Nuns of the Cross, Ottawa, Canada: Grey
Nuns of the Cross.
O'MAHONY, JOHN, S.T.D., Launceston, Tas- mania: Hobart, Archdiocese of.
O'NEILL, ARTHUR BARRY, C.S.C, M.A., Asso- ciate Editor, "Ave Maria", Notre Dame, In- diana: Holy Cross, Congregation of.
O'NEILL, HUGH, B.L., LL.B., LL.M., Chicago, Illinois: llhnois.
OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Professor of the History of Philosophy, St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota: Gregory XII, Pope; Gregory XIII, Pope; Gregory XIV, Pope; Greg- ory XV, Pope; Gu^rard, Robert; Guitmund; Giinther of Cologne; Hadewych, Blessed; Haef- ten, Benedict van; Hatto, Archbishop of Mainz; Heiligenkreuz; Heilsbronn; Heisterbach; H61i- nand; Henry of Langenstein; Heribert, Arch- bishop of Milan; Heribert, Saint, Archbishop of Cologne; Heriger of Lobbes; Hermann of Altach; Hermann of Minden; Hermann of Salza; Herr- gott, Marquard; Hervetus, Gentian; Hildebert of Lavardin; Hohenbaum van der Meer, Moritz; Hohenburg; Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillings- fiirst, Alexander Leopold; Honorius II, Pope; Honorius III, Pope; Honorius IV, Pope; Hosius, Stanislaus; Hospice; Hugh of Remiremont; Hum- bert of Romans; In Commendam.
OTTEN, JOSEPH, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: Guido of Arezzo; Harmony; Haydn, Johann Michael; Hucbald of St-Amand.
PACE, EDWARD A., Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor of Philosophy, Catholic LTniversity- of America, Washington: Hj'postatic Union.
PfiTRIDES, SOPHRONE, A.A., Professor, Greek Catholic Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Constanti- nople: Hadrumetum; Halicarnassus; Harpasa; Helenopolis; Hepha?stus; Heraclea; Hermopolis Magna; Hermopolis Parva; Hierapolis; Hiero- ciBsarea ; Hippo Diarrhytus ; Hippo Regius; Hirena; Hypoepa.
PEZZONI, UGO, M.A., Secunderabad, India: Hy- derabad-Deccan, Diocese of.
PHILLIMORE, JOHN SWINNERTON, M.A. (OxoN.), Professor of Humanities, Univer- sity of Glasgow: Hesychius of Alexandria.
PHILLIPS, GEORGE EDWARD, Professor of Philosophy and Church History, St. Cuth- bert's College, Ushaw, Durham, Engl.vnd: Hexham and Newcastle, Diocese of.
PLASSMAN, THOMAS, O.F.M., Ph.D., S.T.D., Franciscan Convent, Louvain: Hove, Peter van; Imbonati, Carlo Giuseppe.
POHLE, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.C.L., Professor OF Dog.matic Theology, University of Bres- LAU: Impanation.
Gunpowder Plot; Hambley, John, Venerable;
Hanse, Everard, Blessed; Harrington, William,
Venerable; Hartley, William, Venerable; Hay,
John; HoljTvood, Christopher; Howard, Philip,
Venerable; Howard, William, Venerable; Hunt,
Thurston, Venerable; Ignatius Loyola, Saint.
PONCELET, ALBERT, S.J., Brussels: Ildephon- sus, Saint.
POPE, HUGH, O.P., S.T.L., Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Collegio Angelico, Rome: Guardian Angel; HoHness.
Thiago; Corresponding Member of the Lis- bon Royal of Sciences and the Lis- bon Geographical Society, Manchester, Eng- land: Henry the Navigator.
PRIOR, JOHN, S.T.D., Auditor, Sacred Roman Rota, Vice-Rector, English College, Rome: In Coena Domini.
QUINN, STANLEY J., New York: Huaraz, Dio- cese of; Huesca, Diocese of; Ine, Saint.
RAMIREZ COLOM, JOSt MARIA, LL.Lic, Vic.ui- General, Santiago de Guatemala: Guatemala, Santiago de, .\rchdiocese of.
RANDOLPH, BARTHOLOMEW, CM., M.A., Teacher of Philosophy a.nd Church History, St. John's College, Brooklyn, New York: Holy Agony, Archconfraternity of the.
REDON, JEAN M., S.S., Ph.L., St. Mary's Sem- N.\RY, Baltimore, M.a.ryland: Hylozoism.
REINHART, ALBERT, O.P., M.A., LL.B., Domini- can College, Washington: Houghton, William.
REINHOLD, GREGOR, Freiburg, Germany: Guayaquil, Diocese of; Haiti; Huajudpam de Le6n, Diocese of; Huanuco, Diocese of; Ibarra, Diocese of.
REMY, ARTHUR F. J., M.A., Ph.D., Adjunct-Pro- FE.ssoR OF Ger.m.\nic Philology, Columbi.1 University, New York: Grillparzer, Franz; Grimmelshausen, Johann Jacob Christoffel von; Grim, Anastasius; Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph; Hartmann von Aue ; Heinrich der Gllehezare; Heinrich von Laufenberg; Heinrich von Meissen; Heinrich von Mclk; Heinrich von Veldekc; Her- mann I; Hcrvas y Panduro, Lorenzo; Holtei« Karl von; Icelandic Literature.
ROBINS, JULIA G., Boston: Henderson, Isaao .Austin.
ROMPEL, JOSEPH HEINRICH, S.J., Ph.D., Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, .\o9- tria: Heude, Pierre; HIadnik, Franz von Paula.
ROY, J. EDMUND, Litt.D., F.R.S.C, Officer op the French, Ottawa, Canada: Gui- jon, Andr6.