Page:Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times Vol 2.djvu/56

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it; which only false Religion, or fantastical Opinion, deriv'd commonly from Superstition and Credulity, is able to effect.


Now as to the last Case, The Opposition made by other Affections to the natural Sense of Right and Wrong.

'Tis evident, that a Creature having this sort of Sense or good Affection in any degree, must necessarily act according to it; if it happens not to be oppos'd, either by some settled sedate Affection towards a conceiv'd private Good, or by some sudden, strong and forcible Passion, as of Lust or Anger; which may not only subdue the Sense of Right and Wrong, but the very Sense of private Good it-self; and overrule even the most familiar and receiv'd Opinion of what is conducing to Self-interest.

But it is not our business in this place to examine the several Means or Methods by which this Corruption is introduc'd or increas'd. We are to consider only how the Opinions concerning a Deity can influence one way or another.
