Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/734

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Moreno, 0. S. A., bishop of Pasto, who was bom 21 deaneries. 181 pariflhes, 43 filial parishes, 452

in Alfaro and died in Monteagudo, both in this ' secidar and o6 regiilar clersy, 10 oonventa and 820

diocese: the translation of the remains of Venerable religious women scattered tEroagh 117 houses.

Sister Maria de Jesus de Agreda and the printing of _ ^

her works, especially the celebrated "Mystic City of , TarragonA, Archdiocese of (TABRAcpNENfflffl;

God;" and the process of Mother Vicenta, native of c'- C. E., XIV--459b), in Catalonia, Spain. The

Cascante and founder of the Institute of Maria Imma- present archbishop is Cardinal Francisco de Asis

culata for domestic service. There are in the diocese Vidal y Barraquer, bom in the archdiocese at Cam-

(1921), 144,500 Catholics, 147 parishes, 299 churches, ^rils, 3 October, 1868, studied at Manresa, at the

2 abbeys of women, 10 convents of men and 18 of 1*^ school m Barcelona, and the Seminary of Tarra- women, 380 secuilar and 215 regular priests, 2 houses gona, ordained 1899^ elected titular bishop of Pcn- of Brothers, 670 Sisters, 1 seminary, 112 seminarians, tacomia and administrator of Solsona, 25 May,

3 asylums, 12 hospitals, 6 refuges, and many or- 1^14, promoted to the archbishopnc 7 May, 1919, ganizations for clergy and laity in every parish. *P^ created cardinal priest 7 March, 1921, with the In every township there are schools maintained by ^^^^® 9^ Santa Sabina. His predecessor was Mgr. the Government and in more important places 'Antolin Lopez y Pelaez, bom at Manazanal del coUgioa directed by religious. Five Catholic papers Puerto, Diocese of Astom, 31 August, 1866, priest are published. 1889, elected Bishop of Jaca, 14 November, 1904,

consecrated at Burgos, 4 April, 1905, promoted to Tarbes and Lourdes, Diocese op (Tarbiensis bt Tarragona, 18 July, 1913, died 23 December, 1918. LouRDENSis; cf . C. E. , XIV— 453b), in the depart- Mgr. Lopez y Pelaez was a member of the Senate and, mentof Hautes-Pyi^ndes, France, suffragan of Auch. from 1913, of the Royal Academy of Spain. On the In consideration of the fact th|it the celebrated shrine fourth centenary of the bu-th of St. Teresa he pro- of Lourdes is situated in this diocese, a decree of 20 nounced a discourse at the celebration. In 1914 April, 1912, united the name of Lourdes to the title ^^ founded a museum for the diocese of Tarragona, of the see, but only as an honorary title, and not ^^J^^ dates from Apostolic times. The Catholic changing the ei date, 8 Decemi wearuiff the Dall_

is only attached to"the see ofLourdesT fhe'^present ^27 secular and 256 regular priests^ 3 seminaries, 205

bishop, Rt. Rev. Frangois-Xavier Schoepfer was bom seminarians, 80 lay brothers, 560 Sisters, 1 umvereity

in Wettolsheim, in the diocese of Strasbourg in 1843, J"^^*^ 5^. professors and 700 students, 21 coUgioa for

he served as pastor of St. Pierre de Gros-CaUlou in ^Vf with 6000 students and 24 for girls with 4100

Paris, was named a prothonotary apostolic 1 June, students, 10 high schools with 200 boys, 3 academies.

1888, and appointed bishop 14 December, 1899. 2 normal and 28 elementary schools, 2 homes for a«ed

Another special privilege was granted to the diocese Poor, 9 asylums, 3 refu^, 6 charity centers, 3 day

in 1918 when a rescript of Rites dated 27 February nurseries, 14 organizations amonp cler^ and 17

gave permission for the celebration of the feast of wnong; kity. Four Government institutaons admit

the Immaculate Conception in the churches of Lourdes ^e ministry of pneste and 17 Caliiohc institutions

on 25 March, 1918, the sixtieth anniversary of the receive Government aid. Four periodicals (2 dadiea

sixteenth apparition of Our Lady, in spite of the fact ^^ 2 weekhes) are pubhshed.

Holy Thursday fell on this date. The diocese em- ironiiai-^ Tv.rvr^«« ^™ /'T*A^»^m»^r«,<.. ^f n v

braces a Catholic population of 206,105: 28 first- ytvJ^S^k^ • ^^^ °/* ^^^*^S-^S^'®/ <^^^ C-. E-.,

.io«- r.o««Ko« am in;^„«.«i "oi!'i Q9 '^to«"^^^ X?y7:465b), m the state of Sao Paufo, Brazil is

V, Epammondas

over an area of

square miles and according to 1920 statistics

has a total population of 400,000; 39 parishes, 5

Tarentatee, DiocESB of (Tarantaisbnsis; cf. congregations of men and 5 of women.

C. E., XIV — 454a), in the department of Savoie. Teano, Diocese op. See Calvi and Tbano France, sufifragan of Chambery, with episcopal

residence at Mou tiers. This see is filled oy Rt. Tefl6, Prefecture Apostolic of (db Teffe; cf.

Rev. Louis Termier, bom in Chaml>§ry, 2 February, C. E., XVI— 69b), in Brazil, was erected by a decree

I860, ordained in 1884, served as a professor in Paris of 23 May, 1910, which separated it, together with

and Chambery. then as superior of the lower seminaiy the Prefecture Apostolic of Upper Solimoes, from the

of St. Pierre d Albigny in October, 1894, pastor and Diocese of Amasones or Manaos. The first mission

archpriest of Aix-Tes-Bains, named an honorary was established in this territory b^ Rev. Father

canon in 1909 and appointed 29 November, 1918, Libermann in June, 1907, at Teff^, a httle town of 600

succeeding Rt. Rev. Jean-Baptiste Biollet, app. inhabitants about 350 miles from Manaos. A site

16 Decei^r, 1907, d. 10 October, 1918. The gQo- "Bocca do Teff^ " was donated to the missionaries

cese embraces a Catholic population of 68,000; 7 by the State authorities, and a lai^ge orphanage and

first class and 79 succursal parishes^ and 22 vicariates industrial school for voung Indians was erected upon

formerly supported by the state. it. No further aid however has been received from

the Government since 1900. The first prefect apos-

Tamow, Diocese of CTarnovibnsis: cf. C. E., tolic, Rt. Rev. Michel-Alfred Barat, C.S.Sp., bom

XIV — 458c), in Western Galicia, Poland, formerly a in Crouzille, France, in 1864, came to Hie mission of

part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The see, the Amazonas in 1906, served as a teacher in the in-

suffragan of Lwow, is now filled by Rt. Rev. JAon dustrial school at Paricatuba from 1906-1908, and

Wallega, bom in Moszczenice in the diocese of was named prefect apostolic in August, 1910. Al-

Przemysl in 1859, ordained in 1883 and appointed though the territory comprised in this prefectui^

bishop 15 April, 1901 . He is assisted by an auxiliary', extends over mUes it includes only four mumcipalities,

Rt. Rev. Edward Komar, appointed titular Bishop Teff^, Fonte-Boa on the Solimoer, Carauary and San

of Alinda 16 June, 1921. A decree of the Consistory Fehppe, embracing a population of 35,000. The work

of 30 August, 1921, changed the boundary line of the of the missionaries is chiefly among the mulatto

diocese on the side of Przemysl. By latest statistics rubberers," and Indian fishers or hunters, who live

the diocese has a.QathoUc population of 823,936; in the forests on the banks of Uie Japura, Jutal^
