Page:Chandrasekhar - On the decay of plane shock waves.djvu/23

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It is of interest to compare these results with those of Penney and Dasgupta. Though these authors considered an initial shock pulse with a Mach number in the neighborhood of 3, it is seen that their curves illustrating the velocity in the pulse at various instants are very similar to those illustrated in Fig. 3.

We may further note that, according to equations (31) and (32), for γ = 1.4


It is possible that the laws


are more general than their derivations from equation (31) and (32) would suggest.

Table II

qt qxmax U umax qt qxmax U umax
0 0.434 1.24 0.361 004.878 006.000 1.10 0.159
0.195 0.673 1.22 0.334 008.199 009.616 1.08 0.128
0.450 0.982 1.20 0.306 015.375 017.28 1.06 0.097
0.796 1.394 1.18 0.277 035.88 038.77 1.04 0.065
1.280 1.960 1.16 0.248 146.6 152.5 1.02 0.033
1.986 2.771 1.14 0.219 1.00 0.000
3.074 3.999 1.12 0.189

3. On the General Solution of Shock-Pulses with Q = Constant. In §2 we have discussed the special case of linear shock pulses which are characterized by Q = Constant throughout. In this section we shall briefly indicate how the most general shock pulses under the circumstances Q = constant can be
