Jud.,XIV, xiv, 4; xvi, 1; Bull. Jud., I, xiv, 4; XVIII). little by little, until it should be a.s .splendid as that of
In 24 B. c. Herod the Ureal built himself a splendid Solomon. He also enlarged the sanctuary by extend-
castle upon the site of the Tower of Baris, or of Birali ing the Kalleries to the fortress of .\ntonia. on the
(II Esd., ii, 8), named it .Vntonia, in honour of Mark north, and connecting it, on the south, with the site of
up to A.D. 71
^ — ^ Ilypsometrical lines of rock contour.
^ ' The Jigitres denote the height in feet.
Kquidistunce^io ft. mj\m Ancient trail ••*»m» Supposed line of tcall =S^^Modern wall "^^^^^r^^ Tfn,-k- scarp
-f^^Rock Terrace, quarry □ Pool _^^ Aqueduct
I. - loteer G.« Gate Birkel . Pool
Bat = Cafe TTSdi . Valleu
Antony, and took up his residence there (Bell. Jud.,
V, V, 8; Antiq. Jud., XV, xi, 5). He also built a
theatre and an amphitheatre for gladiatorial combats.
In 19 B. c. the king, whose origin as well as his cruelty
rendered him odious to the Jews, thought to win their
goodwill by reconstructing the Temple of Zorobabel,
Solomon's palace, so as to erect there a superb stoa, or
basilica. The opening of the new Temple took place
in the year 10 b. c. (Antiq. Jud., XV, xi, 3-6), but
thousands of workmen laboured at it until a. d. 64
(.\ntiq. Jud., XX, ix, 7). He built a second strong
castle at the north-west angle of Mount Sion, and