Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/676

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at Reserve. Wis. They also had charge of a parochial constitutions of the institute were revised according

school at Ha3rward, Wis., until all work there closed to the requirements of Canon Law. General gov-

down. Billings Park is now the Good Samaritan emment was established and the system of election

Hospital, conducted by the Sisters, and the mother- bv delegation introduced. The houses of the Diocese

house has been transfeired to Central Park, a beautiful of Toronto and the missions of Western Canada

location on the Bay of Superior, facing Lake Superior, elected a superior general and genend council to

The community numbers (1921) 17 Sisters, 6 novices, administer the affairs of the institute. In 1916 ap-

and 3 postulants. plication was made to the Holy See for pontifical

Wheding (cf. C. E., VIII — 515b). — ^In the Diocese approval of the con^gation and its constitutions,

of Wheeling there are 119 professed Sisters, 22 novices. In July, 1920, the initial step in the process was taken

and 3 postulants. by the Sacred Congregation of Regulars, and the

Wichita (cf. C. E.. XIV — 515b). — ^The Sisters of decree of praise was granted, the institute thereby

St. Joseph were established with the mother-house in ceasing to be diocesan and taking rank aniiong the

this diocese, at the re-division of the Kansas dioceses approved congregations of the Church, In 1921 the

in 1897, the first foundation having been made at constitutions were further revised to meet the ruling

Abilene, Kansas, in 1887, by Sisters from Concordia, of the new Code of Canon Law, and application was

The first general superior was Mother M. Bernard made to the pope for final approbation. Sheridan (1887-1908). She was succeeded by Mother ISince 1910 the .following new foundations have

M. Aloysia Kelleher, who served an extra year been made: St. Joseph's Coll^, Toronto, was

beyond her two terms in order to complete the afliliated with St. Michaels, the Catholic college of

new mother-house. St. Mary's Convent. This was the University of Toronto, in 1911, and cdlege

solemnly dedicated by Bishop Hennessy of Wichita, courses were begun in October of that year; St.

11 February, 1915. Mother M. Colette Kipp was Joseph's had carried on the work of secondiuy edu-

elected general superior, 4 July, 1915, ana was cation for nearly fifty years; the graduates of the

succeeded by the present superior, Mother M. four or five years' colle^ course now receive their

Aloysia Kelleher, 15 August, 1921. The work of degree from tiie University of Toronto upon passing

the conomunity is the education of children and the the regular annual examinations there; an alumnse

care of i^e sick in hospitals. At the present time association was formed in 1911 and in the same year

(1921) the Sisters nimiber 270, and have 1 academy, appeared the initial number of the collefl» quarterly 2 high schools, 20 parochial schools, 6 hospitals, and St. Joseph's Lilies." St. Joseph's Hospital at 5 nurses' training schools. Comox, Vancouver Island, B. C, the first nussion of

Canada, — HamUton (cf. C. E., VIII — 515c). — the Sisters in Western Canada, was opened in Julv,

This conununity with mother-house at Hamilton. 1913; primarily for the benefit of the men in the

Ont., numbers 183 professed Sisters, 33 novices, and lomng and mining camps of the district, the hospital

9 postulants. The Sisters conduct 10 schools in the is nowever open to all, and the ^reat work acoom-

city of Hamilton, and have foundations at Paris plished in relieving physical suffermg and ministering

(1858), Brantfora (1859), Guelph (1861), Arthur to the care of souls has removed the barrier of anti-

(1870), Dundas (1879), and Mt. Forest (1908). Catholic prejudice which at first seemed insur-

London (cf. C. E., VlII — 515c). — The community mountable; 9 Sisters are now engaged in the institu-

of Sisters of St. Joseph at London, Ontario now tion, and the number of patients registered during

(1922) number 234, in charge of 15 mission houses, 1921 was 420. St. Joseph's Convent, Prince Rupert, 2 hospitals, 19 schools, an orphan: asylum and a house B. C, was opened 15 August, 1916, at the urgent of refuge for the aged. They also teach the separate requecft of Rt. Rev. E. I. Bunoz; 4 sisters took schools of the city. About 2O0O children are under charge of the parochial school and in 1917 St. Joseph's their care. In 1914 a larger mother-house became boazding and dav school were opened; the com- necessary so the Convent of the Sacred Heart was pur- munity now numbers 9 Sisters, and the number of chased m>m the Religious of the Sacred Heart who pupils registered during 1921 was 80 in the boarding left for other fields of labor. and day school and 130 in the parochial school.

Peterborough (cf. C. E., VIII — 515d). — In 1890 St. Joseph's Convent, Ladysmith, Vancouver Island,

several Sisters from the mother-house at Toronto B. C, was founded in September. 1917; there are 5

established a house at Petersborough which became Sisters in charge of a parochial school with 125

in turn the nucleus of a new congregation. The pupils. St. Joseph's Convent, Penetanguishene,

community now (1921) numbers 292professed Sisters, Ont., has 6 sisters in the mission opened there in

73 novices, and 6 postulants. Tlie Sisters have September, 1918, and 4 sisters with 7 lay teachers in

charge of 2 academies, 3 hospitals, 2 orphanajS^s, a charge of the public school, with 465 pupils. St.

home for the aged, and 29 separate schools in the Joseph's Convent, Winnipeg, Manitoba, was founded

diocese of Peterborough, Sault Ste. Marie, Ottawa, in March, 1919^ at the request of Archbishop Sinnot,

and Alexandria. In 1910 a foundation was made at the Sisters takine charge of the parochial school in

Douglas in the Diocese of Pembroke. Other foun- St. Joseph's parish; there are 9 Sisters in tJie mission,

dations in the same diocese were Killaloe (1914) and and 5 Sisters in the school, with 300 pupils; in

Mount St. Patrick (1916). In 1921 the Diocese of January, 1921, two Sisters were sent to t^n in St.

Pembroke was granted its own mother-house at Alphonsus School in the Archdiocese of St. Boniface,

Pembroke, with a community of 27 members from Manitoba, with 110 pupils re^tered there. St.

the Peterborough community. Other recent foun- Anne's (Donvent, St. James (Wmnipeg). Manitoba,

dations were Almonte in the Archdiocese of Ottawa was established in September, 1921, when a com-

in 1914 and St. Andrews West in the Diocese of munity house was opened in St. Anne's parish;

Alexandria in 1917. Among recent deaths was that there are 4 Sisters in the mission, and 3 Sisters teach

of Mother Annunciation, in May, 1920. She was in the parochial school, with 143 pupils. St. Joseph's

one of the pioneers of the Peterborough community, HospitiEd. Toronto, was opened m October, 1921, at

Superior of St. Joseph's Academy, Lindsay, for Sunnyside to relieve the needs of the western section

many years, and trsmslator of "The Life of Mother of the city; the hospital at present accomodates 25

Sacred Heart." In 1918 Mother Clotilde, who had patients.

been Superior General for sixteen years, resigned her The following distinguished members of the oon-

office and was succeeded by the present Superior, negation are recently deceased: Mother M. M. de

Mother Aldegonde. Pazzi Kennedy (d. 1915), superior general of the

Toronto (cf. C. E., VIII — ^515d). — In 1914 the congregation for eighteen years, being twice elected