Page:Chandra Shekhar.djvu/26

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dalani begum

THE ruler of Bengal, Behar and Orissa, Nawab Alija Mir Kasim Khan was then residing in the Monghyr Castle. Within the castle, in the seraglio, was the Rangamahal,* a part of which was looking exceptionally grand and beautiful. It was still the first part of night. Within the royal apartment, there lay stretched, on the beautifully painted floor, an exceedingly soft piece of carpet. A silver lamp, with fragrant oil, was burning there. The chamber was filled with the fragrance of sweet-scented flowers. Resting her little head on a soft silk pillow, there was lying, on a bed, a young lady of small size and girl-like appearance, reading, with careful study, the difficult texts of the Gulesthan.* She was seventeen, but her short-built frame made her look like a pretty little