Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 8.djvu/207

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appears in the official list. He was buried at Tirao- league.

(3) Under James I and Charles I (1604-1648). — 1606: Bernard O'Carolan, p., executed by martial law, Good Friday; Eugene O'Gallagher, abbot, and Ber- nard O'Trevir, prior, of the Cistercians of Assaroe, Ballyshannon, slain there by soldiers; Sir John Burke of Brittas, County Limerick, for rescuing and defending with arms a priest seized by soldiers, executed at Limerick, 20 Dec, 1606. The date is accurately known from contemporary letters printed in Hogan's "Ibernia Ignatiana". 1607: Niall O'Boyle, O.S.F., beheaded or hanged, 15 Jan., Co. Tyrone; John O'Luin, O.P., hanged at Derry; Pat- rick O'Derry, p., O.S.F., hanged, drawn, and quar- tered at LifTord (but according to Bruodin, 6 January, 1618); Francis Helam or Helan, p., O.S.F., appre- hended saying Mass in Drogheda, and imprisoned; Derniot Bruodin, O.S.F., tortured at Limerick, re- leased at the intervention of the Earl of Thomond, he died of years and labours at Ennis (9 August, 1617, according to Bruodin). 1608: Donagh (in religion, William) O'Luin, O.P., prior of Derry, hanged and quartered there. 1610: John Lune, p.. Ferns Dio- cese, hanged and quartered, 12 November, Dublin. 1612: Cornelius O'Devany (q. v.), O.S.F., Bishop of Down and Connor, executed with Patrick O'Lochran, p., Cork Diocese, 1 February, Dublin. 1614: William McGillacunny (MacGiolla Coinigh), O. P., executed at Coleraine. i617: Thomas Fitzgerald, p., O.S.F., died in prison, 12 July, Dublin. 1618; John Honan, p., O.S.F., tortured, hanged, and quartered, 14 Octo- ber, Dublin. 1621: Francis Tailler, alderman, Dub- lin, died a prisoner in the Castle, 30 January; James Eustace, O.Cist., hanged and quartered, 6 September. 1628: Edmund Dungan, Bishop of Down and Connor, died, 2 November, Dublin Castle. 1631: Paul (Patrick) Fleming, p., O.S.F., put to death by heretics, 13 November, at Benesabe, Bo- hemia, with his companion, Matthew Hore. 1633: Arthur MacGeoghegan, p., O.P., hanged, drawn, and quartered, 27 November, Tyburn. 11139: John Meagh, p., S.J., shot, 31 May, by the Swedish army near Guttenberg, Bohemia. 1641: Peter O'lliggin, O.P., prior at Naas, hanged, 24 March, Dul)lin. 1642: Philip Clery, p.; Hilary Conroy p., O.S.F., but most probably this is the Hilary Conroy, O.S.F., chaplain to Ormond's regiment, hanged at Gowran in 1650 by the CromwelHans; Fergal Ward, O.S.F., and Cornelius O'Brien, hanged on board ship in the Shannon, by Parliamentarians, October; Francis O'Mahony, O.S.F., guardian at Cork, tortured and hanged, regaining consciousness, he was again hanged with his girdle; Thomas Aquinas of Jesus, p., O.D.C., hanged, (i July, Drogheda; Angelus of St. Joseph, O.D.C.; Robert (in religion, Malachy) O'Shiel, p., O.Cist., hanged, 4 May, Newry; Edmund Hore and John Clancy, priests, Waterford Diocese, put to death, March, at Dungarvan ; RajTnimd Keogh, p., O.P.,_ Stephen Petit, O.P., prior at Mullingar, shot while hearing confessions on the liattlclield; Cormac Egan, lay brother, O.P. 1643: Peter of the Mother of God, lay brother, O.D.C. 1644: Cornelius O'Connor and Eugene O'Daly, O.SS.T., drowned at sea by a Parliamentarian commander, 11 January; Christopher LHtan or Donlevy, p., O.S.F., died in Newgate, London. 1645: Hugh MacMahon, 1., and Conor Maguire, Baron of Ennis- killen, executed for complicity in the outbreak of the Confederate War; Henry White, p., hanged at Rathconnell, Co. Meath (but before this year, if by Sir C. Coote, as stated); Ednmnd Mulligan, p., O.Cist., in July, near Clones, slain by Parlianiciitarians; Malachy O'Queely (q. v.), Archliishup of Tuam; Thaddceus O'Connell, p., O.S.A., executed by Parlia- mentarians after the liattle of Sligo; John Flaverty, p., O.P. 1647: At the storming of the Rock of

Cashel by Inchiquin, 15 September, Richard Barry, p., O.P., WiUiam Boyton, p., S.J., Richard Butler, p., O.S.F., James Saul, lay brother, O.S.F., Eliza- beth Carney, Sister Margaret, a Dominican tertiary, Theobald Stapleton, p., Edward Stapleton, p., Thomas Morrissey and many others, priests and women, were slain in the church. 1648: Gerald FitzGibbon, cleric, and David Fox, lay brother at Kilmallock, Dominic O'Neaghten, lay brother, Ros- common, Peter Costello, p., sub-prior, Straid, Co. Mayo, ail Dominicans; Andrew Hickey, p., O.S.F., hanged near Adare.

