formerly looked upon as having a distinctly in- and 15 francs in other countries. It is printed in
i'urious effect upon the acoustical properties of a Latin, though occasionally it contains documents »uilding. in Italian or French. Its contents consist of the
Further, those churches whose acoustics are de- encyclical and decretal letters, motu proprios and fective can be remedicxl by the application of the similar communications, as well as occasional absorbing panels above referred to. Prominent homilies or consistorial addresses of the sovereign among me buildin^gs in which this system has been pontiff; the decrees and decisions of the various instidled is the United States Supreme Court Cham- Sacred Coneregations, the ecclesiastical tribunals, ber, Washington, D. C; House of Commons, and the Biblical Commission: and diary of the Ottawa, Canada; State Capitol Building, Cheyenne, Roxnan Ciuia, together with the names of all the Wyoming; St. Columba's Church, Johnstown, officials throughout the world appointed or honored Penn.; St. Cecelia's Church, Hastings, Neb.: Church by the Holy See, and a necrology of the bishops of the Immaculate Conception, Toledo, Ohio; and and cardinals. The "Acta Apostolics Sedis" has the Church of the Holy Redeemer, Detroit, Michi- taken the place of the Acta Sancts Sedis (q. v.). gan. Still another method of preventing excess In accordance with the Code of Canon Law, legis- reverberation is to construct the ceiling, or vaults, latiye acts of the Holy See are promulgated by and upper portions of the walls of a church or their appearance in the "Acta Apostolic® Sedis," auditorium, with a permanent fireproof material, except in particular cases where another method of «uch as Acoustical sound-absorbing tile. The fol- promulgation is prescribed; they begin to bind only lowing churches have this material built in either three months after the date of the number of the the vaults, or walls, or both: St. Thomas* Church, "Acta" in which they have been published, unless ' 5th Ave. and 63rd St., New York; First Congre- from the nature pf the case their binding force Rational Church, Montclair, New Jersey; Church arises at once, or when a shorter or a longer mterval of St. Vincent Ferrer, New York; Notre Dame w expressly prescribed m the law itself (can. 9). Church, New York; St. Bartholomew's Church, Acta Sancta Sedis (cf. C. E., I-Ulc), a Roman Park Ave. and 50th St., New York. periodical for the publication of ecclesiastical docu-
Emilb U. Fbhbot. ments, was begun in 1865 and from May, 1904, was
Acquapendente, Diocbsb of (AoQUiCPENDENSis; acknowledged to a certain extent as an organ of cf. C. E., I-109a), in Italy, at the present time the Holy See. It is no longer publiahed and was (1921) has 13 parishes, 80 churches, 5 monasteries replaced by the "Acta Apostolicce Sedis" in 1909. for men with 15 religious, and 3 for women, 40 Acts, Lboal Ecclesiastical.— In one form of eecular priests, 45 nuns, and 10 seminarians. The canonical punishment an offender is prohibited from Catholic institutions conducted in the diocese in- performing legal or legitimate ecclesiastical acts, elude 1 allium, 1 home, and 2 hospitals; these He may be forbidden to act under penalty of iii- institutions as well as the Catholic schools receive validity, as is the case of one who is infamous by some support from the government. Rt. Rev. law, or merely of illiceity, as happens to a Catholic Tranquillo Guameri, titular Bishop of Europus, was who contracts a mixed marriage without a dispensa- promoted to the see 8 March, 1920, succeeding tion. In this connection the expression legal or Bishop Gisleni Veneri, resigned. legitimate ecclesiastical acts refers to : the office of
Acqni, DioCESB op (Acqubnbib; cf. C. E., I-llOb), administrator of church property; the functions of in the province of Alexandria, Italy, is suffragan of Judge, auditor, relator, defender of the bond, pro- Turin. The present bishop (1921), Rt. Rev. Disma moter of justice or of the faith, notary, chancellor, Marchese, b. at Camogli, 1844, was appointed bishop cursor, api^ntor, advocate or procurator in ec- 15 April, 1901, and made an assistant at the pon- clesiastical law suits, or of sponsors at Baptism or tificaf throne 26 May, 1918. In 1920 there were Confirmation; voting in ecclesiastical elections; and 181,200 Catholics in this diocese, 126 parishes, 317 the exercise of the right of patronage. Becular and 42 regular clergy, 30 seminarians, 459 ^"^^ ^"^ cancma, can. 23M. churches, or chapels, and 95 religious, 75 sisters. Acnfia, Cristobal db, Spanish Jesuit and South
Acre and Purus, a prelature nxdlius erected by the American missionary, b. at Buigos, 1597, d. at Lima, Apostolic Constitution of 4 October. 1919, from date uncertain. At the age of fifteen he entered the territory taken from the Diocese of Amazones. It Society of Jesus; having completed his studies he comprises the Brazilian civil provinces of Alto Area went to Amenca, where he became rector of the
Pardua. According to the Brief it is to be the general, rearp lexeira. on nis secona journey oi
nucleus of a diocese and is endowed at once with exploration alon^ the Amazon River, and to write
diocesan privileges. Its titular has episcopal rank an account of his observations. On his return he
and juris^ction and is to be supported by the funds went to Spam to pr^nt his work to the king,
of the Church in this region and the offerings of Philip IV, who received him coldly, feanng that the
the faithful. The prelature must maintain two Portuguese, recently revolted from Spam (1640),
pupils at the South American College in Rome. It would profit by the informatioja his work contained.
18 m charge of the Servite Fathers. Later Acufia became provincial of the Jesuits m
. ^ . _^ ,. - J* .1 iis . 1 e ±\. Rome, and subsequently returned to Madnd as
Acta AppstoUca Sedis* the official organ of the ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ Inquisition. Re^ossing the ocean he
Holy See for the publication a>^a promulgation of ^^^ ^^ lj^^^ probably soon after 1676. His "Nuevo
Its laws, decrees, and decisions. It was established Descubrimiento del Gran Rio de las Amaionas" was
in aoDordance with the wish of Pius X expressed m published in Madrid in 1641.
his Constitution "Promulgandi pontificias," dated ^ . « i
2S September, 1908, and appeared first in January, Adamawa, Prkkbctukb Apostouc op, m Central
1909. It is published by a board of editors with Africa, erected 28 April, 1914, from territory taken
offices in the Palazzo della Cancellaria, and is partly from the Vicariate Apostolic of Khartum,
printed at the Vatican Press, Rome. It is issued partly from the Prefecture Apostolic of Ubanghi-
once or twice a month, and forms an annual volume Chari, and partly from the Vicariate Apostolic of
of from 600 to 1,000 octave pages, 7% in. by 10 in., Kamerun. Its boundaries are as follows: on the
the coBt to subscribers being 12 lire a year in Italy north 10" N. lat.; on the east, the boundaries be-