a month the religious does not return or at least gundy. St. Benignus; Carinthia, St. Virgil; Corsioa,
inform the superior of his intention to return. Bl. Alexander Sauli; Crete, St. Titus; Denmark,
Superiors are to seek out such apostates to induce St. Anschar; East Anglia, St. Felix; England, St.
them to return, and are to receive them if they re- Augustine: Finland, St. Henry; Flanders, St.
turn penitently. If the apostate is a sister or a Livmus; France, St. Martin of Tours: Franconia,
nun, the local ordinary, and also the regular superior, St. Elillian; Friesland, St. Suitbert and St. Wulfran;
if there is question of an exempt monastery, are Georgia, St. Nina; Germany, St. Boniface; Goth-
to interest themselves prudently in securing her land, St. Sigfrid; Guelderland, St. Plechelmj Hol-
retum. A religious, of course, who flees with a land, St. WiUibrord; the Indies, St. Francis Xavier;
person of the other sex is ipso facto lawfully dis- Ireland, St. Patrick; Livonia, Bishop Berthold;
missed from the order. Apostates from religious Mechlin, St. Rumold; the Mecklenberg Wends,
life, by the very fact of their crime, incur excom- Bemo; Mercia, St. Ceadda; North Britain, St. Nin-
munication reserved to their higher superior, or if nian; Norway, St. Olaf; Persia, St. Maruthas; the
the order is lay or nonexempt to the ordinary of Picts, St. Colmcille; Pomerania, St. Otto; Portugal,
the place in which the apostates sojourn; they are St. Christian; Provence, St. Lazarus and St. Martha;
excluded from legitimate ecclesiastical acts, and lose Prussia, St. Adalbert and St. Bruno of Querfurt;
all the privileges of their order; if they return to Ruthenia, St. Bruno; Sardinia, St. Ephesus; Saxony,
religion they are deprived perpetually of active and St. Willihad; Scotland, St. Palladius and St. Colm-
paasive voice, and should Ibe suitably punished by cille ; the Slavs, Sts. Cyril and Methodius; Spain,
the superiors in accordance with the rules. St. James and St. Euphrasius; Sussex, St. Wilfrid;
The fugitive or runaway religious is one who Sweden, St. Anschar; Switzerland, St. Gall and
leaves his house without the superior's leave but St. And^ol; Toumai, St. Piat and St. Eloi; Tyrol,
with the intention of returning to the religious St. Valentine; Valencia, St. Felix; the Wends,
life. He is by the very fact of nis crime deprived Boso; Wessex, St. Birinus; Westphalia, St. Ludger.
of his office, il he held any in his order, and, if he The following titles also are commonly accepted:
is ordained, he incurs suspension reserved to his own St. Vincent oe Paul, Apostle of Charity; St. Peter
higher superior; when he returns he is to be pun- Claver, AposUe of the Negro Slaves; Father Bar-
ished according to the rule; if the rule has made to]om6 de las Cassas, Apostle of the Indians; Father
no provision regarding the penalty, the superior Theobald Mathew, Apostle of Temperance; Ven.
should inflict suitable punishment. It may be noted Camillo Pacetti, Apostle of Perugia; St. Francis de
that a nun with solemn vows who leaves her Sales, Apostle of Chablais; Bl. Peter Canisius.
monastic enclosure, even for a short time, without Apostle of Germany; St. Philip Neri, Apostle of
a special indult of the Holy See, except in an Rome, and Bl. Sebastian Valfr6, Apostle of Turin,
urgent case of Prave danger, incurs excommumca- ^pogtoUcae Sedis Moderation! (cf. C. E., I-645c).
n t^rd^kinnF^IpL^^', ?hSugh not cla«ed as the 'bo^^^^^^ in which Pius IX set forth the
l^otJe^nt^'^f^^^^^ -t^^ l5:L>S^rn=^ tfarSSc^LS^
w^oX^vetSfv^'S^^ Tn.J'^a deriS an/ penalties contained in papal documents were
who abandons his clerical dress is to be seriously ?^9,l»hed m 1918, exceot those mention^ m the
admonished by his ordinary to wear it again; if 1 Code of Canon Law wluch came mto effect that
month elapses without the warning being regarded, Y^^'
a minor cleric is ipso jure expelled from the ranks of Apparitors (of. C. E., I-650a) may be described
the clergv; if the cleric is in major orders, anv office as sheriffs of the ecclesiastical tribunals; they may
he hold becomes vacant ipso facto^ he is to be sus- at the same time act also as cursors or heralds,
pended from the orders he has received ; if he openly They are usually laymen, and their nomination,
adopts a profession or business foreign to the suspension and recall are governed by the rules
clerical state he is to be warned again, and, if three enacted concerning notaries.
?^!^ u'*P^* ^^^^""^ *^ ^^^^ warning being ^ ^^ as ftom an Ahuse. See Privilbgbb,
heeded, he is to be deposed. Ecclesiastical.
Apostles (cf.C.E.,626d).— Though the history of Appeals (cf. C. E., I-^52b).— Any party to an
the evangelical career of some of the Apc»tles is ecclesiastical suit who believes himself wronged by
wrapped in obscurity or legend, the following are the judgment of the court, and likewise the pro-
tbe places of which they are commonly credited as motor of justice and the defender of the mamage
being in an especial way the Apostles: St. Peter, bond, in cases in which they are interested, may
Antioch and Rome; St. Andrew, Achaia and Scy- appeal from the decision of the trial judge (judge
thia; St. John, Ephesus; St. James the Greater, appellee) to a higher or appellate judge. Indeed
Spain; St. James the Less, Judea; St. Thomas, the defender of the bond must appeal against the
Mesopotamia and India* St. Jude, Persia; St. Simon, decision of the court of first instance if it annuls a
Egypt ; St. Matthew, Persia and Macedonia ; St. marriage. However, no appeal can be taken from a
Bartholomew, Arabia, Mesopotamia, and Asia decision of the pope or of the Apostolic Signatufe;
Minor; St. Philip, Phrygia. In addition we have or from the decision of a judge who has been dele-
St. Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles ; St. Barnabas gated by the Holy See to try a case, if the rescript
in Cyprus and Antioch ; and St. Matthias in Asiatic appointing him contained the clause ap]^llaiione
Ethiopia. The following also are honored as the remota (without right of appeal) from a judgment
apostles who laid the foundations of the Faith in that is still null and void ; or when the matter
the regions or among the peoples mentioned, or who in dispute has been once definitely settled by the
by their efforts there to revive or save it won the court; or from a definitive judgment based on an
title of apostle: Abyssinia, St. Frumentius; The oath decisive of the suit; or from a judicial decree
Alps, St. Bernard of Menthon; Armenia, St. Gregory or an interlocutory judgment not having definitive
the Illuminator; Artois, St. Vedas; Austria, St. force, unless it is joined with an appeal from a
^verinus; Auvergne, St. Austremonius ; Bavaria, definitive judgment; or from a judgment in a case
St. Severinus; Brabant, St. WiUibrord; Brazil, Ven. which the canons require to be decided without
iose Anchieta; Brittany, St. Paul, de L6on; Bur- any delay; or from a judgment against a contu-