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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/132

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(4) Coquille, or Mishiklnvtitmetumie, lived on the Coquille river in Coos county, Oregon.

(5) Tal-tush-tun-tude, lived on Galiee creek, a tributary of Rogue river, in Josephine county, Oregon.

(6) Chas-ta-costa, lived on the north side of the Rogue river in Curry and Josephine counties, Oregon.

(7) Tu-tut-ni, lived on Rogue river near its mouth in Curry county, Oregon.

(8) Chet-co., lived on the Chetco river, Currj^ county, Oregon. A number of their villages were destroyed bv the whites in 1853.


(1) Quil-eute, on the Quillayute river in Clallam county, AVashington.

(2) Chim-a-kum, occupied the peninsula between Hood's canal and Port Townsend, Jefferson county, Washington.


This family of Indians occupied the shores of the Columbia from its mouth to the Dalles, and the Willamette from Oregon City to its junction with the Co- lumbia. They artificially deformed their heads. A. — Lower Ghinookan — ■

(1) Cliin-ook, lived at the mouth of the Columbia in Pacific county, Wash- ington. Their language formed the basis of the Chinook jargon and has given the name for the Chinook wind.

(2) Clatsop, the name means "dried salmon;" lived along the Columbia from its mouth to Tongue Point and along the coast to Tillamook Head in Clat- sop county, Oregon.

B. — Upper Ghinookan — These were visited by an epidemic called ague fever in 1829, which in a single summer swept away four-fifths of the people. (The heaps of unburied bones of these people on Sauvie's island is mentioned by Wyeth and by other early settlers on this island. )

(1) CatJi-la-coni-O'-tup, resided on the south side of Sauvie's island in Mult- nomah county. Oregon.

(2) Cath-la-cum-up, lived on the west bank of the lower mouth of the Wil- lamette river, Columbia county, Oregon.

(3) Cath-la-ka-he-kit, lived at the Cascades of the Columbia in Hood River county, Oregon, and Skamania county, Washington.

(4) Cath-la-mef, on the lower Columbia from Tongue Point to Puget island in Clatsop count}', Oregon.

(5) Cath-la-nah-qui-ali, lived on the southwest side of Sauvie's island, Mult- nomah county, Oregon.

(6) Cath-la-potle, lived in Clark county, Washington.

(7) Cath-lath-la-las, lived on the Columbia below the Cascades in Skamania county, Washington, and Multnomah county, Oregon.

(8) Chak-ivay-al-ham, lived near Pillar Rock on the Columbia river, Clatsop county, Oregon.