Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/165

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already made such discoveries as to encourage them to proceed farther in pursuance of their said design by means whereof there may probably arise great advantage to us and our kingdom.

"And, whereas, The said undertakers, for their I'urllicr eiicouragciiienl to the said design, have humbly besought, us to iueorporatu them, and grant unto them, and their suecessors, the whole trade and commerce of all those seas, straits and l)ays,rivers, lakes, creeks and sounds in whatever latitude they shall be, that lie within the entrance of the straits commonly called Hudson sti-aits, together with all the lauds, countries and territories upon the coasts and confines of the seas, straits, bays, lakes, rivers, creeks and sound aforesaid which are not now actually possessed by any of our subjects, or the subjects of other Christian prince or state.

"Now Know Ye. Tluit we, being desirous to promote all endeavors that may tend to the public good of our people, and to encourage the said undertaking, have of our special grace, and mere motion, given, granted, ratified and con- firmed unto our said cousin. Prince Rupert (and other nobilities and persons named) all and singular the most extensive rights of a private corporation, and also the sole trade and commerce of all those seas, straits, bays, rivers, lakes, creeks and sounds, in whatsoever latitude they shall be, together with all the lands and territories upon the countries, coasts and confines of the seas, bays, lakes, rivers, creeks and sounds aforesaid, together with the fishing of all sorts of fish, whales, sturgeons and other royal fishes in the seas, bays, rivers, within the premises, and the fish therein taken together with the royalty of the sea, upon the coasts, and all mines, royal as well discovered as not discovered, of gold, silver, gems and precious stones, to be found or discovered with the territories, limits and places aforesaid, and that the laud be from henceforth reckoned and reputed as one of our colonies in America, called Rupert's land. And also, not only the whole, entire and only liberty, use and privilege of trading and traffic to and from the territories, limits and places aforesaid, but also the whole and entire trade and traffic, to and from all havens, bays, creeks, rivers, lakes and seas into which they shall find entrance or passage by water or land out of the territories, limits and places aforesaid, and to and with all the natives and peo- ple, inhabitants or which shall inhabit within the territories, limits and places aforesaid and to and with all other nations, inhabitants any of the coasts ad- jacent to the said territories aforesaid. And do grant to the said company, that neither the said territories, limits, and places hereby granted, nor any part there- of, nor the islands, havens, ports, cities, towns, and places thereof or therein con- tained shall ever be visited, frequented, or haunted by any of the subjects of us contrary to the true meaning of this grant, and any and every such person or persons who shall trade or traffic into any of such countries, territories, or limits aforesaid other than the said company and their successors, shall incur our in- dignation and the forfeiture and loss of all their goods, merchandise, and other things, whatsoever which shall be so brought into this realm of England or any dominion of the same country, to our said prohibition. ' '

In all this monopoly of trade and commerce in all the vast region from Hud- son bay west to the Pacific ocean, the charter conferred upon the company and its governors and chief factors, the sovereign rights of civil and military govern- ment of the region. Some people protest against the corporations and mouoiio-