Maiy, for the Maronitee; 14 secular priests, 5 par- parishes, 23 churches, 6 convents, and 1 hospital,
ishes, 4 missions and 5 churches, 1 secondary school The religious orders established in the diocese are :
for bovs (200 pupils), 1 for girls (160 pupils), and Sisters of Notre Dame, Sisters of Providence, Sisters
1 orphanage for the Syrians. Rt. Rev. Denis- of the Holy Croas and Seven Dolors and Brothers
Ephrem Naccachi, appointed Archbishop for the of the Presentation.
28 August, mi. the dio^ lost ^ PMippus ^^ ^ ^ g x-710b), created in August. 1910.
^^A'tew^^- vtJ^Z «nH i^^Sf,™ f™°> tl'e f°^^^ See of Natchitochesi isTundW the post of Mmwter of Economics aad Apiculture direction of Rt. Rev. Cornelius Van ie Ven, D. D,
Kv^w^v^'K^r>Ki?r?W^Tan«l^mi^^ ^^o was oonsecrated Bishop of Natchitoches 30 M°!l ^7- I^£^'M^wLT^^r'f«VX November, 1904. and was instrumental in having ferred to thw diooew in 8eptembeI^ 1921; for the ^j^^ tranrferred. It includes the same territ«T
- ^Z.t?tT«^?;,1v^*?^^^• tiTwv M^^^^' " Natchitoches and has a Catholic population of
appwnted 6 July. 1902 for. the Greek Melch^tw. ^out 44,500. comprising 25.000 whitS of French
^L^T«So\;/fnf ♦hJ*M^r^„&JK^.^ descent; 2.500 Me^canSl 2fl6o Italians; 9.000 other
te»ii At,!°*^i" i^L^l pS.^„™^ ,^1?* T^Z- whites; aiid OflOO negrt^. There are 25 parishes
W ^^ W^^ X^ slri«n^t3^h?.V.„; S?h "»d SO JnissioM with75 churches in aU. 27 secular
«f p4m «f^hJ PiZt ^« teS,„tJjKhSuTn5 priests, 11 regular; 8 lay brothers and 10 semi-
rhi™'m1mHthS^rchZ'^Sd%£ib,iw- ?«rs= ^ ^^^ 'r ^^"= Vr.r'r ^*5
ings were se^ by the soldiers. Since «.e\w 3l If "f*"?' ^ «>"^« ^^ ^^^ ^tl* 1« teachers and
thl territory included in this diocese has been freed f^ attendance of 450; 1 copege for women with 5
from the Turkish yoke. * ^ ° *** "" °^™ ° teachers; 4 academies for girls with a total attend-
1, .c i uiikjou j>ui>.c. ijjj^ ^£ •jQ^^ j^jj^ J normal school. An orphanasylum
Ales and Terralha, Diocesb or (Uxellemsis for boys and girls was foimded in 1917 near Pine-
AND Terbalbbnbis; cf. C. E, I-283d), in the ville by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate
province of Cagliari, Italy, is suffragan of the Word, of Galveston, and now has 56 inmates. There
Archdiocese of Oristano. The present oishop, Rt. are two Catholic hospitals in the diocese, one under
Rev. Francesco Emanuelli. b. at Anda^o, 1863. the direction of the Sisters of Chtuity- of the Incar-
served as rector of the seminary of Cagliari and was nate Word, the other under the Franciscan Sisters
appointed bishop 29 August, after a vacancy of four of Calais, France, and the priests of the diocese arc
years, to succeea Bishop Garau-Onida. d. 1906. The admitted to minister in the Louisiana Hospital for
episcopal residence is at Ales. In 1920 there were the Insane ahd the United States Public Health
59,530 Catholics in the diocese, 42 parishes, 83 Hospital. During the World War one priest, the
secular priests, 16 seminarians and 108 churches or Rev. F. J. Pluts, served as a chaplain in the army,
chapels. and the laity did its full duty in all respects. The
