artist, f.'eni to Bologna but later returned to Rome,
where Pope Gregorj' XV made him painter and archi-
tect of the Apostolic Camera (pontifical treasury). In
1630 he settled in Naples and there opened a school,
but was harassed, as in Rome, by envious artists
(cabal of Naples), who disfigured his paintings. Men-
tal suffering, perhaps poison, hastened his death.
Domenichino, although not a master of great original-
ity and inspiration, was a prominent figure in the
where. It is probable, however, that this did not im-
ply absolute ownership, but only superiority and a
right to certain services (Maitland, Domesday Book
and Beyond", pp. 236-42). This must be borne in
mind when we see it stated, and so far correctly, on the
authority of Domesday, that the possessions of the
Church represented twenty-five per cent of the assess-
ment of the country in 1066 and twenty-six and one-
half per cent of its cultivated area in 10S6. These
Bolognese School. Potent in fresco he also excelled lands were in any case very unequally distributed, the
in decorative landscapes; his coloiu- was warm and proportion of church land being much gi'eater in the
harmonious, his style simple, his chiaroscuro superbly South of England. The record does not enal)le us to
managed, and his subordinate groups and accessaries tell clearly how far the parochial system had devel-
well adjusted and of great interest. The most famous oped, and though in Norfolk and Suffolk all the
masters of the burin engraved his works, which are:
"Portrait of Cardinal Agucchi", UfEzi, Florence; "Life
of St. Nilus" (fresco) in Grotta Ferrata near Rome;
"Condemnation of Adam and Eve", Lou\Te, Paris;
"St. George and the
n ' ', Hermitage. St. \JV -W^ *^'^5^'<[ -^> J* j^ S<**««fe4vu=u^
tfa.e?-iii car In^nio.c ""iy'V-uilfc^ ^.n-torfci^.,, V^Ui re- a« •> lit': TTl oliof^c. foW-
RiCHTF.R, Catahffue of
the Duhcich Gallery (Lon-
don, ISSO); 'DoiiiiY.B,, Kunst
and K ii nstler des Mittelxiiters
xtnd der Neuzeit (Leipzig,
1877): Bryak, Dictionary
of Painters and Engravers.
Leigh Hunt.
Domesday Book is
the name given to the record of the great sur- vey of England made by order of William the Conqueror in 10S5-S6. The name first occurs in the famous "Dia- logus de Scaccario", a treatise compiled about 1176 by Richard Fitz- nigel, which states that the English called the book of the survey "Domesdei", or "Day of Judgment , because the inquiry was one which none could escape, and because the verdict of
churches seem to have been entered, amounting to 243
in the former, and 364 in the latter, county, the same
care to note the churches was obviously not exercised
in the West of England. Much church property
seems to have been of
the nature of a tenancy
held from the king upon
condition of some ser-
vice to bo rendered,
of ten of a spiritual kind.
Thus we read; "Alwin
the priest holds the
sixth part of a hide",
at Turvey, Beds, " and
heltl it tempore regis
Edwardi, and could do
what he liked ■nith it;
Iving William after-
wards gave it to him
, - ufUvT
■fp e ''Jn inia iiit^cJr'- 7 nil. oittl 7iii.^ car- Ibiii-fe^ojiy moUn'W.^.ratii'. 7011. ^oa.
" , Hr< , i.r' /e\y ri,^ 1 *tf wanis gave ii to nun
7SauJ.Sc.K».p»j«;yalu<cVut.US/7j,»jl^«.&t:.TnoSo5»C.Wr. in aims, on condition a SiJ-Toi A*\ t » oy . tt» TaajCTUg- J t l l . liCl l Ef gg CBtl!.l)Si that he should cele-
brate two ferial masses
[ferias missas] for the
■fia-e-ii-car )bi futir.ii.uiiCi 7vt,.t«pcfc'<ai^ -,.,.-,. ,
jrfirVy.Wd rt a g i T^ » rtl & I m.TBiuig jM6lnt) 6t UCg S .
Je j-mc • E • u jj.y.^idr. m^ jt .T)ti% JimS^- -fpte
«ti. car^ In inio-e'utii. 7iii. uitCy^iiii. a>«* da*. I. cai^ yitarX^^ ■moUn '%^Jim. ^^^ ««. \ai.y ;d..£ Sa.
Entries in Domesday Book
Valuable as is the in-
formation which the
Domesday Book sup-
plies, many questions
suggested by it remain
obscure and are still
keenly debated. A fac-
simile of the whole rec-
ord was brought out some years ago by photozinco-
this register as to the holdmg of the land was final graphy, and at the end of the eighteenth century an
anl without appeal. Certaki it is that the native edition was printed in tj^pe specially cast to represent
English resented William's inquisition. "It is shame the contractions of the original manuscript.
The most convenient introduction to the subject is Ballard,
The Domesday Inquest (London, 1906). The more advanced
student may be referred to M.utland, Domesday Book and
Beyond (new ed., London, 1907); to Round, Feudal England
(London, 1893); and to Eyton, Domesdan Studies. But there
are many minoi essays deaUng with question.'^ of local interest.
Herbert Thurston.
Domestic Prelate. See Prelate.
Domicile (Lat. jus domicilii, right of habitation, residence). — The canon law has no independent and original theory of domicile; both the canon law and all modern civil codes borrowed this theory from the
to tell ", wrote the clironicler, " what he thought it no
shame for him to do. Ox, nor cow, nor swine was left
that was not set down upon his writ." The returns
give full information about the land of England, its
ownership both in 10S5 and in the time of Kng Ed-
ward, its extent, nature, value, cultivators, and vil-
leins. The survey embraced all England except the
northernmost counties. The results are set down in
concise and orderly fashion in two books called the
" Exchequer Domesday". Another volume, contain-
ing a more detailed account of Wilts, Dorset, Somer-
set, Devon, and Cornwall, is called the " Exon Domes-
day", as it is in the keeping of the cathedral chapter Roman law; the canon law, however, extended and
of Exeter. perfected the Roman theory by adding thereto that of
The chief interest of the Domesday Book for us here quasi-domicile. For centuries ecclesiastical legisla- lies in the light which it throws upon church matters, tion contained no special provision in regard to domi- As Professor Maitland has pointed 'out, a comparison cile, adapting itself quite unreservedly on this point of Domesday with our earliest charters shows not only both to Roman and Barbarian law. It was only in that the Church held lands of considerable, sometimes the thirteenth centiu^', after the revival at Bologna of of vast, extent, but that she had obtained these lands the study of Roman law, that legists and then the by free grant from kings or iinderkings during the canonists, returned to the Roman theory of domicile, Saxon period. We find, for example, that four mins- introducing it first into the schools and then into prac- ters, Worcester, Evesham, Pershore, and Westminster, tice. Not that the Church had "canonized", .so to were lords of seven-twelfths of the soil of Worcester- sjieak, this particular point of Roman law more than shire, and that the Church of Worcester alone was lord others, but civil law, bemg more ancient, fonned a of one-quarter of that shire besides other holdings else- basis for canon law, which accepted it, at least in so far