plunder the rich convent of bt. Mary, and to carry oil’ the image of the Holy Virgin, which was of solid silver. Under the dis- guise of a poor blind minstrel and his mother, Robin Hood and Little John gained admit- tance to the convent; and, when the nuns and friars had returned to their cells, opened the gates to their companions. The alarm soon spread through the convent, and every one flew to the chapel for protection; but the bowmen having already entered the place, were proceeding to spoil it of what was most valuable, and to take down the silver image, when one of the nuns cried out, "Oh, mercy will they take away the gift of our queen, even while she is within our walls?” On hearing this, Robin said, "My brave comrades, desist, and let not disloyalty be ranked among our errors; this house and all within it are rendered sacred by the presence of Queen Eleanor!” The bowmen instantly obeyed their leader, and as they quitted the convent, Robin told the nuns to bless the queen for preserving their image, which otherwise would have bought wine to the Sherwood venison.
When the queen heard of the behaviour of Robin Hood, and that his respect for her alone had saved the convent from being plun- dered, she was so much pleased, that she determined to be a friend to him and his men.