Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/705

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washed away by a torrential cloud-burst a dozen years ago, but has since been rebuilt on higher and safer ground. The census shows the followiug growth of population.

For the year 1890— 4.211.') ; lOOO— 1.151 ; I'JIU— 4,;557.

Gilliam county was organized in the year 1885, and named in honor of Colonel Cornelius Gilliam, an Oregon pioneer of 1844, and who was accidentally killed at Wells Springs in the territory of that county while in command of a regiment of Oregon volunteers who had gone out to capture the murderers of Dr. Whitman. Gilliam was a good man, a good citizen, a good soldier and deserved the honor, its county seat is Condon, in honor of Thomas Condon.

The growth of the population of the county is shown by the census reports as follows:

For the year 1890—3,600; 1900—3.201; 1910—3,701.

Wallowa county was organized on February 11, 1887, being carved out of the territory of Union county, and is located in the northeastern corner of the State. The county gets its name from the beautiful Lake and river which dis- tinguishes the beautiful mountain valley, the most attractive mountain scenery of the whole State, and not excelled by that of any other region in the world. This beautiful valley was the home of that branch of the Nez Perce tribe of Indians whose government was the rule of the great Indian Chief Joseph, and whose likeness appears on another page. Joseph and his people claimed that they had been unjustly driven out of the valley by the white man, and on being refused restoration to their ancient home went to war in 1877, and being at- tacked by the U. S. Troops under General 0. 0. Howard, Joseph effected such a masterly and successful retreat over the Rockj' Mountains as to win the re- spect and admiration of the General and all his men. To recognize the dis- tinguished Chief the settlers in the valley have named their principal town "Joseph" in honor of the Indian; the only town or county named in honor of an Indian on the Pacific Coast.

The census reports of the county show population as follows: For 1890 — 3,661 ; 1900—5,538 ; 1910—8,364 ; Enterprise is the county seat.

Malheur county was organized by the legislature February 17, 1887. It occupies the southeastern corner of the State. It gets the name from the prin- cipal river in the county; and the river got the name from the fact that the Indians had stolen a cache of furs and goods the Hudson's Bay Co. trapper, Peter Skene Ogden, had hid on the banks of the river. The word is pronounced as if spelled "Maloor, " and is a French tei-m signifying "bad luck." It is as yet a sparsely settled region. But now in this year 1912, the Oregon Short Line iailroad is being constructed westerly across the county.

The census reports population of the county as follows :

For 1890—2,601 : 1900—4,203 ; 1910—8.601 : The County seat is now at tlie town of Vale.

Harney county was created by legislative enactment February 25, 1889, and embraces the great Harnej* Valley, including the large lakes Malheur and Harney. The county is named in honor of ilajor-General William S. Harney, a distinguished soldier of the United States army, who had seen bard service fight- % ing Indians in Florida, Illinois and Oregon, besides active service in the war with Mexico, and finally against the Southern rebels in Missouri, Being given