good behaviour, and the services which you are able to render me by your skill and bravery, if you are inclined, never to have cause to repent of my kindness.”
Robin Hood, now Earl of Huntingdon, and his bowmen, immediately swore alle- giance to the king; and by their good con- duct afterwards, Richard was induced to place them near his own person as a body guard.
King James the Sixth on removing to London, was waited upon by the Spanish Ambassador, a man of erudition, but who had a crotchet in his head, that every country should have a professor of signs, to teach him, and the like of him, to understand one another. The ambassador was lamenting one day, before the king, this great desidera- tum throughout all Europe, when the king, who was a queerish sort of a man, says to him---" Why, I have a professor of signs in the northermost college in my dominions, viz. at Aberdeen; but it is a great way off, perhaps 600 miles,”---" Were it 10,000 leagues off I shall see him,” savs the am-