iAABBODina 637 utABoiSLLnnm
Swiona (Palma, 1793): Palomino db Castro t Vbijiboo, El anonymous, defending the Crown. After the submis-
tf uMo Pictorico V Emx^ (Madrid^^ 1715). ^^ ^nd resignation of Cardinal de Retz, Marca was
Geobgb Charles Wiluamson. ^^^^ ^^^ Archbishopric of Paris^ but died about three^
MMbodiua, Bishop of R^cmese^^ tT^^'l^^MrtSjuri^^^d canonist! Sft^hkth^
and hymnologist b. about 1035 at Angers, Fra^ce^d- logical learning wis deficient, and his subservience to
there 11 September, 1123^ He received his early edu- ^j^^ . *^ excessive. He displayed a certain
Motion at Angers under Ramaldus, a disciple of Ful. inconstancyin his opinions, and too much ambition
bert of Chartres. After teaching some time at the ^^^ attachment to his own interests,
^thedrnl school of Angers he was put at the head of ^^ ^^ numerous publications the most impor-
the educational system of the cit;r and Diocese of ^^^ ^^ "Histoire de Wm", folio (Paris, 1640);
Angers by Bishop Eusebius Bnmo in 1067. Later he . ^^ concordia sacerdotii et imperii seu de libertatibui
became archdeacon and m 1096 Urban II appointed ^^^ gallican®-, foHo (PariST 1641) (and other edi-
him Bishop of ^nnes. In hw youth he mdu^ m tions) ; "Marca his^ca seu limes hlspanicus ", pub-
many excesses but from the time be became bishop ^y^^ '^^ ^^^ ^^^ (P^^i3 l^j g^^^ u ^Xtr^
his life was without reproach, In IIM he w^ present in^ites'de Marci" have been published by Tarizey
at the Council of Tours, and in 1109 Bishop Ramaldus ^ Larroque (Paris, 1881) and by J. Bonnet in the
of Martigne made him administrator of the Diocese of uRevue de Gascogne", January-^une. 1910.
Angers while he himself made a journey to Rome. At baluze. Vita iUustrUsimi viH PhH de Marca anhiepUcopi
the age of eighty^eight he resigned his diocese and Parm«?m«, at the banning of the editions of Concord%a after
withdrew to the Benedictine monastery of St. Aubin 1?63; de Facet, Vtta illuMHssimi et reverendisnmiPeln ds
^4. A^^^^ «rU»..» u« Air^A o^^» »f4o.« tli'a o.f^.L-a «r<«Mv MoTca lu PHtx «« MaTca d\%9ertal%onea posthuma: DubaraTi
at Angers where he died soon after. His works were NoticebiooraphiquesurPierredeMarcaiPiixi, 1S96).
first published at Rennes in 1 524. A new and enlarged Antoine Dsqert. edition was published by Beaugendre (Paris, 1708),
reprinted in P. L. They comprise many lives of saints, Marcellina, Saint, only sister of St. Ambrose of
various epistles and some elegantly written hymns. Milan, b. about 330-5; d. about 398. She was older
A French translation of his hymns was edited by than St. Ambrose, and was bom most probably at
Ropartz (Rennes, 1873). Trier, where her father resided as prcefectus pratorio
Ernault, Marhode, 6vfque de Rennes, aa vie el ses ouvragea GcUliarum. Even before her fathers dfeath sne went
i^«?6i'??ii»^^"^)f'»'Sj^Yfer7l'^^^ to Rome, the home of her f^nily and. before her
343-392. Concerning his hymns see Blumb and Dreyks, mothers arrival at the capital With her two sons, had
Analecta hymnica, I (Leipug* 1907), 388 s<^ ^^ already forsaken the world, elected to live a life of
Michael Ott. Christian virginity, and devoted herself to the prac- tices of piety and asceticism. On Christmas Day.
