Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/320

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botanical specimeos, which he arranged while en Honorat, 0. M. Cap. Its members observe the Rule

route and during his stay in his native village, of the Third Order of St. FrandsL with constitu-

These he presented, before leaving, to French, tions adapted to their special work. In 1864 the

Swiss, English, and Italian societies. He returned Russian Uovemment, owing to political unrest and

again to Japan at the end of 1896. After seventeen insurrection in Poland, compelled the Sisters to

years' fresh labors he proceeded to Formosa, partly disperse and five years later they established their

to rest and partly to complete his collection for home in Cracow, where the eeneral mother-house

the European societies; while he had thus an oppor- is now located. Mother Alary Angela, elected

tunity of aiding the scattered Japanese Catholics, general superior for life, resigned in 1870 because

thus relieving the Spanish Domimcans whose flock of ill health. She died in 1899. After a short in-

was composed mainly of Formosans and Chinese, terval Mother Mary Magdalena was elected and

He had spent eighteen months on this scientific served four successive terms of twelve vears each,

and evangelical work, when he was stricken with Through her efforts the community was first ratified

apoplexy and died in the residence of the by Pope Pius IX (Decretum laudis) in 1874. The

Dominican Fathers. Sisters were cloistered, but as there was a general de-

H^ATA, in The Botanical Afagagine, Tokio, XXX (1916), mand for their services among the poor they changed

their mode of life, combining the active with the

Fear (cf. C. E., VI-20). — ^Any act done as the contemplative. In 1874 they were called to America

result of grave fear unjustly caused is valid unless by Rev. Joseph Dabrowski, who labored here among

the law provides otherwise; if it is valid it can, the Polish emigrants, and Mother Mary Monica

however, oe rescinded by judicial authority. While with five companions established the first school in

relatively grave fear excuses one for violating a Polonia, Wis. After many hardships and privations

merely ecclesiastical law it only decreases im- a provincial house with novitiate was established in

putability if an act is intrinsically wrong or mili- Detroit, Mich. (1882), and Mother Mary Monica

tates against public good, ecclesiastical authority was appointed provincial superior. The community

or the &th; in as far as, however, the fear excuses grew in number and (1900) a second province of

frem imputability in the external forum, it excuses about 200 members was founded in Buffalo, N. Y.

likewise from penalties kttcB sententtas. The constitutions were ratified for the second time

Feasts, Ecclesiastical (cf. C. E.. VI-21d: XIV- ^^ ^°P^H^oS^^i'?J^J*S?**iT'^ ""^^^^^ NaUvV S^c^^^^^ E^XnA^onoi oS ^-^' ^hiswas granted, after the constitution. had

I^^£^n7« ^^^^^^^^^ Jrp^^id^^pf^v^^^^

tnd St Wnh'«?hp w two h'.W Tnlf S^^ provinces, each with a novitiate, have been estab- t^P 1i«J*™mn!:^ k5 P^«^in?mf Whi^o^^ Jibbed: one in Milwaukee, Wis. (1910), numbering the list announced by Pjus X m 1911. Where any ^t present 604 members; Lemberg, Po and (1913).

flJt^rl^^J^;^f'^u^'^y abolished or trans- 205 members; Lodi, N. J (1913), Ml membere; and (to w'X°*^TJ?i*J5- ""^"^^ "^'^^""^ consuUing McKeesport, Pa. (i920), 120 members. J't^^i^f^!; V<5al <>rdinanes can appoint certain j^, 19^5 {^e community suffered a great Ion fn^L^ont'f^^.w *l^y own territories, but only thro^ j, the death of Motfier Mary MagcKi. It incidentally; they and pansh pneste. can, m. m- ^^s during the World War, and is communication

vh1V«L^T^ ^f"^' ^^ "f-^' ^ imp^ible there was a vacancy until 1920.

nJ nKi^n"^ particular family from the obbgation ^hen at the General Chapter held in Cracow fL J^T""^ ^^'^' ^""^y?^?u ""^^ superiors have Mother Mary Bonaventura was elected genend On f^^A ^'"^5 '\r?K*;^ *°4i^°f vl^J'r^ to them, superior. Novice mistress for many yeara in the Moi^«5^K^ obligation the faithful must hear prJ^^^ee of Detroit, she had been t^erred to Mass and abstam not merely from servile work, ^r^cow as one of the general councillors, and aev- ^"i^^'^ W proceedings, and, unles .otherwise eral years later sent as a commissary to the Un^

frn^'^nnWiXn^^^^ """^"^ 'P^^' ^'^^' Stat^. wherc she remained until mO. Ae gov-

from public trading. emment of each province is vested in the provin-

Federal Oonncil of Ohnrdies of Ohrist In cial superior and four councillors, who serve for a America. See Union of Christendom. term of six years. Each province is subject to the

Paderatlon of OoUeg. Catholic Olnbi. «. Aaso- ^!^^r^r^Ti'^^„±^r'd:2h^ J^^J^t^. ciation whose

Catholic students in non-Catholic colleges ana eau- vt^ra «riic»n *ht,^r o*^ ^^^.^;^*,y^ ♦« w»«i";^ \^\^^i^

cational in^itutions for the purpoee of Ltual help- ^^iuIwUNh^'sSl^PofanS^ &

fulneas and muted effort m jromoting their re- SccSpied with charitable works; they nureTthTrick

bgious, intellectual, moral and Bocial standards." ^i^ their homes, keep day niireeri™ pro"de

S..^!?°^,*Lf ^;?.£!L*t?!'\?^V^!^^!.<\l!^Ji:?? diSy meals for hundreds of p<^r children aSdstu-

dents, and solicit the help of others for them. They take charge of retreat centers for the seculars, teach

College. -It now number thirty-one clubs in its L?cd^^'i^e's^^ AJffiLf SUI^ K membership and publishes an official organ called moetlv in Darochial schtjols conduct oroW^WM the "Newman Quarterly." Through the Idndness of J™ f or woS ^hhdi^y^ui^H^ the Archbishop of New York, the Federation now ^vate academiS" Cp&™th^"^iic^ S^ has its own quarters m the vicinity of Columbia number 455, and in the United Stetes there are Umversity, with a resident chaplain. 2021 Sisters in charge of 167 parochial schools with

Fellcian Sisters, O. 8. F. (cf. C. E., VI-27c).— 78,940 pupils, and 8 orphanages with 1897 orphans. This community was founded in 1854 at Warsaw,

Poland, by Sophia Trusskowska, in religion Mother Penwlck, Edward Dominic, Dominican, fint Mary Angela, under the direction of Father bishop of Cincinnati, called the Apostle of Ohio,