Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/358

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aiOVlKA220 342 GKI£2K0-1>02KAK

the Faith in England has won Gillow the title tendance of 690. The various charitable works

of "Plutarch of the English Catholics"--and justly carried on in the diocese include the Apostleship so. Interested in the cause of education he was of the Sea, 4 homes, 3 orphanages, 1 hospital, and

twice elected a member of the Manchester School 2 refuges. All but one or two of the public institu-

Board. He assisted in founding the Catholic Record tions permit the ministry of priests and all the

Society (of England) and was chosen as its honorary schools are supported by the Government. There

recorder. In addition to his magnum opus Gillow are 3 organizations established among the clergy,

published "The Tyldesley Diary," "The Haydock and several among the laity, such as the Knights

Papers," "St. Thomas* Priory," "The Story of a of Columbus; the only periodicals published in

Staffordshire Mission," "Lancashire Recusants," the diocese are the diocesan calendar and parish

"A Catalogue of the Martyrs in Englande for Pro- magazines.

fession of the Catholique Faith since the Yeare of .,, _. ^ **_ ^ ^ ^ « ,^ .-« v ^

Our Lord 1535," and, in collaboration with R. Glasgow University (cf. C. E., VI-578c).— One

Trappes-Lomax," "The Diary of the Blue Nuns of ?i *?e most striking developments of modern times

Paris." ^^ Glasgow Umversity is the steady growth of the

^, * . _^ CI ijr rr. women's department, known as Queen Margaret

Oloyinazzo, Diocese of. See Molfetta, Terlizzi College. The college, founded in 1883, now shows

AND GioviNAZZo. a rccord of 2103 graduates, of whom 1627 have Glrgentl, Diocese of (Aqbigbntinensis), in. obtained the degree of M.A., 82 that of B.Sc.; 1

Sicily, suffragan of Monreale. This diocese, the that of B.D.; 2 that of B.L.; 1 that of LL.B.; 358

richest in Italy, is under the administration of Rt. graduated M.B.; CM.; 26 are now M.D.; 5 are

Rev. Bartolomeo Maria Lagumina, born in D.Sc; and 1 D.Litt. During 1920-21 a woman

Palermo, 1850, appointed 28 April, 1898. In 1920 took a degree m agriculture for the first time in

it counted a Catholic population of 415,043; 67 Glasgow. This same year the number of students

parishes, 485 secular and 50 regular priests, 138 registered in the college was 1132, of whom 665

seminarians, 115 Sisters, and 369 churches and were students in the faculty of arts, 124 in that of

chapels. science, 432 in medicine, 5 in law, and 6 in educa-

Oiii8ti2a,FiLiPPo, Cardinal, b at Cinete Romano, ^ The medical department has also had a remark-

8 May, 1852; d. m Rome, 17 March, 1920. He was able growth, the number of students registered in

P^'^fS^^^ ?^ ^^^^J^ J^T ^^}- Roman Semmary 1919 |,eing 3420 as against a registration of only

in 1878; then prefect of studies at the Apollmare. iqqq {^^ 1914

He was made Auditor of the Rota 20 February, Jq 1912 a ' change was made in the regulations

1897, secretary of the Congregation of Bishops governing the degree of B.L., when an ordinance

and Regulars 1902, Secretary of the Holy Office m ^as passed making it compulsory for a candidate

the same year, and of the Council and the Com- for the degree to possess a degree in arts, science

mission of Canon Law in 1904, which office he or economics, or to have passed an examination

retained until 1917. He was created cardinal deacon in arts, or such other examination as the board of

25 May, 1914. On 14 October, 1914, he was examiners might accept.

appointed prefect of the Sacred Congregation of The university library includes some very valu-

the Sacraments, and presided as pontifical legate able collections, among them the Hunterian, Hamil-

at the seventh centenary celebration of St. Francis ton, and Euing collections; the Hunterian Museum,

Assisi in the Holy Land. While there he visited a storehouse of treasures, is also one of the pos-

all the missions of Palestine and Egypt. sessions of the university.

Glasgow, Archdiocese OP (Glasouensis).— On the . Among the numerous societies and clubs formed death of Archbishop John Aloysius Maguire, 14 m the university are the Catholic Students Sodality October, 1920, the affairs of the diocese were ad- jnd the Ossianic Society. The first named was ministered by the Administrator-Apostolic Rt. Rev. founded in 1911 with the object of providing for John Toner, Bishop of Dunkeld, until the appoint- its members opportunities of social intercourse aj ment (22 Febmary, 1921), of Rt. Rev. Donald well m to promote interest in literary, scientific, and Mackintosh, rector of the Scots College, Rome, sociological subjects. The Ossianic Society is one since 1913. Bishop Mackintosh was bom at Glas- ^[ ^^^ eldest in the university, as well as one of nacardoch, Inverness, Scotland, in 1877, studied at the most successful. The objects of this society Blaira College, the Paris lower seminary and the ^^^ the disciission of subjects bearing on the Ian- Scots College, where he was ordained in 1900. He f"age, literature and customs of the Highlands^and was made a privy chamberlain in 1907 and a domestic the promotion of social enjoyment among the High- prelate in 1914. The archdiocese lost its coadjutor l^^^ students. The meetings are conduced entirely upon the death of the Most Rev. Donald Aloysius »? ^^T^Ji n 1 ® society has numbered many dis- Mackintosh, 8 October, 1919. During the World tmguished Gaels among its members War practically all the men of the diocese under ^'^ Donald MacAlister is the present head of the forty, served in some capacity and ten of the clergy university.

served as military chaplains, two of them giving Olastonbury Abbey (cf. C. E., VI-579b). — ^The

up their lives, one at the front, the other by drown- ruins of Glastonbury Abbey were purchased in 1907,

ing from a hospital ship. on behalf of a body of Anglican trustees, and in

The 1921 statistics for this diocese show: 94 1921 the "Abbot's Kitchen" was also acquired by

quasi-parishes, 94 churches, 18 mission stations, 9 them. Recent excavations have laid bare the foun-

religious houses for men, 20 convents for women, dations of the cloister, on the south side of the

265 secular priests and 48 regulars, 500 nuns, 1 abbey church, and also of some chapels attached

diocesan seminary with 40 seminarians, 1 training thereto, but nothing of special architectural or

college for women with 12 teachers and an attend- historical importance has been found.

ance of 200, 14 high schools with 148 teachers and /i^^^m, -D^oiMt a«^ ^,«^«« - a /-• - .

an attendance of 4233, 2 academics with an attend- p^?^!??"'^^" Archdiocese op. See Gnibzno-

ance of 726, 2 training schools, 96 elementary schools ^^^^^^n.

with 1504 teachers and an attendance of 16,927, and Gnlemo-Poznan, Ahchdiocesb of (Gnesnbnbib

3 industrial schools with 12 teachers and an at- et Posnanienbib), in Poland. This see carries