Al~«u«lria deUa P.«U». Dioc^ op (Ar^- ^TteToifu^^Sot^feSTof'^eri'c^ PiSZ £l"";:'^«^anVye&U^^^Re!? -<» the Holy Name Society. Giuseppe Capecci, who was appointed to this see 19 Alexandzla, Patrurchatb op (Alexandbiensib.; April, 1897, died 16 July, 1918, and was succeeded cf. C. E., I-299d), in Egypt. It comprises the by Rt. Rev. Giosufe Signori, b. at Commenduno Coptic, Latin and Armenian Rites, the head of the 1869, appointed Bishop ^f Fossano 15 April, 1910, first named being Patriarch of Alexandria with resi- transf erred to Alessandria della Paglia, ,23 Decem- dence at C^iro. This rite is at present imder an ber, 1918, and installed 10 March, 1919. In 1920 Apostolic administrator, Bishop Sedfaoui, the last the Catholic population of this diocese numbered patriarch. His Excellency Mgr. Macaire having re- 140,500 and there were 63 parishes, 210 secular and tired in 1908. Belonging to this rite there are 5.500 25 regular clergy, 50 seminarians, 200 churches or of the inhabitants, 11 pnests, 21 churches or chapels, chapels and 160 sisters. 1 seminary, 9 secondary schools and 19 elementary
Ales^o, Diocese of (Albxiensis; cf. C. E., schools. The patriarchate for the Latin Rite is I-284C), in Albania, suffragan of Scutari. Bishop titidar, the patriarch, Mgr. Paul De Huyn, residing Deda, who was made coadjutor to Bishop Mai- ^^ Rome. Mgr. De Huyn was appointed successor czyinski in 1904, succeeded him as Bishop of Alessio to Mct. Mannangeli who died 6 March, 1921. 21 April, 1908, and filled the see until his death 8 A diocese is established for the Armeman Rite October, 1910. The present incumbent, Rt. Rev. which comprises the whole of Egypt with the epis- Louis Bumci, b. at Scutari, 1872, was appointed copal seat at Cairo. The present bishop, Rt. Rev. bishop 18 September, 1911. Within the diocesan John Couzain. bom at Mardin. 1875, was appomted, limits is the quasi-episcopal abbey of Miridite 27 August, 19n, to succeed Bidbop Kojouman, ppj- (q. v.). In 1920 there were 15,000 Catholics in the moted to the titular see of Chalcedon. to 1920 diocese. 9 secular and 3 regular clergy, 13 churches there were m this diocese, 2 300 Armeman CatholiM. and 5 sisters 70,000 of other ntes, 9,500,000 infidels, 650,000
. , . . ' ,^ ,. , Schismatics, 87 missionaries, 5 native regular clergy,
Alexandria, Diocese op (Albxandrinbnsib; cf. 2 primary stations, 2 secondary stations, and 3 C. E., I~d02d), in Ontario, Canada, is suffragan to churdies. the Archdiocese of Kingston. Its first bishop, Rt.
Rev. Alexander MacDonell, who came to the see in Alexlan Brotbers (cf. C. E., I-306d).— In 1865 1900, d. 29 May, 1905, and the second bishop, Rt. Brother Bonaventura Thelen established the Alexian Rev. William Andrew MacDonell, b. in St. Andre, Brothers in the Um'ted States, in Chicago, 111., 1853, was appointed 21 March, 1906. Bishop where in the first fifty years of its existence the MacDonell died 17 November, 1920, and on 28 Brothers' hospital cared for 101,633 patients, of June, 1921, the third and present bishop of the whom 50,905 were Catholics, 37,775 Protestants, diocese, Rt. Rev. Felix Couturier, Dominican, titular 6,430 Jews, and 6,523 of no religion. Of this num- Bishop of Myriophytos, was appointed to succeed ber 35.082 were nursed free of charge. The present him. By 1921 statistics there were 21,000 Catholics hospital, erected in 1895, ranks with the best in the diocese, 22 priests, 80 rehgious women, 17 equipped hospitals in the country. Connected with