Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 8.djvu/16

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O'SHEA, JOHN J., Editor-in-Chief, "Standard QUINN, STANLEY J., New York- Ingworth. Rich- AND Times", Philadelphia: Kenrick, Francis ard of; Kcnia, Vicariate Apostolic of; Kingston, Patrick and Peter Richard. Archdiocese of. OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Propessoh of the History of Philosophy, St. John's Univer- sity, CoLLEGEViLLE, MINNESOTA: Innocent III, Innocent IV, Innocent VII, Innocent X, Inno- cent XI, Innocent XII, Innocent XIII, Popes, Intercession, Episcopal; Irnerius; Isidore the Labourer, Saint; Jacob of Jtiterbogk; Jacobus de Teramo; Jacopo de Voragine; John of Segovia; Jordanus of Giano; Joseph's, Saint, Society for Coloured Missions; Joseph's, Saint, Society for Foreign Missions; Julius II, Julius III, Popes; Justin de Jacobis, Blessed; Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton; Kehrein, Joseph; Knoblecher, Ignatius; Kreiten, William; La Chaise, Francois d'Aix de; Lambert of Hersfeld; Lamy, Francois; Lang, Matthew. OTTEN, SUSAN TRACY, Pittsbtog, Pennsyi^ vania: Jean-Baptist-Marie Vianney, Blessed. OUSSANI, GABRIEL, Ph.D., Professor of Ec- clesiastical History, Early Christian Lit- erature AND Biblical Archeology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York: Islam; Jubilee, Year of (Hebrew); Jubilees, Book of; Koran. PAUL JOSEPH, BROTHER, F.S.C., Lambecq- les-Hal, Belgium: Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. PERNIN, RAPHAEL, O.S.F.S., Albano-Laziale, Italy: Jane Frances de Chantal, Saint. P^TRIDES, SOPHRONE, A.A., Professor, Greek Catholic Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Constan- tinople: Lagania; Lampa; Lampsacus; Lamus; Laodicea. PHILLIPS, EDWARD C, S.J., Ph.D., Woodstock College, Maryland: Koller, Marian. PIETTE, FRAN(,'OIS XAVIER, Chancellor of the Diocese of Joliettb, Canada: Joliette, Diocese of. PLASSMAN, THOMAS, O.F.M., Ph.D., S.T.D., Franciscan Convent, Louvain : James Prima- dicci; La Haye, Jean de (Franciscan). POHLE, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.C.L., Profes- sor of Dogmatic Theology, University of Breslau: Justification. POLLEN, MARIA M., London: Lace. PONCELET, ALBERT, S.J., Brussels: IrenEeus, Saint. POOLE, THOMAS H., New York: Jones, Inigo; Juan Bautista de Toledo; Labyrinth; Lantern. POPE, HUGH, O.P., S.T.L., Doctor op Sacred Scripture, Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Collegio Angelico, Rome: Judith, Book of; Kingdom of God. REINHART, ALBERT, O.P., M.A., LL.B., Domin- ican House of Studies, Washington: John of Ragusa. REINHOLD, GREGOR, Freiburg, Germany: Jaca, Diocese of; Ja^n, Diocese of; Karnkowski, Stanislaw; Lamego, Diocese of; La Paz, Diocese of; La Plata, Archdiocese of (Bolivia); La Plata, Diocese of (Argentina). REMY, ARTHUR F. J., M.A., Ph.D., Adjunct- Professor of Germanic Philology, Colum- bia University, New York: Konrad, der Pfaffe; Konrad of Lichtenau; Konrad of V'urz- burg; Lamprecht. ROBINSON, PASCHAL, O.F.M., Washington: John of Fermo, Blessed. ROCCA, F., Saidpur, Bengal, India: Krishnagar, Diocese of. ROMPEL, JOSEPH HEINRICH, S.J., Ph.D., Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria: Jesu- its' Bark; Jussieu; Kaiser, Kajetan Georg von; Konrad of Megenberg; Lacordaire, Jean-Theo- dore; Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet. RUDGE, FLORENCE MARIE, M.A., Youngstown, Ohio: Javouhey, Anne-Marie, Venerable; Jesus, Daughters of; Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the Holy Childhood of; John of God, Saint; John of Roquctaillade; Joseph Calasanctius, Pious Work- ers of Saint; Knights of the Cross. RYAN, JOHN A., S.T.D., Professor of Moral Theology, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Min- nesota: Insanity; Labour and Labour Legisla- tion; Labour Unions, Moral Aspects of. SAGMULLER, JOHANNES BAPTIST, Professor OF Theology, LTniversity of Ti-bingen, Ger- many: Judge, Ecclesiastical; Jurisdiction, Ec- clesiastical; Kober, Franz Quirin von. SALAVILLE, sfivfiRIEN, A. A., Professor of Liturgy, Greek Catholic Seminary op Kadi- Keui, Constantinople: Ionian Islands. SALTET, LOUIS, Professor of Church History, Institut Catholique, Toulouse, France: Jerome, Saint. SAUVAGE, G. M., C.S.C, S.T.D., Ph.D., Professor OF Dogmatic Theology, Holy Cross College, Washington: Intuition. SCANNELL, THOMAS B., Canon, S.T.D., Editor, "Catholic Dictionary", Weybridge, Eng- land: Intercession (Mediation); Irvingites; La- cordaire, Jean-Baptisto-Henri-Dominitjue.