Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/531

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FranoiscanSy VincentiaiiB» Jeeuits, Redemptorists, sifltins largely of French Canadiaufi, but with a

and Christian Brothers; women, Sisters of the Im- considerable number of Irish as well as Italians,

maculate Heart of Mary, Sisters of Mercy, of the Poles, Lithuanians, Germans, Ruthenians, Syrians,

Good Shepherd, of the Visitation, Little Sisters of Armenians, and Rumanians. The diocese of Mon-

the Poor, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of treal at the present time (1922) is under the direc-

Jesus, Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, tion of Mgr. Paul Bruchesi, consecrated in 1897,

Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Presentation assisted by an auxiliary bishop, Rt. Rev. Georges

Sisters, Sisters of St. Dominic, of the Holy Cross, Gauthier. Bishop Gauthier is the successor of Mgr.

of the Blessed Sacrament, of the Precious Blood, Racicot, auxiliary bishop, and one time vicar rector

of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, and Sisters of Laval University, a. 14 September, 1915. In

of Notre Dame. 1918 Mgr. Martin, archdeacon of the diocese, died

By 1921 statistics there are 164 parishes, 284 10 July, and in 1919 the diocese lost two prominent

churches, 120 missions, 60 mission stations, 8 con- clergymen by the deaths of Mgr. Emile Roy, vicar

vents for men, 12 for women, 225 secular and 90 general (d. 7 April) and the Abb6 Troie, superior

regular priests, 160 Sisters, 1 Franciscan seminary of Saint Sulpice (d. 15 March),

with 54 seminarians, besides 80 diocesan seminarians During recent years this diocese ha» been the

in other seminaries, 1 college for men with 11 scene of a series of events which demonstrate its

teachers and 420 students, 1 college for women steady growth. In 1911 the foundation was laid

with 18 teachers and 280 students, 10 high schools for the College of St. Jean, and in 1917 the Fran-

with 45 teachers and 650 girls, 16 academies with ciscan Missionaries of Mary arrived in the diocese,

50 teachers, 40 elementary schools with 110 teachers followed in 1920 by the Capuchin Fathers. On 29

and 15,000 pupils, 1 industrial school with 6 teachers April, 1919, the cathedral of Montreal became a

and 114 students. The charitable institutions in- basilica, and by a Rescript of Benedict XV, on 8

elude 3 homes for the aged, 8 orphanages, 7 hos- May of the same year, Laval University was made

pitals, 1 settlement house, and 4 day nurseries in the University of Montreal. During the World

Los Angeles. The orphanages receive some aid War 50,000 men from this territory went into the

from the State, and the Sherman Indian School, Canadian Army, and at least one-third of these

county hospitals, and the soldiers' home permit the were Catholic. The diocese gave seven military

priests to minister in them. The Eucharistic League chaplains, and hundreds of its men were killed at

IS established among the clergy, and the Holy the front while great numbers of others came home

Name, National Catholic Welfare Council, and wounded.

other societies among the laity. A diocesan paper. The present statistics of the diocese show 170

"The Tidings," is published. parishes, 170 churches, 13 missions, 4 monasteries

•M-^^4.^.^1..^. -rw /»* for men and 5 for women, 1 abbey for men, 548

MontesclaMs Diocese op (Montbsclarensis; secular priests and 362 regulars, 1738 Brothers

cf. C. E XVI--36a), suflfragan of Diamantina,, and 6845 religious women. Under these different

Bmzil. The first and present bishop is Rt. Rev. communities of women there are 9 mother-houses

Jofio Antonio Pimenta. and 254 other institutions. The educational institu-

Montevideo, Archdiocese of (Montisvidei f ^Jo^^^^f ' ill"^^^^^ cf. C. E., X-539b), in Uruguay. This see was J*^eolo«»cal seminary with 297 students, 1 phi- vacant from 26 September, 1908, when Mc^Rev! l<^ophical semmary with 160 .students; the tni- Marien Soler died" untU the appointment of the H^^y ?iv^™>v^nAn^^^ Jdt h ^t present incumbent 3 July, 1919. Archbishop Soler Y*^?^ ^^^^'%^?^i^IS^:. a .^"^^^^^^ T**? *^ was the third bishop and'fU archbishop of this see, LV^So^ ^«nH ^nn Jff «fw.1« V^^'lfl \m^'^ and also governed the dioceses of Salto and M61o ^^.^^"^ *5^,S ?^^T^ schools, one with 101 boy which are united to the archdiocese. The appoint- «i"^^^^ ^'^^^ 10 teachers, the other with 249 girl ment of a new archbishop was delayed by pohtical students and 29 teachers. Independent of the troubles and during the vacancy Rt. Rev. Sichaid "^"veraty there are 12 professional schools. 424 Issa, titular Bishop of Anemurium, was appointed elementary schools with 25,163 studente, 74 model administrator. The see is now filled by Mwt Rev. 2?^°°^ y^}^ ,26,734 students, 70 academies with Juan Francisco Aragone, who was bom in Carmelo, 31,975 students, 19 independent schools which re- Uruguay, in 1883 and served as visitor of the dioces^ ^'^^ financial aid from the Government, with 27^ of Salto until his appointment. By a Consistorial 5*Jir°x^li . ^ ^"*^*^ °° °^* receive aid, with decree of 17 June, 1921, a metropolitan chapter was ^^f students. „^^ ,. . ^ ^ _^ erected here. According to 1920 statistics this "^ ^11 there are 2391 rehgious teachers and 996 territory includes a Catholic population of 964,577, ^ay teachers. The charitable institutions include 55 of whom 273,655 are Catholics in the province of asylums, 10 hospitals, 26 refuges, and 2 day nurseries, Montevideo; it comprises 46 parishes, 7 filial parishes, while a great number of the public institutions 122 priests and about 500 churches and chapels. allow the priests pf the diocese to minister in them.

Among the clergy a society is organized for the

MontpelUer, Diocese of (Montis Pessulani; study of social work, as well as associations for

cf. C. E., X— 545a), suffragan of Avignon, France, the Foreign Missionaries Seminary and the Union

The diocese has had 76 bishops, the last bishop of Saint-Jean, an insurance association. Among the

being Cardinal deCabrieres (q. v.) who died 21 Dec., laity there are a aiumber of societies form^ in

1921. At present the see is vacant. The Catholic each parish, the principal ones being the Associa-

population of the diocese is 480,484, of whom 80,230 tion of St. John the Baptist, the Catholic Associa-

are in the city of Montpellier There are 43 first tion for Canadian Youth, and the Society of St.

wTfup AT^th^^^^^^ '^'^ "'"'^ y^'^^^^^ ^\^'^ j^^ ^^^^°>^^ pr.^'¥« dio--

J t^t^ ujr oMiuc ^g ^gj^ active, (ill the papers published m French

Montreal, Archdiocese op, metropolitan see of ^^P8 Catholic, and the Anglo-Protestant papers

the ecclesiastical Province of Montreal, has as being usually in sympathy with the Church. The

suffragans the five dioceses of Montreal, Saint- "Semaine Religieuse/* edited by the archbishop, is

Hyacinthe, Sherbrook, Valleyfield. and Joliette, and the official organ of the diocese and has a circula-

compri.sos a Catholic population of 633,538, con- tion of mnny thousands.