Page:Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times Vol 2.djvu/17

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Concerning VIRTUE.

All these sorts both of Dæmonism, Polytheism, Atheism, and Theism, may be[1] mix'd. Religion excludes only perfect Atheism. Perfect Dæmonists undoubtedly there are in Religion; because we know whole Nations who worship a Devil or Fiend, to whom they sacrifice and offer Prayers and Supplications, in reality on no other account than because they fear him. And we know very well that, in some Religions, there are those who expresly give no other Idea of God, than of a Being arbitrary, vio-

  1. As thus:
    1. Theism with Dæmonism: 2. Dæmonism with Polytheism: 3. Theism with Atheism: 4. Dæmonism with Atheism: 5. Polytheism with Atheism: 6. Theism (as it stands in opposition to Dæmonism, and denotes Goodness in the superior Deity) with Polytheism: 7. The same Theism or Polytheism with Dæmonism: 8. Or with Dæmonism and Atheism.

    1. As when the one chief Mind, or Sovereign Being, is (in the Believer's sense) divided between a good and an ill Nature, by being the Cause of Ill as well as Good: Or otherwise, when Two distinct and contrary Principles subsist; one, the Author of all Good, the other of all Ill.
    2. As when there is not one, but several corrupt Minds who govern; which Opinion may be call'd Polydæmonism.
    3. As when Chance is not excluded, but God and Chance divide,
    4. As when an evil Dæmon and Chance divide.
    5. As when many Minds and Chance divide.
    6. As when there are more principal Minds than one, but agreeing in Good, with one and the same Will and Reason.
    7 As when the same System of Deity or corresponding Deity subsists, together with a contrary Principle, or with several contrary Principles or governing Minds.
    8. As when the last Case is, together with Chance.
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