IV-681
Freethinkers V1-2.5S
Condillac lV-210
Boscovich 11-691
Gerdil Vl-471
Encyclopedists V-418
Montesquieu X-536
Leibniz IX-134
Kant VIII-603
Hegclianism VII-192
Herbart VII-248
De Maistre IX-554
De Bonald 11-647
De Lammenais VIIl-762
Gerbet Vl-470
Bautain 11-353
Bonetty 11-677
Ventura XV-343
Uljaghs XV-114
Gratry VI-731
Maine de Biran IX-548
Jouberf VIII-526
Royer-CoUard XIII-213 11-674
Olltf Laprune XI-246
Nourisson XI-134
Balmes 11-224
Galluppi VI-370
Gioberti VI-562
Taparelli. XlV-449
Rosmini XIII-194
Franchi VI-206
Tongiorgi XIV-776
Brownson HI- 1
Noble XI- 86
Mivart X-^7