Page:Chandler Harris--Tales of the home folks in peace and war.djvu/226

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they call 'em. You took Dutch leave. The Cap said if you did n't come back in ten days he 'd send a file of men after you, and then your cake would 'a' been all dough. But now you 've come back of your own free will, and the case is mixed. You are bound to be arrested. All that 's been fixed, and that 's the reason I 've been comin' to the train every day sence you 've been gone. I wanted to arrest you myself."

"Then I 'm a prisoner," suggested little Billy.

"That 's about the size and shape of it," replied Private Chadwick.

His tone was so emphatic that little Billy looked at him. But there was a kindly light in the private's eyes and a pleasant smile lurking under his mustache: so that the young fellow thought he might safely go back to his grief again.

When they arrived at camp, Private Chadwick, with a great show of fierce formality, led little Billy to the guard tent, and there placed him in charge of a newly-made corporal, who knew so little of his duties that he went inside the tent, placed his gun on the ground, and had a long familiar chat with the prisoner.