the independence of Albania. In this protocol tiie 202 churches (1 of the Maronite Rite), 47 missions provisions of the secret Treaty of London parti- with churches, 64 mission stations, 30 chapels, 82 tioning Albania were annulled and the fVench clerical students. 2 colleges for men ana 1 for troops were forced to withdraw. On 17 December, women, 30 parochial high schools with 4631 pupils, 1920, Albania wais admitted to membership in the 6 academies with 639 boys and 601 girls, 2 normal League of Nations. The Albanian frontiers of 1913 schools with 12 teachers and 100 students, 60 par- are again being considered as the boimdaries of the ishes with parochial schools with 22,812 pupils, present Albania, which means that Scutari, Koriza, 6 orphan asylums, 2 refuges, 3 day nurseries, 3 and Arg3rrovastron are to belong to her. This, how- hospitals, and 6 homes; 12 public institutions per- ever, leaves out the 1,500,0CN) Albanians in the mit the priests to minister in them. A total of provinces of Chameria, held by Greece, and in 23,321 children are under Catholic care. The &0880VO and Dibra. Clerical Fund Society is established among the Aiiko^tA Tw,.^— ^« /A,„.^ro^raTo. ^ c* T? ©Icrgy, aud the Knights of Columbus, Catholic r^^I^' ^^"^ ^^ (Albanbnms; cf. C. E, Daughtera of Americaf Knights of St. John, Ladies' I-255d),asuburbicanandioc««^^^^^^ Benevolent Association, and National
fy'li^Ke'^ci'&tJpi^te^^^^^ ar- W^^-^ ^^--^ - -^--* --« the
at Naples, 1851, ordained 1879, attached to the office ***^^*
of the Secretary of State, 1893, and ablegate to Albenga, Diocese of (Albiganbnsis; cf. C. E.,
France the same year, appointed titular archbishop I-268c), in the Province of Genoa, Italy, is suffragan
of Edessa, 10 November, 1899, made apostolic to the Archdiocese of Genoa. Rt. Rev. Filippo
nimcio in Belgium the same year, and in Austria- Allegro, who came to this see in 1879 and filled it
Hungary, 1904, returned to Rome, 1911, and made for thirty-one years, died 2 December, 1910. His
cardinal priest 27 November of that year. He successor, Rt Rev. Joseph Cattaroni, was appointed
represented the pope at the coronation of King 11 April, 1911, but transferred to Belluno in Novem-
George V of England (1911), and in 1914 attended ber, 1913. The next incumbent, Bishop Carletti,
the Eucharistic Congress of Lourdes as papal legate, was appointed in July, 1914, consecrated 13 Septem-
He was promoted to this see 5 January, 1916, as ber, and died 23 October of the same year, before
successor to Cardinal Agliardi, d. 19 March, 1915. he had been installed. He was succeeded by the
By 1920 statistics the Catholic population of the present bishop, Rt. Rev. Angelo Cambiaso, b. at
diocese numbers 50,000 and there are 12 |)arishes, Genoa, 1865, ordained 1889, appointed bishop 22
60 secular and 100 regular clergy, 35 seminarians January, 1915, and consecrated 21 March following,
and 62 churches or cmipels. The diocese has a Catholic population of 125,000,
Albany, Diocese op (Albanbnsis; cf. C. E„ l?LS^f ^ ^^Z/^'i fv..'SK'Vh!Sri.p«
I-256b)7comprises 10,419 sq. miles in the State of f!^ ?SS^^£f* ^'^^^ ""' ""^^^ ^ ^"^^^^^
New York, U. S. A., and is suffragan of Buffalo. ^^ ^^ «*^"-
For more than twenty years this see was filled Albl, Archdiocese of (Albiensis; cf. C. E., by Rt. Rev. Thomas Burke, bom in Utica, N. Y., I-267a), in France, comprises the Department of in 1840, ordained in 1864, and appointed bishop Tarn. At the time of its re-establishment in 18ffl, 15 May, 1894. In 1902 he was made a knight it united the ancient Bishoprics of Castres and of the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre and * Laveur. The first monastery founded in the arch- took the cross as his coat of arms; on 30 May, diocese was that of St. Salvy near Albi. Many of
1914, he was named an assistant at the pontifical its parishes are very ancient, having existed before throne. Bishop Burke died suddenly on 20 January, the time of Charlemagne. The cathedral of St.
1915, and was succeeded by Rt. Rev. Thomas Cecelia is southern Gothic in architecture, though F. Cusack, bom in New York City 1862, ordained it gives the impression of a fortified church. The 1885, made superior of the New York diocesan ancient Benedictine Abbey of Sor^ze was founded missionaries in 1897, appointed titular Bishop of 26 August, 816, by Pepin, son of LcAiis the Pious. Themyscira and auxiliary to the Archbishop of The Abbey of Castres, which later gave birth to New York, 11 March, 1904, and transferred to the city of Castres, dates from 819, its foimder being Albany, 5 July, 1915. Upon the death of Bishop St. Benedict of Aniane, acting under the patronage Cusack 12 July, 1918, his successor was appointed of Louis the Pious. The monastery was originally in the person of Rt. Rev. Edmund Gibbons, 10 called St. Benedict of Belle-Celle, the name of March, 1919, and consecrated by Mgr. Bonzano in Castres being added in the middle of the nintii Buffalo, 25 March following. Bom in White Plains, century.
N. Y., 1868, Bishop Gibbons made his final studies The present (1922) Archbishop is Mgr. Pierre-
at the American College in Rome in 1887, and was C^lestin^ C^z^rac, who succeed^ the late Mer.
ordained in the church of St. John Lateran, 27 Mignot in 1918. Bom in 1856, at Caussens in the
May, 1893. He served as episcopalnsecretary and Diocese of Auch, he was ordained in 1880, was made
gastor, and was appointed to the episcopacy 10 vicar general of the diocese in 1900, and consecrated
farch, 1919, and consecrated 25 March following, bishop of Cahors, 4 January, 1912. Six years later
He is the sixth bishop of this see. ^ he was promoted to the titular archbishopric of
The religious orders established in the diocese Csesarea Mauretanise and made coadjutor of the
include: men. Minor Conventuals, Franciscans, Archdiocese of Albi. On 27 June, 1919, Mgr. C6z^rac
Paulists, Redemptorists and Brotheid of the Chris- promulgated the Brief erecting into an archcon-
tian Schools ; women. Religious of the Sacred fraternity the confraternity of the Sacred Hearts of
Heart, Sisters of St. Dominic, of Mercy, of the Jesus and Mary established for some time in the
Holy Name, of the Good Shepherd, Little Sisters Church of St. Mary Magdalen; and the decree of
of the Poor, Daughters of Charity, Sisters of St. the Congregation of Rites granting a votive Mass
Joseph of Carondolet, and Presentation Nuns. By of the Sacred Heart. A diocesan synod attended by
latest statistics (1922) the Catholic population of this more than 140 priests, was held from 23 to 26
territory numbers 215,412 ; comprising Germans, Aus- August, 1920, the first to be convened since 1881.
trians, Poles, Ruthenians, Slovaks, Italians, French, The Church in France suffered a great loss in
and Lithuanians, besides the American bom. The the predecessor of Mgr. Cezerac, Mgr. Mignot, who
diocese comprises 254 secular and 52 regular priests, died 18 March, 1918. Bom in 1842 at Brancourt,