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the Raphaim, a race of giants of whom Og was one brother of the Emperor Nicephorus, reported a

of the last descendants. It is probable that the great victory over the Saracens in the Pass of

many curious dungeons at Deraat, the modern name Kylindros or Adarassos (Schlumberger, 'IJn em-

of Edrai, are remains of the work of this primitive pereur byzantin au XV* sidcle," Paris, 1890). The

people. Eusebius places this "important city" of name seems to have been preserved in the Adras-

Arabia twenty-four or twentv-five miles from Bostra Dagh, a mountain situated between Ermenek and

and six miles from Astaroth. Christianity was in- Mout. Ramsay (op. et loc. cit.) identifies Adrassus

troduced into Adraa at a very earl^ date under the with Dsu-1-Kala, a fortress mentioned by Arab his-

form of Ebionism and spread rapidly. Bishops of torians of the Middle Ages, falsely identified with

the city appear from time to time in various Sideropolis, which has never been foimd. chronicles down to the Middle Ages, notably Proo- *j«4«tx_ /a ^^-nTtecx

lus, who condemned Eutyches at the Synod of Con- . ^^' Diocese op (Adrienws; cf. C. E., I-155a),

stantinople (448). To-day Deraat is the seat of a » suffragan of Vemce and has its episcopal residence

sub-prefecture and is the principal station on the »* ^^7??u ^^?a^^' ^\ ^^™? Ri^zi,^

road from Damascus to Caifa, a city of about 6.000 P^sent bishop (1922), wm born at Ponterra Cre-

inhabitants. monese, 1874, and appointed bishop 4 June, 1913,

to succeed Bishop Boggiani, who came to this see

Adramyttitun, a titular see in Proconsular Asia in 1908 and was promoted to the titular see of

on the Gulf of the same name, according to Bat- Edessa in 1912. There are 91 bishops recorded for

tandier, a suffragan of C^zicus; Baudrillart assigns this see since its foundation. In 1920 there were

it to Ephesus. The city was reputed to be a Lydian 203,000 Catholics in the diocese, 75 parishes, 250

foundation and to owe its name to Adramytus, secular and 12 regular clergy, 72 seminarians, 300

brother of Croesus. lAter it was colonized by the churches or chapels, and 9 rehgious women. Athenia^ who in 496 were victims of a Pereian ^1^3^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E I-156c).-In treating of the

massacre Recovenng from this disaster the city Donation of Ireland to Henry II, Arthur UaX^lerigh,

?J?ffr?Hff Ji"" wL^T^'L^^L^^^^ *"r^'^ "^^l the writer of the article on Mrian IV in the CatIo^

^l kt flf^Ii^^^^ f'"'"' K^^T'^iS "c Encyclopedia declares that in his judgment

?^l.^L i^t^^T^Tr. 1^ ^IT'^^^^^ P'^!f^^ there is no controverted matter in history about

!!o?Tfwi!f li*"^ ^^^' f i'^'T^^'y? /' *^"' which the evidence preponderates in favor of one

9?^Ja% ^tj^'^^^^^T p *^^ ^'^h it""^ f^"' view so decisively as It does in favor of the genuine-

IhnJ^^hVl}^^}'^^^^ «*• Jj""^ ""'1^ *n^!•^ Y" tiesB of the Donation. He bases his conclusion

C^ te^^ R^7? ""S^^ff K«L^'Tf ♦^'*'^'* *° n^ainly on a passage in the "Metalogicus" of John

S^nS^ ttl^ 'r;nr?5^^^^^^ ^^ Salisbury £1 wffich this writer declares that he

te2;-?« 19^'t^^ U?^l?^ ^* * T?"^ ?^ visited Adnan IV at Beneventum and obtained

f£ tl^^vii nf R J«^,^?K ilii^ln^^^^ f. ^rom him a grant of Hibemia to Henry U of Eng-

nofiJ^ l^l^L?Kr*r*^ '^ inhabitants. It is j^^^ Adrian's Bull "Laudabiliter," in which the

called Adramyti by the Turks. p expressly approves of Henry's invasion of

Adrana, a titular see in Bjrthinia, suffragan of Ireland, is also accepted as genuine. As the matter Nicomedia, according to Baudrand the ancient city ^ o^^ ^^ which historians are divided it is fitting of the Emperor Adrian. Comanville identifies it to consider the reasons which have lead a scholar with Achyrac on the Hellespont. To-day it is a >*® Cardinal Gasquet to reject Ua Clerigh's con- small village of Anatolia, called Edrenoe. It is not elusions. In brief, he holds both the Bull and the certain if this city is the same as Adrianotera spoken passage m the "Metalogicus" to be undoubted for- of by Charles de St. Paul as having a bishop, genes, made later to uphold the claim of Henry II Patricius, present at the Council of Chalcedon (451). to Ireland. John of Salisbury says that he obtained

The title was last borne by Mgr. T6ofilo Andrds the Bull of Henry m 1155. This seems untrue be-

Melizan, O.F.M., who, at the time of his death cause Hrary II who came to the throne m 1154 sent

(1905), was Archbishop of Colombo, but had been Bishop Rotrod of Evreux with the Abbot of St.

titular bishop of Adrana while vicar apostolic of Albans and the Bishops of Lisieux and Le Mans

Ceylon. OQ ^ mission to Adnan a few months later. John

' . of Salisbury is not mentioned in connection with

Adrassns, also known m ancient documents as this mission, and in Adrian's reply of 27 February.

Darasos and Adrassos, a titular see of Isauria, suf- 1155, nothing is said about Ireland. Again, John of

fragan of Selucia in the Patriarchate of Antioch. Salirf)ury does not seem to have been known to

It appears in the Notitia episcopatuum of Antioch Henry II till after the publication of his "Poly-

in the second century as one of the suffragans of craticus" in 1159, dedicated to the English Chan-

Seleucia, according to the "Echos d'Orient" (1907). cellor, Thomas a Becket. It b most improbable

The ecclesiastical province of Isauria is known to then that he had been sent on a royal mission to

have been reunited to the patriarchate of Constan- Rome in 1155. In the "Polycraticus** he speaks of

tinople in the eirfith century, under Leo the Isau- his visit to the pope at Beneventum, but his de-

rian, and from that time until the tenth century scription of his familiarity with the pope renders

mention of Adrassus is found in several documents, his statement most improbable ; in any case, he

The see is known to have had three bishops: Zoti- makes no mention therein of the donation of

cus, who according to Le Quien in his "Oriens Ireland. This would be incomprehensible if he

Christianus" was present at the Council of Chal- obtained the grant, as the "Polycraticus" was evi-

eedon; Paul, who attended the fifth oecumenical dently written to win the Chancellor's patronage,

council (Mansi, "C^onciliorum Collectio," IX., 177); and the mention of it would have served to pet

and Stephen, who is also reported by Mansi to have him the favor of king also. If then no mention

been present at the council in Trullo. of the Donation occurs in the "Polycraticus," pub-

The exact position of the city is not known, but lished four years after the supposed event, how then

Ramsay in his "Historical Geography of Asia can its inclusion in the "Metalogicus" a later work,

Minor" says that it was found near the Taurus be accounted for?

Pass on the road from Lycaonia to Celenderis, very Assuming that the Donation is spurious, the pas-

probably some miles south of Meliss-Tepe-Meloe sage in the "Metalogicus" would be a deliberate

or Melouos, on the Calycadnus. In 960 Leo Phocas, foigeiy by Salisbury to gain Henry's favor— and