Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/799

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XXIV (1920-21), 450; ,j;*« Bjjjopj and the Y.M.c gentry founded the "Univereidad Ibero Americana";

American Ecel. Rev. LXIV (1921), 242. See, also articles on t x • a^u: j • au „rivftt/» fipfinnlit fK» laur n/

various C^athoUc societies. Catholic social work, social refonn, ^^? }^ ""® A??,.*'^ P**? pnvaie ScnoolS tUC law Ot

ote. religious prohibition is m force.

Gerald Shaughkbsst. _ . ^ ««i « _^ ,r

X nkon ana iPnnc6 Snpert , Yicasiate Apostolic

Yoimg Women's Christian Association. See of (cf. G. £.,Xy — 738a), in Canada. The former

Young Men's Christian Association prefecture apostolic was erected into a vicariate on 20

^ ^ ^ ^^ Nov., 1916. Its area is about 520,0(X)sq. miles. The

Yucatan, ARcmiocBSE of (Yucatanensib; present and first vicar is the Rt. Rev. Emile-Marie

cf. p; E., XV---737C), m Mexico. The present feunos, b. at Sales, France, 24 February, 18d4, or-

ajchbishop is Most Rev. Martin Tnstschler y dained 28 March, 1891, elected titular bishop of

Cordova, who has occupied the see since 1900. He Tentyra and made vicar apostoUc of Yukon 13 June,

was bom m Uie Diocese of Puebla, 26 May, 1868, 1917 consecrated at Vancouver 18 Oct. foUowing,

studied at the South American College at Rome published 10 March, 1919. In 1921 the vicariate had

from June, 1883 to August. 1893, doctor of 8000 Catholics, 6 quasi-parishcs. 37 churches, 32

philosophv at mneteen and of theologv at twenty- missions, 10 stations, 3 convents lor women with 28

three, ordained 12 December, 1891, elected Bishop Sisters, 2 secular priests. 12 regulars (Oblates of Mary

of Yucatan, 28 July. 1900, consecrated 18 November Immaculate), 2 seminarians, who are being educated

followmg, first Archbishop of Yucatan. 11 November, in other dioceses, and 1 hospital. The secondary edu-

^^95' 1 ,. 1. /^^r^^v «>*, . 1 cational institutions are: 2 parochial schools, 1

The archdiocese has (1922) 27 panshes, 166 academy , 1 Indian industrial school, 2 Catholic Indian

churches, 2 mission groups, 47 secular and 7 re^r schools conducted by laymen under the supervision

pnests, 42 Sisters, 1 seminary with 16 sexmnanans, of priests. 1 college for men with 16 teachers and 231 students,

4 for women with 26 teachers and 724 students^ 6 Tnn-nan, Vicariate Apostolic of (cf. C.E., XV —

elementary schools with 26 teachers and 527 pupils, 738b), in China, has 37 parishes, 132 churches, 201

1 orphan asylum for boys with 20 inmates, 1 cnarita- stations, 26 European missionaries, 16 Chinese pnests,

ble centre. Ninety per cent of the population is 1 convent for women "Chinese Maidens," 17,5(X)

Catholic. Two societies are organizea among the Catholics, 1 seminary with 40 seminarians, 1 college

dergy and three among the laity. for women with 3 students, 1 normal school with 3

On 24 September, 1915, Salvador Alvardo, teachers and 23 pupils, 1 home for the aged poor, 19

Governor of Yucatan, sent a group of fanatics to orphanages, 1 hospital, 110 schools with 2100 pupils,

invade the cathedral during the night; they destroyed There is no aid from the government for anv of these

the sacred images, the altars and even the organ, institutions, and only one orphanage admits the

and desecrated the cemeteries. The Spanish clergy ministry of priests. In several districts the associa-

and the nuns dedicated to education in the college tion of the Bona Mors" is organized. The vicariate

of St. Teresa of Jesus and Mary were exiled, their is entrusted to the Foreign Missions of Paris, under

property seized and secularized, colleges, hospitals the administration (1922) of Rt. Rev. Charles-

and institutions were confiscated by the fanatics Marie-Felix de Gorostarzu, titular Bishop of Aila,

imtil there was nothing more left. The bishop' b. at St. Vincent deFyrosse, France, 6 October, 1860,

house was converted into an official building. But appointed vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan 10 December,

little by little some of the clergy returned and have 1907, consecrated 29 March, 1908. He resides at

ventured to open schools. Finally several Yucatan Yun-nan-fu.