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of $152. The following tables give the statistics for the United States: —

No. of In- stitutions





State Schools Public Day Denomhiational and Private

60 62

452 5


855 150


1,307 155





Total in U. S.






During the Fis- calYear

Present 10 Nov., 1907






State Schools Public Day Denominational and Private

11,008 1,118

[ 538


526 528

4,542 511


10,105 1,037



2 13

In 139 Schools 1 in U. S. f






American Annah of the Deaf. ed. Fay; The Association Re- view and The Reports of Summer Meetings, published by the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf; History of the American Schools for the Deaf, 3 vols., ed. Fay (Washington, 1S93); Volta Buhead (Washington), Inter- national Reports, Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education (Washington, 1906); Gordon, Education of the Deaf, Notes and Observations (Washington, 1892), and also for manual alpha- bets; Cyclopedia of Education (New York, 1877); Ferrehi, The A merican Institutions for the Education of the Deaf, tr. in the ^48- soeiation Review: Green, Vox Oculis Subjecta (London, 1783); Facts and Opinions Relating to the Deaf (London, 1888); Mon- roe, Bibliography of Education (New York, 1897).


Edward III, Iving of England (1312-77), eldest son of Edward II and Isabella, daughter of Philip IV of France; b. at Windsor Castle, 13 Nov., 1312; d. at Slieen, 21 June, 1377. He succeeded to the throne in liis fifteenth year through the deposition of his father in January, 1327, Edward II being forced to agree to his own deposition, as the son refused to accept the crown without his father's consent. His marriage to Philippa, daughter of the Count of Hainault, took place at York, 24 January, 1328. In person Edward was graceful, strong, and active; he was fond of hunt- ing, hawking, and all knightly pastimes, especially war. Ambition seems the most prominent point in his character, and his life, characterized throughout by selfishness and extravagance, was spoilt in later years by indulgence in a shameful passion. As a king, though he won great renown by his wars, he seems to have cared neither to maintain the royal prerogatives nor to follow any policy which would benefit his peo- ple.

For the first four years of his reign all power was in the hands of the queen-mother and Mortimer, and not tiU their overtlirow in November, 1331, can Edward be said to have begun to rule. His first warlike ex- perience was inglorious. In 1327 the Scots, led by Robert Bruce, bent on recovering their independence, invaded the North of England. Edward marched to meet them; but so quick and active were the Scots that Edward marched from York to Durham without gaining any definite news of their position, and, when he tried to cut them otT and force them to fight, was completely outmanoeuvred by them. The "Shame- ful Peace" of Northampton, made in 1328, by which Scotland's independence was again recognized, was one of the causes which brought about the downfall of Mortimer and Isabella. Edward renewed his struggle with Seotlanil in 1333, supporting Edward Baliol in an attempt on the Scottish throne. He defeated the Scots under Sir Archibald Douglas at Halidon Hill, and set Baliol on the throne. But the Scots quickly V— 21

expelled Bahol, and, though Edward restored him, the quarrel with France prevented Edward from continu- ing the struggle. Further contests with Scotland took place during the Crecy campaign, when David Bruce, after securing his rightful place as king, took advantage of Edward's absence in France to invade England, only to be defeated and captured at Neville's Cross, October, 1346. David remained a prisoner for eleven years, but the Scottish raids continued. In 1355 the Scots took Berwick; Edward retook it in the following year, but, though he ravaged the Lothians in the campaign known as "Burnt Candlemas", he was unable to bring the Scots to terms. ^Vhen David was released, in 1357, and found himself unable to pay the stipulated ransom, he agreed to make Edward heir to the Scottish throne. But David died, in 1371, and left Edward in a position which prevented him from pros- ecuting his claim or interfering with Scotland's inde- pendence.

Partly caused by the war with Scotland in 1333 and 1334 was the great war between England and France known as the Hundred Years War. The Scots had been helped by money from Philip VI of France, and Edward's anger at this was increased through the presence at his court of a French exile, Robert of Ar- tois, who did all in his power to stir up enmity between the English and the French kings. Edward and Philip had been rival claimants for the French throne in 1328, and after Philip had been chosen king there was much dispute over the homage owed by Edward for his French fiefs. Philip, too, was anxious to be king over all France, a claim which involved the an- nexation of Guienne and Gascony, the parts still held by England. Thus personal and national rivalry com- bined to cause war. Edward's personal share in the war which lasted from 1338 to 1360 was a distinguished one. The first campaigns, however, were more re- markable for the concessions won by Parliament out of the king's needs than for successes in battle. By the end of 1339 he had agreed not to take a tallage of any kind without the consent of Parliament; and in 1341, to obtain further supplies, he submitted to his accounts being audited by a board chosen in Parlia- ment, and promised not to choose ministers without the consent of his council. But, having received the money, Edward shamefully broke his promises, saying that he had "dissembled in order to avoid greater perils ". The campaign of 1340 is noted for Edward's naval victory at Sluys over a fleet of five Inmdred French ships which attempted to prevent his landing; and this, taken with his victory off Winchelsea, in 1350, over the Spanish fleet, goes some way towards justifying his claim to the sovereignty of the seas.

The next campaign in which Edward took an im- portant part was that of 1346. The Earl of Derby had iDeen appointed to command in Gascony, and in 1346 Edward was about to lead an army to help him, when he was persuaded to attack, instead, the unprotected northern part of France. Landing near Cherbourg, he marched through Normandy, doing as much mis- chief as he could, and advanced almost to Paris. Then, crossing the Seine, he retreated towards Calais, pursued closely by Philip; and at Crecy, 24 August, he won a complete victory over the French force. Con- tinuing to Calais, he began a lengthy siege which ended in the surrender of the town, August, 1347. Truces frequently signed after this were as frequently broken till open war broke out again in 1355. Edward him- self had small part in the warfare which followed till the campaign of 1359-60, when, after trying to take Reims, he concluded a treaty with the regent of France at Br^tigny, 8 May, 1360, by which all the an- cient province of Aquitaine with Calais, Guines, and Ponthieu was ceded to him, and he renounced his claim to the French crown and to all French provinces except Brittany. The period between 1347 and 1355 was remarkable for the Black Death, a plague which in