Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/243

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law, and child labor laws. In 1919 the governor college for boys with 4 teachers and 190 students;

was authorized to suspend the child labor law in 2 high schools with 1,600 girl pupils; 3 elementary

cases of emergency. In 1921 the marriage law was schools; 2 orphan asylums; 2 hospitals; 3 day

changed to stop the bigamous marriages that were nurseries. The Government contributes nothing

permitted through a loop-hole in the statute. toward support of the Catholic schools. The Jesuit

Prisons. — In 1911 all male prisoners under twenty- Fathers have 2 missions and 2 stations established,

five years of age, sentenced to less than five years and have under headway 5 missionary projects,

imprisonment were transferred from the state prison For the clergy there is an association of reparation ;

to the new reformatory at Cheshire. and for the laity the Society of St. Vincent de

Chubch Statistics. — For Catholic statistics see Paul; the Third Order of St. iVancis; Congrega-

Hartford, Diocese of. The Congregationalists are tions of the Blessed Sacrament, and of St. John

the most numerous of the Protestant denominations, of the Cross. One Catholic weekly under episcopal

having according to the religious census of 1916 auspices is published. Amons the recently oeceased

71,188 members. The same census disclosed 48354 is Rev. Ludovico Bozzo, who had charge of the

Protestant Episcopalians, 38,581 Methodists, and Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and lived an

26,243 Baptists and 3143 Presbyterians. exemplary life. The Government gave public

M 1 jx. / /• /^ -n -rrr <><.^v i-i • 'x acknowledgmeut of the meritorious work of the Consanguinity (cf.C. E, rV-264).-Consangmmty clergy di^g the World War. IS a dinment impediment of mamage between per- sons related by blood in the direct line, and also Constantinople, Patriarchate of (Constanti- between those who are related m a coUateral hne nopoutana; cf. C. E., IV-«)lc), in Turkey. The to the third degree mclumve. The impediment is Patriarch of Constantinople resides in Rome, but multiplied only as often as the common stock is ^he Catholics of the Latin Rite have a patriarchal multiplied. Formerly it was multiplied when there ^j^ar, who is also delegate apostolic for the Orien- was more than one hne of descent from the com- ^als, residing in the city of Constantinople. Until mon ^ock (e.g. two cousins whose grandparents ^gu ^hose Catholics of the Greek Rite who are were also cousins). The Congregation of the Sacra- ^^^^ ^ ^^j^^ ^e^e governed by an apostoUc ments grants dispensation from consanguinity; if vicar, but in that year Pope Pius X gave a bi^p to it IS m the third dep^ it is coiwidered an impedi- ^y^ community, Rt. Rev. Isias Papadopulos, with ment of mmor rank from which the prosecretary ordinary jurisdiction over the Greek Catholics of the Congregation caii dispense. Formerly dis- ^^y^^ ^he limits of the Vicariate Apostolic, includ- penanes were obtwned through the Datary. Propa- ^ Constantinople, Thrace, Macedonia, and the ganda, of comse. still deals with petitions in this j^^^^^ ^^^^ ^f^Yie Black See and of the See of matter forwarded by persons subject to ite juns- Marmora. After the Balkan war, Macedonia was

riiS?' •.-. .^ 1 ATn. Av«t«n4r ATn^ri^n^ T^niMb^inn sttachcd to tho Archdioccse of Athens. Before 164-ro '^' ' ' ^•' ^"'^"^' ^"™^' Leoulaium, ^^^ ^^^j^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ parishes in Con-

_ ,^ stantinople, one at Para, conducted by the secular

Consecration (cf. C. E., IV-280).— While the ordi- clergy, one at Kadi-Keui (Chalcedonia), and the

nary minister of consecration of a church is the third in Koum-Kapou (Stamboul), conducted by

diocesan bishop, a cardinal may consecrate the the Assumptionist Fathers of the Greek Rite. The

church or altar of his title or deaconate. The con- parish of Constantinople had missions at Malgara

secrator and those who asked for the consecration and Daudeli in Thrace with flourishing schools; that

for themselves are bound to fast on the day before of Koum-Kapou had missions at Gallipoli (Thrace),

the ceremony. When a church or an altar is conse- and at Osarea in Capadocia. During the war the

crated, the ofl&ciating bishop, even if he has no Assumptionist Fathers being French, were forced

jurisdiction over the locality, is to grant an indul- to abandon their missions, except the parish of

gence of one year to all those who visit the church Kadi-Keui which they still hold, while the native

or the Altar on that day. At the same time another clergy remained in possession of all the missions,

indulgence, to be gained on the same condition on xjpon the establishment of the new Congregation •

each anniversary of the consecration, is to be pub- for the Oriental Churches in 1917, the late Pope

lished; this indidgence is for fifty, or a hundred, Benedict XV called Bishop Papadopulos to Rome

or two hundred da^s, according as it is granted by and appointed him Assessor of this Con«^ation,

a bishop, an archbishop or a cardinal. ^ ^ ^ and in 1920 appointed the Rev. George Calavasay

Regardmg loss of consecration, under the Code to succeed him. Bom in Turkey, he made his

a church loses its consecration only when it has studies in the Greek CoUege in Rome, and was

been completely destroyed, or when the greater j^ter given the direction of the Greek missions in

part of the walls have been demolished; of courae Thrace, where he served until 1914, when he was

the consecration or benediction disappeara when the gent to Rome by the Apostolic Delegate to plea

church IS entirely unfitted for Divine worahip and the cause of the Greek missions. The Sacred Con-

cannot be repaired and has been legitimately turned gregation of Propaganda later sent him to Belgium

oyer to profane purposes by the local ordinary. A to seek funds for the necessary development of

chahce or paten does not now lose its consecration the missions, but upon the German invasion he

on being regilt. y^^ compelled to go back to Rome. Sent to the

Codec m. can., 1.147; 1.161-78. United States by the Holy See in behalf of the

Consolata, Missionaries of the. See Mis- same missions he carried on a very successful

szoNARiis OP THE CoNSOLATA. Campaign here, and upon his return to Rome in

1918 was appointed administrator of the Greek

Ckmstantlne, Diocbse of (Constantiniensib; cf. missions. On 13 July, 1920, he. was elected bidiop

C. E., IV-296a), in Algeria. The Catholic popiila- with ordinary jurisdiction over the Greek Catholics

tion is 121,000, made up of French, Italians, Spanish, of the Vicariate of Constantinople and was conse-

and Maltese. Their spiritual needs are attended by crated titular Bishop of Theoaoropolis in Rome.

75 secular and 10 regular priests, assisted bv 12 lay at the Greek Church of St. Athanasius on 15 August

brothers. There are 18 parishes and 10 churches; of the same year.

1 convent of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd; 1 The organization of the Greek missions started

seminary, recently built, with 30 seminarians; 1 by Bishop Papadopulos and interrupted by the war