he being the earliest Archbisliop of Canterbury of
whose coinage specimens have been preserved.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in R. S. (1861); Florence of Wor- cester, Chronicle, ed. Stephenson (1853); Symeon of Dur- ham, Opera in R. S., II (1882-1885). 53; William of Malmes- BUKY, Gesta Pontiff, in R. S.; Matthew Parls, Vilw Offatum (London. 1640); Hook, Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, I (London, 1860), 242-254; Kemble, Codex Diplomaticus, I, (London, 1839) cxiii-clvii; Haduan and Stubbs. EccL Dors., iii, 402-466; Stubbs in Diet. Christ. Biog., a. v.; Hunt in Diet. Nat. Biog., s. v.
Edwin Burton.
Ja£fa, a titular see in the Patriarchate of Jeru- salem. The city of Jaffa is very ancient. Even be- fore the arrival of Josue in Palestine it is mentioned on the pylons of Karnak and the cuneiform talilets of Tell-el-Amarna. Several Greek authors, relying on native legends, traced its foundation to Jopes (Cassiopeia), daughter of Jiolus, and made it the scene of the fable of Andromeda exposed on a rock
n. c.) his brothers Jonathas and Simon Machabeua
took final possession of the city (I Mach., x, 74-6).
Pompey captured it from the Jews in 63 b. c, and
during the period of more than a century, until it
became entirely Roman, the city changed masters
several times.
Jaffa, which had now become Joppe, soon counted Christians among its inhabitants. It was there that St. Peter raised to life the widow Tabitha, a name interpreted Dorcas (Acts, ix, 36-42), whose tomb is still the object of a popular pilgrimage; there, too, in the house of Simon the Tanner, he had the symboli- cal vision of the unclean animals (Acts, x, 1-23). At the time of the great Jewish revolt against the Romans, Joppe was taken by Cestius Gallus, Gov- ernor of Syria, and its inhabitants slaughtered to the number of 8400. The fugitives from the city and vicinity afterwards reassembled there, and turne<l to piracy, which brought about a second interven-
and delivered by Perseus. Assigned to the tribe of
Dan (Jos., xix, 46), Japho, or Jaffa, seems not to have
belonged to the Jews before the reign of David, who
conquered the maritime region (Judges, i, 34; xviii,
1; II Kings, viii, 1; Ecclus., xlvii, 8). In the time
of Solomon it served as the port of landing for the
cedars sent by Hiram for the construction of the
Temple of Jerusalem (II Par., ii, 16). After the
death of Solomon it probably recovered its independ-
ence or fell into the power of the kings of Israel. The
Prophet Jonas took ship there for Tharsis (Jonas, i,
3), and King Ezechias brought it once more under
the power of the Kingdom of Juda (IV Kings, xviiii,
8). In this condition it is several times mentioned
in the inscriptions of the kings of Assyria, whose
domination passed later to the Chaldeans and Per-
sians. In the reign of Cyrus Jaffa again served as a
landing-port for the materials destined for the recon-
struction of the Temple (I Esd., iii, 7). After the
expedition of Alexander the Great (3.33 b. r.) the
city passed into the power alternately of Syria and
Egypt. In consequence of violent wrong done the
Jewish population, Judas Machabeus attacked the
harbour at night and burned all the vessels (II
Mach., xii, 3-7). Shortly afterwards (about 142
tion of the Romans and the violent death of 4200
persons. The city was then razed to the ground. Be-
ing without importance during the first centuries of
Christianity, Joppe did not possess a bishop until the
fifth century (Lequien, "Oriens Christianus", III,
627)- a very small number of its Greek or Latin
bishops are known (ibid.. Ill, 625-30, 1291; Eubel,
"Hierarchia catholica medii xvi", Munich, I, 297;
II, 186). After the Arab conquest and the destruc-
tion of Cffisarea Maritima in the seventh century,
Jaffa acquired some importance and became the
chief seaport of Palestine. Captured by the cru-
saders, it became, under Godfrey of Bouillon, the
County of Jaffa and Ascalon, feutlatory to the King
of Jerusalem. One of its counts, John of Ibelin,
wrote the principal book of the Assizes of the King-
dom of Jerusalem (see Assizes of Jerusalem). Re-
taken by Saladin in 1187, and surrendered to Richard
Coeur de Lion in 1192, Jaffa was nconquorcd in 1197
by the Sultan Melek-el-Adcl, wliu had L'O.OOO Chris-
tians massacred there. In V2iH it fell once more
into the power of the Christians, who held it until
1268, when Sviltan Bibars of Egypt took possession
of it and completely destroyed it. Bonaparte took
it liy assault in 1799, and was accused, perhaps