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Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/297

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Russell, Osborn; plarc oi' liii-tli, Ohio; born, ISICI; clnircli prcferencp, un- known; aiTived in Oregon, 1S42.

Shortess, Robert; iilacc nf biilli, I'l^nnsylvimia : born, 1804; elum-li [irei'er- ence, Methodist; arrixcil in (>i'c^on. 1S4(I.

Sniitli, Alvin T. ; place oT birth, Oonnedirut ; liorn, 1.SU2 ; elnireh preference, Congregationalist ; arrived in Oregon, 1840.

Smith, Sidney; place of birth, New York; born, 1809; cluirch preference, unknown; arrived in Oregon, 1839.

Smith, Solomon II.; place of birth, New Hampshire; born, 1809; church preference, Congregationalist ; arrived in Oregon, 1832.

Tibbetts, Calvin; place of birth, Massachusetts; church preference, Congre- gationalist; arrived in Oregon, 1832.

Weston, David; place of birth, Indiana; born, 1820; church preference, un- known; arrived in Oregon, 1842.

Wilkins, Caleb; place of birth, Ohio; born, 1810; church preference. Baptist; arrived in Oregon, 1835.

Wilson, A. E.; place of birth. Massachusetts; church preference, unknown; arrived in Oregon, 1842.

Willson, Dr. W. H. ; place of birth. New Hampshire; born, 1805; church preference, Methodist; arrived in Oregon, 1837.


Alabama, 1 ; Canada, 2; Connecticut 4; District of Columbia, 1; England, 5; Indiana, 1; Ireland, 1; Kentucky, 1; Maine, 1; Massachusetts, 4; New Hamp- shire, 3; New York, lO"; North Carolina, 1; Ohio, 3; Pennsylvania, 4; Vermont, 2 ; Virginia, 1 ; Scotland, 1 ; Unspecified, 6. Total, 52.

Church preference : Baptists, 3 ; Catholics, 4 ; Congregationalists, 6 ; Episco- palians, 7; jMethodists, 14: Presbyterians, 8; unknown, 10. Total, 52.



Aubichon, Alexis ; Aubichon, Jean B. ; Ausant, Louis ; Arquoit, Amable ; Bargeau, Cyfois; Beleque, Pierre; Biscornais, Pascal; Boivers, Louis; Bonenfant, Antoine; Briscbois, Alexis; Briscbois, Olivier; Brunelle, Joseph; Chalifoux, Andre ; Chamberlain, Adolph ; Cornoyer, Joseph ; Delard, Joseph ; Depot, Pierre ; Despart, Joseph; Donpierre, David; Dubois, Andre; Ducharme, Jean B. ; Felice, Antoine ; Forcier, Louis ; Gagnon, Luc ; Gauthier, Pierre ; Gervais, Joseph ; Gin- gras, Jean ; Gregoire, Etienne ; La Chapelle, Andre ; La Bonte, Louis ; Laderout, Xavier ; Laferte, Michelle ; La Framboise, Michelle ; Lalcoure, Jean B. ; Lambert Augustin; La Pratte. Alexis; Longtain, Andre; Lore, Moyse ; Matte, Joseph; Maloin, Fabien; IMongrain, David; Papin, Pierre: Pariseau, Pierre; Remon, Augustin ; Roi, Thomas ; Rondeau, Charles ; Sanders, Andre ; Senecalle, Gideon : Servant, Jaques; Van Dalle. Louis B.

  • All Catholics. After permanent organization, the majority of these men acted the

part of good citizens by supporting the Provisional Government; and all became naturalized as soon as possible after the United States extended its jurisdiction over the "Oregon Country," March 3, 1849.