Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/95

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idien be went to Rome as chaplain with the Volun- for good. A later edition has a preface by M^.

teera from N!mes who rallied to the defense of the Benson (q.v.). Pope Leo XIII conferred on its

Holy Father, smd were formed into a company author the cross Pro Elcdesia et Pontifice. Miss

under Captain Wyart, later Dom Sebastian, Abbot Baker was on the Committee of the Catholic

General of the Reformed Cistercians. On his return Truth Society, the Catholic Women's League,

in 1860, P^ Bailly was attached to the Paris house Catholic Girls Protection and other societies, and

of the Congregation, which later became the center her home in South Kensington was a center of

of so many activities then in their infancy, and constant occupations and interests for helping

where he worked under Fkte Picard. In 1870 P^ others.

BaiUy served as chaplwn with the troopa dimng ^^ ^,4^ DiocsaB op (BABasaiENSiB; cf. C. :e.,

ft ^T.r^L^t^M^.^i.'fh^hr^}.^ II-213d)^ in the State of Oregon, United States^

the soldiers m the field and m the hoipitate. comprisM an area of 68.000 sq. miles. The fim

In the great work of Christian reconstruction hinhon Rt Rpv rwiM T fVRpillv n D who

undertaken with rare vision, by the Fathers of ?^°;„ .iT: f^\: Ss^o^i%ri!?i^

  • !._ A _«.—-<:«. ;.. E<— ..... t>^ ii.:ii.. >.«.. ,^^ Came to the see m 1903, was transierrea to uncoln

the Assumption m Frawe, P6re Badly was one jq March, 1918, and was succeeded by the present

li*^f trnSinTrfS .^i^^o„'w,^«.SS: Scumbent, Rt.' Rev. Joseph F. McGrath.%.D.

f"^'-^ o^,tjy„ ^.^J1?^r22^-y^^» N^J™ Bishop McGrath was bom at Aglish, diocese of

te^ aT^„u^^JIa il^^xZ^ln,^ Wateftoid, Ireland, 3 March, 1871, Stlained a priest

S^L?!i.Si.' JX^HnLi nfla,;^?^'^?^^ »* Moutr^, 21 ftecember, 1895, made curate at

Fathers; ehrector of the national pikrimages to the g^ Patrick's Church, Tacoma, 1907. and appointed

K i«?nr^. Piling fnid^r^f "?!. Or^«" bishop 21 Decembe^, 1918, consecrated 25 March

llT'J^^lf.Ji^v^t!^J^ZMJf3Si^^ of the foUowing year During the World War one

f^l^J Jk wl^T^f if ^n?^j2i^n»»S^ priest of thisTdiocese served as a chaplain and

i5?"Sue^o*'L'SS?.egeSi,lri d^^nrSl h^^^"^' ^^ ^ -^^-^ *^« ^^ «^- ""

trr'*'cSS.,^'°w^c? KwSStKS:; By ^nt (1921?^t^ics the tcgal Cal^^ic

the ii«udonym «le Moine." became the most pow- r^*if°r?L^^S %^C^^t70a'^^

TSSi K^^Si^^r'^nf^^f vm th^r^LJ^H^ " and ak attendance of 329 boys and 628 girls, and

ffid'^tl^'^p^lcation'iS icuSCb,°pl^ LSltl±1.^1*'^!S!sred 1i ^'dioSl

Bfilly subnu\tcd unquestioningly to the -amfice r^^preS^FiSTcaS^Sf jLT^^^

demanded of him m the cause of peace. The years ^iZ n^u /Ij ??«? '//v^S^ t^^ q.-o^^ki Jif tko Wniv

of exile (l«KM)6y. after the ein)u£on of the fcon- gf J^-J?^ ILfuS^""'

fregation from France, were spent in Rome, m -^^***"^ "* *»w»uo cuxu ^^a,.j.

(e^um, in foundin^f the English houses of the Balearic Islands (cf. C. E., n-221d).— On 1

Consolation, in visiting the missions in the Orient January, 1920, the area of the Balearic Islands was

and in giving retreats. On his return to Paris he 1,935 square miles, and the population 331,196 (171.1

lived in an apartment in the Rue Goethe, and per square mile). The islands form a separate

devoted much of his time to his literary work, military district of Spain and have a strong fortress

In 1912 in spite of severe illness, he attended the at Mahon, also a new wireless station. For religious

general chapter of the congregation in Luxemburg, statistics see Majorca and Iviza, Diogbsb of;

ying a few months later in Paris. He received the Minorca, Diogesb op.

last sacraments from his brother Pfere Emmanuel, Uttiiara.* tyt/w^o. **« /na««a.Apm»«TeT.. ^ n v

his superior general. It is to P^re Bailly's intense „^JS?f *?; ?^.^L /ff?^^^ It'

spiritual life that we have to look for the explana- S"r^l' inAustraha, suffragan of Melbourne. Rt.

tion of his prodigious achievements for the glory ^\' ,^^^^, Higgms, translated to this see m 1905,

of God and thedefence of the Faith. His spirit o( ^^^? September 1915, and was succe^ed by the

faith truly moved mountains and his name, coupled Sf^f *, 'SIT^^""!/ ?oi«^ a ^^J^^* f ""IY' ?S?;

with that of Louis VeuiUot, sums up Cathilic ibur. secrated 24 August, 1916. According to the 1911

oalism in France in the nineteenth century. ceiwus^ diocese compns^ a Catholic population

^ of 61,369. The religious orders established here at

EuzABBTH ANsncB, couvert and writer, ^^^ P?^* *"^f ^^^} ^^ men Congregation of

b. in London, 1849; d. there 16 October, 1914. She Jhe Most Holy Redeemer and the Christian

was the fourth daughter of the Hon. John Baker, gf^*^^?' !JTf ' ^'f^f a^ a^ ^^T?5 ^j'^a

and sister of Sir Richard Baker, K.C.M.G., K.C ^""13,' ^""i^ :%T ^}'^\^'^'^ ?^a?"i ^1^

In her youth her family moved temporanly to gL^^"T\?"rt® l*^^"^* ^'^c-^ ""^ ^Ku""^

one of England's distant colonies, where she doubt- Sist«" <^^ ^^^ 2^ ®^"S"Vk' ^f^""^ ^^ SJT

less imbibed the independence of thought and Bentetion, and Sisters of St. John of God. The 1921

breadth of view that in all her intellectual wander- statistics credit this diocese with 166 churches, 64

ings saved her from mental servility to the many secular and 7 regular clergy, 17 brothers, 221 nuns,

systems of philosophy and thought current at that ^ bowding schools for boys and 10 for girls, 12

Ume. She was received into the Church in Paris secof^aiy day schools, 69 pnmary schools, 1 home

by P^ Etienne, O.P. The story of her early ^°' ^^® aged 2 orpins' homes, and 6,211 children

life, her restless search for truth and her conversion receiving Catholic education.

are told in "A Modern Pilgrim's Progress," pub- Baltimore, Archdiocese of (Baltimorensib; cf.

yahed in 1906, with introduction by Father Henry C. E., II-228a), comprises 6,399 sq. miles of terri-

Sebastian Bowden (q.v.). It reveals considerable tory in Maryland and 64 sq. miles in the Dis-

intellectual power, a clear forcible style, and at trict of Columbia.

times great depths of feeling and has been a power On 24 March, 1921, His Eminence James Cardinal