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Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 3.djvu/364

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Such capitulations became practically universal throughout Germany, where the election of bishops remained in the hands of cathedral chapters. In the diet held at Nuremberg in 1522 the chapters were condemned for extorting such concessions from the bishops. If these capitulations contain conditions which curtail the jurisdiction or the prerogatives of the bishop, the privileges of the diocese, or the like, then they do not bind the candidate-elect, even if he has taken an oath to carry them out; the canons have no jurisdiction in such matters. Several papal dec- larations forbade them and pronounced them in- valid; thus the Constitution "Contingit" of Nicholas III (1277-80) in the "Liber Sextus" (II, tit., xi, 1); Pius V (1566-72) "Durum minis", SI .May, 1570; Gregory XIII (1572-S5) "Inter apostolicas", 5 Sep- tember, 1584; Innocent XII (1691-1700) " Ec- clesise Catholicse", 22 September, 1695; and Benedict XIV (1740-58) "Pastoralis regiminis". 15 July, 1754. Severe penalties were imposed on those who should act contraiy to these instructions, viz., sus- pension for those in the episcopal order, interdict for the chapters, and excommunication for their indi- vidual members. Still the capitulations were main- tained in Germany, partly because the constitution of ecclesiastical states was often based on them; partly because such privileges of the chapters were acknowledged by the "Instrumentum pacis", or Treaty of Osnabriick (1648); and partly because the emperors at the beginning of their reigns promised to protect the customary usages of the chapters.

The papal capitulations arose in about the same manner when, from the eleventh and twelfth centu- ries, the election of apope was reserved to the cardinals. The first authentic example occurred when Innocent VI (1352-62) was chosen pope. The conditions then laid down by the cardinals restricted the rights of the future pope, especially with regard to the nomination, punishment, or deposition of cardinals, the appoint- ment to positions in the papal provinces, and the ad- ministration of temporalities — in all of which the cardinals wished to have a voice. Similar but more far-reaching capitulations were entered into at the election of Eugene IV (1431-47), at the election of Pius II (1458-64), at the election of Paul II (1464- 71), and at the election of Innocent VIII (1484-92). These papal capitulations were likewise forbidden and pronounced null and void. Innocent, VI, in the Con- stitution " Sollicitudo " of the year 1353, rejected as not binding upon him the capitulation entered into at ' he time of his own election. Innocent VIII believed (hat he was not bound to observe those conditions of the capitulation which were contrary to the preroga- tives of the head of the Church. More general dec- larations are contained in the Constitution "Ubiperi- culum" of Gregory X (1271-76), published in 1274; in the "In eligendis", published by Pius IV (1559- 65), 9 October, 1562; and in the "^Eterni Patris"of Gregory XV (1621-23). 15 November, 1621.

Schmalzgri ber. Jus ecclesiasticum (Rome, 1S43\ I; Ferraris, ftibliotheca, s. v. Electio (Paris, 1865), III; HlN- 8CHHJ6, Kirchenrecht (Berlin, 1S69, 1878), I, II; Phillips, Kirchenr, , i! l;,ii l.n, ]N.",1\ V; Brunner. Wahlkapituln- ttonrn - on Konstanz in Zeiischr. fur d/< Gesck.

des Oberrheins (Karlsruhe, 1S98); Pastor, (lesch. der Papste (Freiburg, 1891, 1894, 1S95). I. II. III.

Francis J. Schaefer.

Capitula Tria. See Three Chapters. Capo d'Istria, Diocese of. See Triest. Cappadocia. See Asia Minor.

Capponi, GlNO, Coi \t, historian and litterateur; b. at Florence, Italy, 13 September, 1792; d. 3 Feb- ruary, 1876. He came ol an ancient family, whose members had often figured in the annals of Italian literature, ruder private tutors of note. Count Cap- poni was well trained in the humanities and in such modern languages as English, French, and German.

Fond of travelling, he early began his peregrinations throughout his native land, acquainting himself with the past and present traditions of Italian art and let- ters. In 1813, when he had but barely reached man's estate, he visited Paris, on a deputation to Napoleon. He also visited England, where he contracted a close friendship with the exiled Foseolo, and later he trav- elled in Holland and Germany. Back in Florence once more, he devoted himself to constant study, maintaining all the while constant relations with the best scholars and writers of the time, and figuring prominently in the various learned and literary acad- emies. To his initiative and active co-operation was due the successful launching of a number of impor- tant periodicals dealing with many and varied inter- ests. Thus the "Antologia" was founded in 1S21 by Vieusseux, who valued greatly the aid given him by Capponi. and he was quite efficacious in starting the "Giornale Agrario Toscano" (1S27). the "Guida del- l'Educatore" (1836), and the "Archivio Storico Itali- ano" (1842). Entering into political life, he there professed moderate sentiments and so recommended himself by his self-restraint and prudence that he became head of a ministry in the Grand Duchy during the troublous times of 1S4S. He was afterwards a senator of the realm. He passed the latter part of his life in darkness, having been stricken by blindness in 1840.

While engaged in translating from the French a history of Florence by Mme O. Allart, he conceived the idea of writing his own "Storia della Repubblica di Firenze", which, after twenty years of labour, he published in 1875 (Florence, 2nd revised ed., 1876), by the advice of the German historian, Alfred von Reumont. His history extends from the beginning of the commune down to the fall of the republic in 1530, and is a statement of all that is told by the old Florentine chronicles and by the early historians, substantiated by documents and amplified with con- siderations on the state of culture in the various peri- ods. Many of his lesser writings have been brought together in the "Scritti editi ed inediti " published by M. Tabarrini (Florence, 1877). Interesting still is the polemic which he wrote in connexion with the con- troversy about Amerigo Vespucci. Those who treat of the Lombards in Italy must take cognizance of his " Lettere al professor Capei sulla dominazione dei Longobardi in Italia". His views on pedagogical matters are expressed in the " Frammenti sull' edu- cazione" and his studies in political economy take a practical turn in the "Cinque letture di economia toscana". With the zeal of an intelligent student of folk-lore he arranged, amplified, and published the " Raccolta di proverbi toscani" of the scholar Giusti. Instructive not only with regard to the man himself, but also for the general political, social, and literary conditions of his time, is the " Epistolario" published in six volumes by G. C. Carraresi (Florence, 1884-90); it embraces many letters written by others to Count Capponi, as well as those written by him.

The personality of Capponi reveals itself in every respect as one of the most engaging that modern Italy has possessed. He was a man of strong integrity, a sturdy Catholic, friendly to those forms of political liberty that obeyed the moral law, and thoroughly imbued with love for all the arts of refinement.

Edinburgh Review (April, 1S76); Nuova Antologia (Feb..

1SS6); von Rei-moxt, (lino rnnjmni. Em /■!'- uud /..'■ (Gotha, 1SS0; this has also a bibliography*; Gcasti in Alii ddV Accademia della Crusea 1876 . I" Gobbbnatis, in Rivista Europea (June. 1S761; his personal memoirs published as Ricordi in the Serilli edtli ed inedili, II.

J. D. M. Ford.

Capranica, DOMENICO, cardinal, theologian can- onist, and statesman, b. at Capranica near Palestrina, Italy, in 1400; d. at Home. 14 July. 115s. After brilliant studies in canon and civil law at Padua and

Bologna, under such teachers as the later Cardinals