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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/138

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(e) Ea-mi-ah, lived at the present site of Kamiali, Lewis county, Idaho.

(d) Lam-ta-ma, living on White Bird creek, a tributary of the Salmon river, Idaho county, Idaho.

(e) Lap-wai, living on Lapwai creek, Nez Perce county, Idaho.

(f ) WH-le-wah, living in Wallowa county, Oregon, who under chief Joseph were the leaders of the Nez Perce war of 1877.

(2) Elick-i-tat, lived in Klickitat and Skamania counties, Washington.

(3) Pa-loose, lived on the Palouse river and the northern side of the Snake river in Whitman, Adams and Franklin counties, Washington, and Latah county, Idaho.

(3) Ten-i-no, occupied the valley of the Des Chutes river in Wasco, Sher- man, Crook, Gilliam and Morrow counties, Oregon.

(4) Ty-i-gh, occupied the Tygh river and its tributaries in Wasco county, Oregon.

(5) TJm-a-til-la, lived on the Umatilla river in Umatilla county, Oregon.

(6) Wal-la Wal-la, lived on the lower part of the Walla Walla river and on the east side of the Columbia river in Walla Walla county, W^ashington.

(7) Yak-im-a (or Cut-sah-7nhi) , lived along the Columbia river and on the upper branches of the Yakima and the Wenatchee rivers in Benton, Grant, Doug- las, Chelan, Kittitas and Yakima counties, Washington.


This family was widely extended over several states.

(1) Shoshone, occupied the entire central and southwestern part of Idaho.

(2) Ban-nocks: (a) occupied the eastern part of Idaho. Bannock, Bear, Bingham, Bonneville, Fremont and Oneida counties, (b) Occupied the Salmon river, these in 1878 revolted and caused a war.

(3) Snakes ("Pai-ute"), consisting chiefly of the Yahuskin and Wal-papi bands who occupied Southeastern Oregon.


This family of Indians extended from California into Jackson county, Ore- gon, in the vicinity of Medford.


A small family of Indian tribes, sometimes called the Upper Rogue River Indians, living in Josephine county, and adjoining parts of Curry, Jackson and Douglas counties, Oregon.


The name is derived from their word ' ' good, ' ' which Captain Cook heard at Friendly Cove, Nootka Sound, and supposed to be the name of the tribe. These Indians pursued and killed the whale. Some of the tribes extended into the west- ern part of Clallam county, Wa