Marca, Pierre de, French bishop and scholar, b. probably in 353, she received the veil of consecrated
at Gan in B6am, 24 Jan., 1594, of a family distin- vir^nity from the hand of Pope Liberius. The advice,
guished in the magistracy; d. at Paris, 29 June, 1662. which the pope addressed to her on this occasion, has
After studying letters at the college of Auch and law been preserved by St. Ambrose (De viiginibus. III.
in the University of Toulouse, he became councillor i-iii), especially emphasized being the obligations of
(1615), and then president (1621), of the Parliament Christian virgins to preserve vircinal purity. After
of Pau, and finally intendant of B^am (1631), where Ambrose had become Bishop of Milan (374), he sum-
his influence greatly helped to restore the Catholic moned his sister thither, and found in her a zealous
religion almost extmguished by the queen, Jeanne assistant in fostering and extending the ascetic life
d'Albret. His wife, who had borne him four children, among the maidens of Milan. To her Ambrose dedi-
died in 1631, and from that moment he used all his cated his work on virginity, written in 377 ("Libri
spare time in studying and in writing works on reli- III de virginibus ad Marcellinam" in P. L., XVI, 187-
gious controversy, history — ^notably the "Histoire de 232). Marcellina survived her brother, and died in
B^rn " — and canon law. For the sake of utilizing his 398 or shortly afterwards. She also was buried in the
ecclesiastical learning, Louis XIII summoned him to crypt under the altar of the Ambrosian Basilica, and
Paris to be a member of the Coimcil of State (1639). was honoured as a saint. Her feast is celebrated on
At Cardinal Richelieu's request he published the 17 July.
treatise "Concordia sacerdotii et imperii" (1641), in ^ Lawrfo/w Mon^ina in Mombritius. 55., H. 95-7; AetaSS.,
which he aeu forth hb Gajlican views. After ten yea« ^'J^^^^^TrA^S^S^^^VSr.^S^^^rt^
of pious and laborious life as a widower, be aeciaed timius a Lacdb bt Alanus i>^ MACfCLANzs, Diaaert. hiaL da
to enter the priesthood. On 28 Dec., 1641, the king twnuhS. Maro^iwa wm aorom 5. Ambrosii in eiuadem im-
made him Bishop of Couserans (Gascognv^, but he SS2SiJ)KSAr^ ^ * ^* See abo bibhogntphy to
was not preconized until ten years later, after having * * J, P. Kibsch. seen his " Concordia " placed on the Index and having
signed a retractation ot the views there expressed. Sent MarceUinus, Saint, Pope, date of birth unknown; as intendant to Catalonia, which had submitted to elected 30 June, 296; died 304. According to the. France (1644), he wrote its history, under the title " Liber Pontificalis he was a Roman, son of a certain of " Marca Hispanica " ; this work was published after Projectus. The Liberian Catalogue of popes (ed. his death by his secretary, the learned Baluze. Shortly Duchesne, "Lib. Pont.'^ I, 6-7) gives 30 June as the after his return from Catalonia, Marca was made Arch- day of his election, and the years 296r-304 as the time bishop of Toulouse (28 May, 1652) . and when Innocent of his pontificate. These dates, accepted by the au* X condemned Jansenism in 1653, ne used his influence thor of the *' Idber Pontificalis , are verified by that to have the condemnation accepted. After that he ancient source. Nothing has been handed down con- inspired the chief measures taken against this heresy ceming the activities of this pope in his reign of eight in the general assemblies of the clergy (1655-60) and years. We learn from the Roman deacon Severus's received from Pope Alexander VII (1656) a highly epitaph in the Catacomb of Callistus (De Rossi, commendatory letter. Less commendable, however, Roma Sotterranea, III, 46 tav. V) that at that was his attitude when Louis XIV caused the arrest of time new burial chambers were made in the chief Cardinal de Reta, Archbishop of Paris, for his share in oemeterv of the Roman Church. Severus says that he the uprising of the Fronde. In opposition to the pope had laid out a double ctUnculum with luminare and and cler^ who were offended W this violation of arcosolium, "jussu pape sui Marcellini". This hap- ecclesia^itical immunities, Marca oeeame the king's pened before the outbreak of the great Diocletian per- cou n sp] I or. and i\Tote«;vpral pamphlets, some of them secution; for in this the Callistus Catacomb waa