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purposes, from Aden to Lahej, a distance of 30 ordained a priest 1 June, 1901, became a professor

miles. in the seminary, was appointed papal chamberlain

Vicariate Apobtouc (cf . C. E., I-674c) . — The 7 December, 1907, secretary to the bishop 17 August,

Vicariate Apostolic of Arabia includes the whole 1908, and editor of the Catholic journal, "A Estrella

Arabic territory between 35" and W* east longitude Polar." He was appointed Bishop of Arassuahy

and 13° and 30** north latitude, the islands of Perin 12 March, 1914, consecrated 20 September, and in-

and Socotra, and British Somaliland. In 1901 Mgr. stalled 4 October of the same year.

Jean Bigel was consecrated titidar bishop of The diocese now {1921) comprises: 24 parishes,

Eumenia and appointed to succeed Mgr. La^rre, 15 secular and 22 regular clergy, 2 convents for men,

the first vicar apostolic, who resigned. Mgr. Bigel, 3 lay brothers, 5 sisters, 1 seminary in course of

who was elected against his will, never acted as construction, 1 college for men and 1 for women,

vicar, and in 1902 Mgr. Thomas Clark was con- 1 asylum, and 7 hospitals. Societies to the number

secrated titular bishop of Tingis and vicar apostolic, of 10 are organized among the laity, and 2 Catholic

Eight years later Bishop Clark was transferred to periodicals are published.

the diocese of Port Victoria, Seychelles Islands, and Awinna 'Db»»»^tt». a«^««^.,^ ^« /a« . .«\

Mgr. Raffaele Presutti, consecrated titular bishop z^^^^h^^'^^^f^!^ ""^ ^^^o^^^S'^^'

of Anchialos, replaced him in Arabia. He died 3 S,?""',?? ^'^S^ Amenca was erected J^ May

August, 1914, aid the present incumbent. Mgr. ??^f ' ^^ \^^^^u u^ }h. ^\^li^^ Apostohc of

EvSngelista Vanni, titulaJr bishop of Tenedos, be- E^f^Ti/^iT^ Jl '\\V^^^ the northern part

came^icar in 1916. Bom in the diocese of Pistoia, ^j^^^^J"". ^^X ^^? °^ ^^^^11^"" Caviare, ft is

Italy, in 1878, he entered the Capuchin novitiate ^tTJ^^o^'i^^ Lazanst Fathers and has 30,000

at Cortona, was ordained in 1901, and four years inhabitants, comprising whites and Indians, and 7

later went as a missionary to India. He was rector naissionanes.

of the cathedral in Agra when appointed vicar Arancanla, Pr e f b ct uk e Apostoucof (Abaucanijb;

apostolic of Arabia. cf. C. E., I-679a), in Chili, South America, with

In 1912 the Somali chiefs, threatening an insur- residence at Valdivia. This mission comprises part

rection, forced the English authorities to close the of the provinces of Cantin, Valdivia and Leauquinue,

missions in Somaliland founded b^ the French and is oounded on the north by the River Imperial,

Capuchin Fathers, who were later given charge of on the east by the frontier of Argentina, on the

the newly erected Prefecture Apostolic of Jibuti, west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the south by the

formed from territory belonging to the Galla Mis- River Maipue. It has 143,000 inhabitants, of whom

sion. Efiforts to evangelize the interior of Arabia 60,000 are Indians and a number of these are in-

are still unsuccessful. During the World War a fidels. By 1920 statistics there are 20 parishes. 27

military chaplain was stationed at Sheik Othman. churches or chapels, 31 Capuchin Fathers and 21

Catholics in the vicariate made a special contribu- brothers, 9 communities of religious of the Holy

tion to the War Memorial. Cross of Menzigen (Swiss), 9 elementary schools

Statistics for 1921 were as follows: about 5,000,000 with 519 pupils, and 9 secondary schools with 538

inhabitants, of whom about 1,000 were Catholics, 600 pupils.

native and 400 European; 2 missions, 2 churches, a«v4«.— 4.1-.- /m / j* i-t -n t «««x m

4 priests, 5 stations, 5 schools with 247 pupils and A^**^^?^' Canonical (cf. C. E., 1-682) .-To

12 teachers, 2 convents of Franciscan Sisters of avoid litigation the canons provide that the parties to

Calais with 11 Sisters, 2 orphanages with 50 orphans, a dispute may covenant to submit it to one or more

4 pious associations; Tertiaries of St. Francis, arbitrators to decide the i»ue on the basis either of

League of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Societies of ^aw or of equity Persons who are excommunicated

St. IVancis Xavier and of the Holy Rosary; 1 co- ^^ infamous after a declaratory or condemnatory

operative society. sentence cannot act validly as arbitrators; neither

. * • V . T* -t ^^an la3Tnen in ecclesiastical cases, while religious

Aracajtt, Diocksb op (Aracajunbnbib), m Brazil, must not undertake to adjudicate without permis- was erected on 15 December, 19()9, by the dis- gion of their superiors. Arbitration is invalid in memberment of the Archdiocese of Bahia, of which criminal cases or in contentious suits involving the it is a suffragan.^ It comprises the state of Sergipe, validity of a marriage, or the title to a benefice of which Aracaju is the capital, and is bounded on (though in this case the lawful authorities may the north by the state of Alagoas, on the west and authorize arbitration), or spiritual matters mixeil south by Bahia, and on the east by the Atlantic ^fth temporal. If, however, the question concerns Ocean, thus covering an area of 86,993 sq. miles, church temporal goods and things which, though The ^thedral is dedicated to the Holy Saviour, connected with spiritual matters, can, nevertheless. The first and present bishop, Rt. Rev. Joseph be considered apart from them, arbitration is law- Thomas Gomes da Suva, b. at Martins, 1873, was ful; but in that case the regulations concerning the appointed to this see 12 May, 1911, and consecrated alienation of ecclesiastical property must be care- 19 November following. By 1920 statistics the dio- fully observed, cese has a Catholic population of 550,000, divided a— -uv^-i.^-. / * /^ -c^ t />a^\ mi. • i_x *

into 28 parishes. ^^^?**? H' ^' ^^ ^iP^'^"^^^ nght of an

archbishop to intervene m the dioceses of his suf-

Arassnahy, Diogesb of (Arassuahiensis), in the fragan is strictly limited by the Code as follows:

State of Minas Geraes, Brazil, is suffragan to the He may grant institution to beneficiaries who have

Archdiocese of Diamantina, out of a portion of been presented by patrons, if the sufifragan has

which it was erected 25 August, 1913, having as its neglected to do so within the statutory period. He

western limits the civil communes of Tneopilo can grant indulgences of 100 days to the suffragan's

Ottoni and Minas Novas, which form a part of it. subjects. He may appoint a vicar capitular or

The original boundaries were changed 2 April, 1914, oeconomus if the cathedral c^iapter has neglected

making the diocese somewhat larger than when it to elect one after the death of the bishop. He is

was first erected. to see that the faith is not endangered and that

The present incumbent, Rt. Rev. S^raphino ecclesiastical discipline is strictly observed, and if

Gomez-Jardim, is the first bishop of the diocese, there are any abuses, he is to notify the Holy See.

Bom at Olhos d'Agua 7 September, 1875, he made If the suffragan has neglected the canonical visita*

his studies at the seminary of Diamantina and was tion of his diocese, the archbii^op may make it