(4) Commonwealth (1649-1659).— 1649: Robert Netterville, p., S.J., died at Drogheda, 19 June, of a se- vere beating with sticks; John Bath, p., S. J., and his brother Thomas, secular priest, Dominic Dillon, O.P., prior at Urlar, Richard Oveton, O.P., prior at Athy, Peter TaafTe, O.S.A., prior at Drogheda, slain in Dro- gheda massacre; Bernard Honimley (?Gormley), p., O.S.F., hanged, Drogheda; Raymund Stafford, p., Paul Synnott, p., John Esmond, p., Peter Stafford, p., Didacus Cheevers and .loseph Rochford, lay broth- ers, Franciscans, slain in Wexford massacre; James O'Reilly, p., O.P., slain nearClonmel; William Lynch, p., O.P., hanged. 1650: Bcetius Egan, O.S.F., Bishop of Ross, celebrated for exhorting the gar- rison of Carrigadrehid Castle to maintain tlirir jiost against Broghill, dismembered and hanged; Miler Magrath (Father Michael of the Rosary), p., O.P., hanged, Clonmel; Francis Fitzgerald, p., O.S.F., hanged, Cork; Walter de Wallis, p., O.S.F., and An- tony Mu.sasus (? Hussey), p., O.S.F., hanged, MuUin- gar; Jolm Dormer, O.S.F., died in prison, D\iblin; Nicholas Ugan, or Ulagan, O.S.F., hanged with his girdle; Thomas Plunkett and twelve other Francis- cans, Eugene O'Teman, O.S.F., flogged and cut to pieces by soldiers. 1651: Franciscans: Denis O'Nei- lan, p., hanged, Inchicronan, Co. Clare; Thadda>us O'Carrighy, p., hanged near Ennis; Hugh McKcon, p., died in prison, Athlone; Roger de Mara (MacXamara), p., shot and hanged, Clare Castle; Daniel Clanchy and Jeremiah O'.N'erehiny (Nerny), lay brothers, Quin, hangecl; Philip Flasberry, hanged near Dublin; Francis Sullivan, p., shot in a" cave, Co. Kerry, December; William Hickey, p., hanged; Dominicans: Terence Al- bert O'Brien (q. v.), O.P., Bishop of Emly; John Wolfe, p., hanged. Limerick; John O'Cuilin (Collins), p., beheaded; William O'Connor, prior at Cloinnol, be- headed, and Thomas O'Higgin, p., hangeil, Clonmel; Bernard O'Ferrall, p., slain, his brother Laurence, p., hanged, Longford; Vincent Gerald Dillon, chaplain to Irish troops in England, died in prison, York; Am- brose /Eneas O'Cahill, p., cut to pieces by cavalry, Cork; Donagh Dubh (Black) and James Moran, lay brothers; laymen: Louis O'Ferrall, died in prison, Athlone; Charles O'Dowd, hanged; Donagh O'Brien, burned alive; Sir Patrick Purcell, Sir Geoffrey Galway, Thomas Strich, mayor, Dominic Fanning, ex-mayor, Daniel O'Higgin, hanged after surrender of Limerick; Henry O'Neill, Theobald de Burgo. 1(1.52; Secular priests: Roger Ormilius (? Gormley) and Hugh Gar- righy, hanged, Co. Clare; Cornelius MacCarthy, Co. Kerry; Bernard Fitzpatrick, Ossory Diocese; Francis- cans hanged: Eugene O'Cahan, guardian at Ennis, Sliabh Luachra, Anthony Brodcr. deacon, near Tuam, Bonaventure de Burgo, Nielan Locheran, p., Derry. Anthony O'Ferrall, p., Tulsk, John O'Ferrall; Ed- mund O'Bern, p., O.P., beheaded after torture, James- town; laymen hanged: Thadda;us O'Conor Sligo, Boyle; John O'Conor Kerry, Tralee; Thaddajus O'Conor of Bealnamelly in Connaught; Bernard Mc- Briody; Edmund Butler, Dublin; Brigid D'.Vrcy, wife of Florence Fitzpatrick; Conn O'Rprke. slain after quarter given. 1(153: Dominicans-. Thadda-us Mori- arty, prior at Tralee. haiig<'il, KiUarni'v: Bernard O'Kelly, p. or lay lirother, Gahv.iy; David Koche, p., sold into slavery, St. Kitts; Honoria Burke and her