Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 2.djvu/243

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Greek name for Bagdad was Eirenopolis, the equiva- lent of Medinet es-Selam. Eirenopolis is now con- sidered among the Greeks a metropolitan title, and is held by a prelate who assists the Patriarch of Anti- ooh as his vicar.

CuiNET, La Turquie d'Asie, III. 3-212; Piolet, Lea missions catholiqiiea francaises au A*/A'e si'ecle, I, 222-271; Missiones Catholica: (Propaganda, Rome, 1907.)

S. Pethides.

i, a titular see of Lydia in Asia Minor. This name is found on coins, but becomes Bagis in the Synecdemos of Hicrocles and Bage in later "Notitia; graeca; episcopatuum". Bagcis takes the epithet Ccesarea and names the River Hermos on its coins. It has been placed by Keppel's in- scriptions near Sirghe on the Hermos (Guediz- tehai); but the site of the city is said to be on the north bank, while Sirghe is on the south side of the river. Harnack (Mission und Ausbreitung des Christentums in don ersten drei Jahrhunderten, 486) maintains that its bishop was present at Nicsea, but this is an error caused by a confusion with Baris, another Lydian city; the lists edited by H. Gelzer and C. H. Turner are silent about Bageis. We know really only three bishops of Bageis: Chry- saphius, or Chry.santhus, at Ephesus (431), placed wrongly by Lequien in a non-existent see, Balcea or Balicia; Leonides, who subscribed the letter of the Lydian bishops to the Emperor Leo I (458); Basilius, at the council under Photius (879). The city still figures in a list about 1170-79. The Lydian Bageis, Bagis, or Bage, is not to be confounded with Bagce in Numidia.

Lkquien, Oriens Christ,, I, 889; Ramsay, Hist. Geogr, of Asia Minor, 131.

S. Petrides.

Baglioni, Giovanni, Cavalieke, known as the "Deaf Man of the Barozzo", a painter of dis- tinction, b. in Rome, 1571; d. there 1644. His artistic work is, however, overshadowed by his biographies of his contemporaries. The literary work which furnishes his chief claim to fame is his " Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects " living in Rome, from 1573 to 1642 — from tlie pontifi- cate of Gregory XIII to that of Urban VIII. He was a pupil of Francesco Morelli and during his life did a number of works of importance at Rome under Popes Sixtus V, Clement VIII, and Paul V, notably in the Vatican, in Saint Peter's, and in Saint Johii Lateran. Pope Paul V created him a Knight of the Order of Christ for his painting of Saint Peter raising Tabitha from the cfead. Tliis was in St. Peter's but is not now extant. For the church of Santa Maria dell' Orto he painted in the chapel of Our Lady with the Zuccheri scenes from the life of the Blessed Virgin. Among other works which he executed for this church is a "Saint Sebastian". An excellent example of Baglioni's work is "The Last Supper" at San Nicol6 in Carcere. From his brush also there is a "Saint Stephen" in the Cathedral at Perugia, and in that of Loretto a " Saint Catherine ".

Bryan, Dictionary of Painters and Engravers (London, and New York, 1903-05).

Augustus Van Cleep.

Bagnorea (anciently Novempagi, Balneum Re- gium), Diocese of, is situated in the district of Viterbo, Italy, and immediately subject to the Holy See. The Diocese of Bagnorea has a population of about 20,000; the city contains about 4,500 inhabi- tants. According to tradition, St. Ansanus preached the Gospel here in the third century, and the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri outside the Alban Gate was said to have been built abo^-e the prison in which he was confined. There are no records as to the date of the erection of this diocese; St. Gregory the Great, however, is authority for the statement that about

the year 600 the Deacon John was appointed bishop of this see. Up to the time of I'rban V, Montefiascone was part of the Diocese of Bagnorea, but was made by this pontiff the seat of a new diocese. I'ghelli, without, however, adducing any documentary proof, says that the Diocese of Bagnorea was joined to the Diocese of Viterbo, 4 February, 1449, but neglects to mention when they were re-established as separate dioceses. Among the sacred edifices worthy of note are: the ancient Gothic cathedral and the new cathe- dral built by Bishop Ulderico Nardi (1698), and re- stored in 1764 by Bishop Giuseppe Aliuffi. Here is preserved an arm of St. Bonaventure, a citizen of Bagnorea, as well as some of his ■nTitings. Among the most celebrated bishops, besides those already mentioned, are St. Aldualdus (861), Corrado Manili (1521), a celebrated professor of law in the Universi- ties of Padua and Pavia, Tommaso Sperandio (1574), Pietro Paolo Febei (1635), who founded the seminary, Martino Cordelia, banished to France in 1789 because he would not take the oath of allegiance to the French Republic. During the barbarian invasions, between the sixth and ninth centuries, the city was taken sev- eral times by the Goths and the Lombards. In 822 the Emperor Louis I added it to the Papal States.

The Diocese of Bagnorea contains 6 rural deaneries, 24 parishes, 106 churches, chapels, and oratories, 54 secular priests, 45 seminaries, 10 priests, secular and regular, 38 lay brothers, 63 members of female re- ligious orders, 2 schools for girls, and a population of 26,380.

C)appelletti, Le chiese d'ltalia (Venice, 1844), V, 505; An- nitario eccl. (Rome, 1906).

U. Benigni.

Bagot, Jean, theologian, b. at Rennes, in France, 9 July, 1591, d. at Paris, 23 August, 1664. He en- tered the Society of Jesus 1 July, 1611, taught belles- lettres for many years in various colleges of France, philosophy for five years, theology for thirteen years, and became theologian to the general of the society. In 1647 he published the first part of his work " Apologeticus Fidei" entitled "Institutio Theologica de vera Religione". In 1645 the second part, "Dem- onstratio dogmatum Christianorum", appeared, and in 1646 " Dissertationes theologica;" on the Sacra- ment of Penance. In his "Avis aux Catholiques", Bagot attacked the new doctrine on grace, directing against it also his "Lettre sur la conformity de S. Augustin". In 1653 his "Libertatis et gratia' defen- sio" was published.

In 1655 Rousse, Cur6 of Saint Roch (or Masure, the Cure of St. Paul's), published a little work en- titled "De I'obligation des fideles de se confesser a leur cur6, suivant le chapitre 21 du concile general de Latran". Pere Bagot answered this in his "Defense du droit Episcopal et de la liberty des fideles", which he afterwards translated into Latin. A controversy arose, in which various ecclesiastics, including Mgr. de Marca, Archbishop of Toulouse, took sides against Bagot. The work was referred to the faculty of theology at Paris, which censured some of the propo- sitions. Bagot, however, defended his doctrine be- fore this assembly with the result that the censure was removed. He answered his opponents in the "R^ponse du P. Bagot". On his return from Rome he devoted the remaining years of his life to the con- gregation of the Blessed Virgin, and died superior of the professed house at Paris.

HuRTER, Nomenclator, II, 67; De Backer, Bibl. des ecriv. de la c. de J., I, 32; Sommervogel, liibL de la c. de J., I, 774; Idem in Diet, de th^ol. oath.

G. E. Kelly.

Bagshaw, Christopher, convert, priest, prisoner for the Faith, and a prominent figure in the con- troversies between Catholic priests in the reign of Elizabeth. He came of a Derbyshire family, but the year of his birth is unknown. He died in Paris